
  • 网络Religious tourism;religious tour;Religious Travel
  1. 莆田市宗教旅游的可持续发展初探

    The Sustainable Development on Religious Tourism of Putian

  2. 宗教旅游开发研究&以广东南华寺为例

    DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM ── A Case Study of Nanhua Temple in Guangdong Province

  3. 莆田市宗教旅游开发研究

    A Research on the Exploitation of the Religion Tour in Putian

  4. 桂林西山宗教旅游开发可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Exploiting Religion Tourism of Guilin Xishan Mountain

  5. 浅议庐山宗教旅游资源特点及其开发

    Discussion on the Mt. Lushan Religion Tourist Resources Characteristic and Its Development

  6. 我国的宗教旅游资源及深度开发

    Religious tourist resources and their further exploitation in China

  7. 宗教旅游是市场规模大、需求稳定的优质旅游客源市场,西部地区拥有发展宗教旅游的良好基础;

    There is a good base for developing religion tourism in west areas .

  8. 桂林民俗宗教旅游开发

    Development of folklore religious tourism in Guilin

  9. 论南岳宗教旅游资源的开发

    Development of Nanyue Religious Tour Resources

  10. 在众多的历史文化遗产中宗教旅游资源占非常大的比例,共占历史文化遗产总量的45.5%。

    Religious tourist resource contains a large share of Historical and Cultural Heritage , comprise 45.5 % .

  11. 因此,通过研究佛寺与宋代旅游之间的关系,对于今天的宗教旅游具有借鉴作用。

    The study of the relationship between tourism and Buddhist temple also has positive significance to modern religions travel .

  12. 但西部地区宗教旅游开发、推广和保护力度不够。

    However , the development , advance and protection of religion tourism in west areas is not done well enough .

  13. 因此,对宗教旅游利益相关者进行深度研究具有理论意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , research of stakeholder management of religious tourist areas is very meaningful both in theory and in reality .

  14. 大同最著名的旅游产品如云冈石窟、悬空寺等均是宗教旅游资源。

    The most famous tourism product such as Yungang Grottoes and Hanging Temple in Datong City are both religious tourist resources .

  15. 宗教旅游是一种植根于宗教历史文化资源的旅游活动,是文化旅游的一个重点内容。

    Religious tourism is a religion rooted in historical and cultural resources of tourism , cultural tourism is a key content .

  16. 宗教旅游作为一种以宗教文化为核心的旅游体验活动,是国内外旅游学术界重要的研究内容。

    Religious tourism , as a kind of experiencing activity with the core of religious culture , is an important research content .

  17. 在诸多类型的旅游景区中,宗教旅游景点(区)由于包涵着博大精深的宗教文化,对旅游者具有神秘而且强大的吸引力。

    In many types of scenic area , religious tourism areas have mysterious and powerful effect on tourists because of its profound culture .

  18. 健康旅游借以实现的载体形式主要是:疗养旅游、森林旅游、体育旅游和宗教旅游。

    The carriers which the health tourism builds upon are the Recuperate Tourism , the Forest Tourism , the Physical Tourism and the Religion Tourism .

  19. 随着道教的传播和地位的提高,宫观数量猛增,宗教旅游获得发展,宫观经济显著发展。

    Along with dissemination and status enhancement of Taoism , Taoist monastery quantity increases continuously , the Religious Tourism and the Taoist temple economy was developed obviously .

  20. 从社会结构理论的视角,分析了宗教旅游资源的构成及其可开发的内容,提出了宗教旅游资源的开发体系。

    This paper , from theory of social structure , analyzed the structure of tourism resources of religion and its development contents , and put forward its development system .

  21. 开发民俗宗教旅游对增强桂林旅游市场的竞争力、扩大旅游产品的吸引力、提高旅游经济效益均具有重要的意义。

    Developing folklore religious tourism is of great importance for Guilin 's tourism industry . It is hopeful to build Guilin 's competitive forces , increase tourism attraction and improve economic revenue as well .

  22. 针对存在的问题结合资源的评价结果,提出了4种宗教旅游资源开发模式:宗教文化游、宗教休闲购物游、宗教生态游和宗教观光度假游。

    According to the problems and the evaluation of the resources , 4 development modes have been put forward . They are religious culture tourism , religious leisure shopping tourism , ecological tourism and sightseeing vacation tourism .

  23. 文章以苏南(苏州、无锡、常州)为例,对其宗教旅游资源及特征作了综合评估,并提出了一系列开发苏南宗教旅游资源的对策。

    Based on the analysis of South Jiangsu , this paper makes a comprehensive evaluation on the tourist resources of religion in South Jiangsu and puts forward a series of measures with regard to the development of tourist resources .

  24. 过去15年间,中国道观数量增加了两倍以上,达到5000座。每个地方,只要有山,只要有哪怕那么一点点信仰佛教的历史,就在大举投资发展宗教旅游业。

    In the past 15 years , the number of Taoist temples in China has more than tripled to 5,000 , and every community with a mountain and even the faintest history of Buddhist tendencies is investing heavily in religious tourism .

  25. 从实际地理差异出发,具有空间组合优势的自然旅游景观,祖籍地的历史文化旅游景观,祖庙宗教旅游景观等是福建重点旅游资源。

    Thus , from the realities of geographic difference , Fujian Province should emphasize the tourist resources for Taiwan 's tourism on the natural tourist landscape , historical culture landscape in the ancestral residence and ancestral temple-religion culture landscape with advantage of space combinations .

  26. 当下随着宗教旅游活动的深入,传统宗教场所的发展面临极大挑战,很多宗教旅游景点发展都面临着如下问题:餐饮、住宿、停车、娱乐等旅游接待功能不够完善等。

    With the current depth of religious tourism , the development of the traditional sites face some challenges , many religious development of tourist attractions are facing the following problems : catering , accommodation , parking , entertainment and other hospitality functions are not perfect .

  27. 南岳衡山宗教文化旅游产业SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Religion Cultural Tourism of Nanyue Hengshan Mountain

  28. 云南宗教文化旅游开发热点问题透视

    Development and Utilization of the Religion Cultural Tourism Resource in Yunnan

  29. 北京宗教文化旅游资源评价研究

    The Research of Religious Culture Tourist Resource Evaluation in Beijing City

  30. 关于我区宗教文化旅游产业发展的调查报告

    Report on Development of Religious Culture Tourism Industry in Lushan District