
huì yì lǚ yóu
  • convention trip
  1. 主要包括了风景旅游城市杭州会议旅游发展模式分析和桂林市会议旅游发展SWOT分析。

    Including development pattern of conference tourism about Hang zhou , SWOT analysis on conference tourism of Guilin .

  2. 上海杨浦区会议旅游质量评价的实证研究

    A case study on the Convention tourist quality evaluation in Shanghai

  3. 第三章:桂林市会议旅游发展问题研究。

    Chapter III : Development of conference tourism in Guilin .

  4. 黄山市发展会议旅游的思考

    An Initial Thought on Convention Tourism in Huangshan City

  5. 商务会议旅游为新加坡做出了突出的经济贡献。

    The business and MICE tourism have contributed a lot to the economy .

  6. 休闲度假、会议旅游+房地产开发模式;

    Leisure-tourism , meeting tourism and real estate development ;

  7. 第四章:区域合作下桂林市会议旅游发展的对策研究。

    Chapter IV : By regional cooperation Tourism Development Strategy of meeting in Guilin .

  8. 本研究正是在会议旅游竞争日益加剧的背景下提出,并为会议旅游城市评价提供借鉴与依据。

    This paper based on the background of growing competition in the Conference-Tourism field .

  9. 会议旅游市场促销

    On Convention Tourism Market Promotion

  10. 会议旅游研究

    A Study of Convention Tourism

  11. 本研究的目的是城市竞争力理论在会议旅游领域的拓展和完善。

    The purpose of this paper is developing and completing The City-Competitiveness Theory in the Conference-Tourism field .

  12. 会议旅游度假区作为度假区的诸多种类之一,也将面临一个快速发展的阶段。

    Conference tourism resort area as an important tourist resort type , will also be faced with a rapidly developing stage .

  13. 我国发达的休闲旅游配合会议旅游起到了完美的补充作用,尤其是在吸收非高峰时期会议资源方面。

    The synergies of the country 's developed leisure tourism sector perfectly complement the conference market , especially in absorbing off-peak capacity .

  14. 近几年来,我国的会议旅游发展迅速,成为许多饭店的重要客源市场。

    In recent years , it also develops very fast in China and turns to be one important customer source of hotel .

  15. 而会议旅游作为一项以会议为载体而开展的旅游活动,与一般的旅游活动有联系也有区别。

    And conference tourism as a vehicle for the Conference to carry out tourism activities , and is different from general tourism activities .

  16. 虽然城市会议旅游竞争力的理论研究还处于探索和发展阶段,但笔者希望本研究能够为城市会议旅游竞争力研究的进一步深入提供帮助。

    Although the study of Conference-Tourism Competitiveness is still in the exploration and development phase , this paper can provide guidance in Conference-Tourism Competitiveness field for further study .

  17. 购物观光,无比便利,罗湖火车站近在咫尺,尽握天时地利,是您商务或会议旅游的理想选择。

    Shopping and sightseeing , unparalleled convenience , the Lo Wu Railway Station in close proximity , to hold day location , is your business or tourism meeting the ideal choice .

  18. 如何顺应发展的趋势,做好会议旅游度假区的景观设计,需要在景观规划设计实践中不断总结和完善。

    How to follow the development trend to do landscape design of the conference tourism resort area well , needs to constantly sum up and improve the practice of landscape planning .

  19. 据统计,河北省旅游收入中主要是观光游、度假游、会议旅游等,所开展的旅游项目也多是此类。

    According to statistics , sightseeing tours , holiday travel and conference tourism are the major forms of tourism revenues and the project carried out is also as such in Hebei Province .

  20. 因此,笔者认为,一定程度上会议旅游活动的旅游客体除了通常我们所讲的旅游资源和旅游设施之外,还应包括会议资源。

    Therefore , I believe , to some extent , tourism object of the conference tourism is what we usually talk about tourism resources and tourism facilities , and it also includes conference resources .

  21. 本研究从参会代表的角度出发,建立会议旅游质量评价的量表,找出参会代表评价会议旅游产品质量的主要因素,探索决定参会代表评价会议旅游产品质量的主要原因。

    This thesis constructed the evaluation scale for convention tourism quality , based on which main factors of convention tourism quality evaluated by delegates were abstracted , and then explored the reasons determing their evaluation .

  22. 联系的是会议旅游作为一项专项旅游,具有旅游活动的一般特征,如旅游异地性等;区别的是会议旅游除了是旅游活动之外,更重要是它是因会议而引发的旅游活动。

    Contact the conference tourism as a special tourism , with tourism in general features , such as the tourism off-site , etc ; more importantly , difference between the conference tourism and tourism activities is that it is triggered by the Conference of tourism activities .

  23. 城心井茗苑酒店是你商务,会议,旅游的理想之所。

    Central wall well hotel is an idyllic spot for business , meeting and travelling .

  24. 提供商务会议,旅游观光,家庭聚会,公司社团等租车服务!

    Provide business meetings , sightseeing , family gatherings , corporate community and other car rental services !

  25. 是中外宾客商务、会议、旅游、休闲的理想场所。

    Chinese and foreign guests is a business , conference , tourism , the ideal place for leisure .

  26. 是朋友聚会,商务考察、会议、旅游度假理想的住宿地点。

    Is a gathering of friends , business fact-finding mission , meetings , stay at the tourist resort ideal location .

  27. 一位巴黎会议和旅游局的官员,匿名告诉环球时报,巴黎的大部分地区是安全的。

    An official with the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Paris who asked to remain anonymous told the Global Times that the majority of areas in Paris are safe .

  28. 根据曼斯菲尔德/里奇兰县会议和旅游管理局的统计,2013年,该电影为本地带来了18000多位游客和大约300万美元的经济增长。

    according to the Mansfield / Richland County Convention and Visitors Bureau , the movie brought in more than 18000 visitors , and produced an estimated $ 3 million boost to the local economy in 2013 .

  29. 自从《肖申克的救赎》公映之后,此地的旅游业逐年增长。根据曼斯菲尔德/里奇兰县会议和旅游管理局的统计,2013年,该电影为本地带来了18000多位游客和大约300万美元的经济增长。

    Tourism has increased every year since Shawshank had its premiere ; according to the Mansfield / Richland County Convention and Visitors Bureau , the movie brought in more than 18,000 visitors , and produced an estimated $ 3 million boost to the local economy in 2013 .

  30. 在世界范围内,MICE(公司会议、奖励旅游、大型会议、展览)产业都是旅游业中增长速度最快的部门之一。

    MICE ( Meetings , Incentives , Conventions & Exhibitions ) industry is one of the most fast-growing segments in tourism worldwide .