
huì méng
  • meetings of sovereigns or their deputies in ancient China to form alliances;meetings of sovereigns of their deputies in ancient China to form alliances
会盟 [huì méng]
  • [meetings of sovereigns of their deputies in ancient China to form alliances] 古时诸侯会集结盟

  • 会盟而谋弱秦。-- 汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

会盟[huì méng]
  1. 宋国曾追随晋国多次参与战争、会盟等。

    Song followed Jin many times involving in the war , alliance etc. .

  2. 从东周会盟争霸论共主政治的发展与演变

    Discuss on the Development of the Government System of Hegemony in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

  3. 会盟问题,是春秋史领域一个颇值得深入研究的课题。

    The problem of alliance , is virtually worth researching in historical field of spring and autumn period .

  4. 春秋时期邦交中发生的重大历史事件都与会盟有着或多或少的联系。

    The famous historical affairs which had happened in the Spring and Autumn Period had connected with the alliance more and less .

  5. 会盟制度是清政府在边境少数民族地区推行的非常有效的统治措施。

    The institution of the chieftains ' gathering is a very effective ruling measure taken by the Qing government in the border minority areas .

  6. 大昭寺前的广场上还矗立着公元823年为双方会盟建立的唐蕃会盟碑。

    The Tang-Tubo Alliance Monument marking the meeting for this purpose between Tang and Tubo erected in 823 still stands in the square in front of the Jokhang Monastery .

  7. “诚信”,作为中国古代的一项道德原则,产生于远古的祭祀活动,发展于春秋的会盟活动。

    Principle of Good Faith , a moral principle in ancient China , evolved from the sacrificial rites in remote antiquity and developed in the assembly activities in Spring-and-Autumn Period .

  8. 会盟争霸是东周时期突出的社会现象,并经历了一个由盛而衰的发展演变过程。

    Monarchs met to form alliances and strived for supremacy was an outstanding social phenomenon in the Eastern Zhou dynasty , and it also experienced a development process from prosperity to declination .

  9. 这次会盟史称“葵丘之会”。葵丘之会规定各国和睦相处,互不侵犯。任何成员国受到外敌攻击,其他各国均应救援。

    The meeting decided that states creating a friendly alliance should never attack each other , and that they had to assist each other if one partner should be attacked by an enemy .

  10. 宋成公、昭公、文公、共公都曾参加诸侯国的会盟活动,会盟仍是这一时期宋国历史的重要组成部分。

    The Duke Cheng Zhao Wen Gong of Song participated in the activities of the vassal states of the Union . Alliance was still an important part of the history in this period .

  11. 公元前651年,齐桓公在葵丘(今河南民权县东北)大会诸侯,参加会盟的有齐、鲁、宋、卫、郑、许、曹等国的国君,周天子也派代表参加。

    In 651 B. C. , Qi organized a meeting at Kuiqiu ( now Northeast of Minquan County in Henan ) with the participation of the monarchs of Lu , Song , Wei , Zheng , Xu and Cao participating in . Even the Zhou King sent his representative .

  12. 于是饱受大国战争之苦的宋,于周简王七年(.公元前579年)和周灵王二十六年(公元前546年),发起举行了两次弭兵会盟,晋楚两国平分了霸权。

    Therefore , in 579 B. C. and again in 546 B. C. , the state of Song , which had suffered enormously from the warfare among the big states , called a peace conference to stop wars . It succeeded in attaining its goal that the two big states Jin and Chu shared the hegemony equally .