
huì yì wén jiàn
  • Meeting documents;conference papers
  1. 全面推进素质教育的新阶段&学习全国教育工作会议文件的几点体会

    A New Stage to Promote Quality Education in an All-round Way

  2. 海洋法会议文件数据基

    Law of the Sea Conference documents data base

  3. 透过南极条约协商会议文件和议案看南极事务第二次埃斯基普拉斯首脑会议文件

    Perspective Analysis on Antarctic Affairs Based on Paper and Recommendation of Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

  4. 一种互联网视频会议文件群发的设计和实现

    Design and Implement of a Multicast File Transfer System in Video Conference System over the Internet

  5. 纳米比亚代表团感谢秘书处准备的会议文件,并赞赏总干事对本组织的领导。

    The delegation of Namibia thanked the Secretariat for the meeting documents and paid tribute to the director general 's leadership of the organization .

  6. 所有会议文件将保存在新加坡,并且用英语书写、适用英国法律?

    All proceedings will be held in Singapore , and shall be conducted in the English language and England law will apply to the merits .

  7. 地图数据源自地政总署、康乐及文化事务署及立法会会议文件。

    Data for the map were obtained from Lands Department , Leisure and Cultural Services Department ( LSCD ) and from Legislative Council meeting document .

  8. 从本次委员会会议文件来看,非洲卫生官员确知影响非洲区域卫生工作的阻碍因素。

    From the documents prepared for this Committee , it is clear that African health officials understand the impediments to better health in this region with great precision .

  9. 本文为蒸压粉煤灰微孔硅酸盐砌块技术鉴定会议文件之一,是研制过程的工作报告。

    This paper , one of the documents issued on the technical appraisal seminar of Autoclaved Fly Ash Microporous Silicate Block , is a working report about manufacturing .

  10. 这类会议文件一般包括会议的日期、时间、与会人数和与会人员的名单、会议的议事日程、针对会议日程上的每一点的具体内容,以及行动项。

    Such a document typically contains the date and time of the meeting , number and names of attendees , the agenda and , against each of the points on the agenda , the action items .

  11. powerpoint无法保存会议列表文件。

    PowerPoint couldn 't save the conference list file .

  12. 国际商业仲裁讨论会联合国国际商务仲裁会议最后文件

    Final Act of the United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration

  13. 欧洲安全和合作会议最后文件

    Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

  14. 大会第十二届特别会议结论文件

    Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly

  15. 联合国海洋法会议最后文件

    Final Act of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea

  16. 国际海上载运核物质法律会议最后文件

    Final Act of the International Legal Conference on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Substances

  17. 我这里有份投资会议的文件。

    Man : I 've got the file here on the investment conference .

  18. 事实上,最近我准备了很多有关此次会议的文件。

    In fact , I have prepared a lot for the meeting recently .

  19. 保护南极海洋生物资源会议最后文件

    Final Act of the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

  20. 第四次联合国世界裁军运动认捐会议最后文件

    Final Act of the Fourth United Nations Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign

  21. 我注意到本届会议的文件明确表达了这一愿望。

    I find this desire readily apparent in the documents prepared for this session .

  22. 柬埔寨问题巴黎会议最后文件

    Final Act of the Paris Conference on Cambodia

  23. 无效的会议列表文件。

    Not a valid conference list file .

  24. 中国代表团要求将上述发言作为会议正式文件散发。

    My delegation requests the circulation of this statement as an official document of this session .

  25. 雅加达首脑会议最后文件

    Final Document of the Jakarta Summit

  26. 从功能翻译理论角度看公司简介英译口译、会议和文件司

    A Functionalist Approach to the Chinese-English Translation of Company Profiles ; Interpretation , Meetings and Documentation Division

  27. 联合国跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群会议最后文件;

    Final act of the United Nations Conference on straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks ;

  28. 要大力精简会议和文件,切实解决当前严重存在的“文山会海”问题。

    No effort should be spared to cut the number of meetings and official papers to a minimum .

  29. 这进而要求我们信守在此前的主要国际会议成果文件中所做的承诺。

    Furthermore , this requires the honoring of all commitments made in the outcome documents of previous major international conferences .

  30. 第三次联合国海洋法会议正式文件参考总卷;

    Master file containing reference to official documents of the Third United Nations Conference on the law of the sea ;