
  • 网络payment system;payment /clearing system
  1. 至于其新开发的支付体系,苹果将与各大零售商进行合作,如有机食品连锁店wholefoods和沃尔格林,以及信用卡公司,包括万事达卡和Visa卡。

    For its new payment system it teamed up with big retailers , such as Whole Foods and Walgreens , and credit-card firms , including MasterCard and Visa .

  2. 而M0是流通中的现金,虽然流动性很强,但在现今比较发达的支付体系中只是流通货币量的一部分,与物价直接关系不大。

    M0 as the cash in current , though very liquid , is only part of the currency in current in the modern developed payment system .

  3. 基本的解决方式,如改变医保服务的落实方法以及畸形低效的医生支付体系等,都必须要通过反复试验和积累来达成。

    The fundamental fix — reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful , abnormal system — is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental gains .

  4. 文章对移动电子商务中的支付体系进行了深入的探讨,提出了适合移动电子商务发展的MSET移动支付模型,并用BAN逻辑对其安全性进行了验证。

    This paper deeply discuss the architecture of m-commerce payment system , puts forward the M-SET reference model , and prove the security reliability using BAN logic .

  5. WAP移动支付体系结构研究

    System of Mobile Payment Based on WAP

  6. 介绍了基于Internet网络支付体系的基本构成、基本特征、基本模式。

    Main research work in this thesis is as follows : ( 1 ) Introduction to the produce and defining of Internet payment , the basic structure 、 character and pattern about Internet payment .

  7. 此外,我们移动SNS应用的支付体系建立在正在使用第三方支付的基础上,即不是通过运营商代计费。

    In addition , our mobile SNS spending is based on third party payment , i.e.not via carried based billing .

  8. 通过该支付体系,用户通过终端POS机具,选择相应的功能,最终完成支付交易。

    Through this system , the user could select the appropriate function through the POS terminal , and finally completes the payment transactions .

  9. 绩效支付体系(PRP)是一种把额外支付与绩效或贡献直接联系的支付方法,作为一种科学管理手段出现于19世纪末期。

    Performance related pay ( PRP ) is a method of payment whereby additional payment is directly linked to performance or contribution .

  10. DRGs支付体系和健康维护组织(HMO)是两种较为成功的供方控制方法,对完善我国的医疗保障体制具有一定的借鉴意义。

    DRGs and HMO are two successful approaches on controlling health care expenses , which can be used as reference to improve the health insurance system in China .

  11. 其中一位抗议者是常驻伦敦的开发人员科林伯吉斯(KolinBurges),他在周二表示他对比特币作为替代支付体系的信仰没有动摇。

    One of the protesters , London-based developer Kolin Burges , said on Tuesday that his faith in Bitcoin as an alternative payment system had not been shaken .

  12. 济宁市第一人民医院绩效支付体系效果评价

    The Evaluation of the Performance Payment System of Ji'ning First Hospital

  13. 支付体系是经济金融体系的重要组成部分,是国家经济金融运行的基础。

    Payment system is a very important part of economy sytem .

  14. 现代支付体系发展与货币政策机制调整

    The Development of Modern Payment System and the Adjustment of Monetary Regime

  15. 美元是国际支付体系中的核心。

    The dollar is the linchpin of the system of international payments .

  16. 绩效支付体系在卫生部门的应用

    Use of performance related pay in the health sector

  17. 绩效支付体系的发展及其争议

    Development of and disputes about performance related pay

  18. 支付体系变革及其对中央银行的挑战

    Payment System Reform and Challenges for Central Banks

  19. 在国际支付体系中,很难看到人民币的身影。

    In the international payment system , the currency is hardly to be seen .

  20. 协会也收集和传播有关出口融资和下属地区的支付体系的数据资料。

    The association also collects and disseminate data on export financing and sub-regional payments systems .

  21. 完善国库集中支付体系推进高校财务改革

    Perfect Centralized Payment System of State Treasury to Carry Out Financial Reforms in Colleges and Universities

  22. 绩效支付体系不仅是一个管理问题,同时也是一个卫生经济政策问题。

    PRP is not only an issue of management but also one of policy on health economy .

  23. 第四,建立符合电子商务要求的支付体系和税收征管体系;

    Fourth , set up the payment system which accords with E-commerce requirements and tax collection and management system ;

  24. 第四,银行部门为现代财政和企业体制的发展提供必要的国家支付体系。

    Fourth , the banking sector provides the indispensable national payments mechanism for the development of modern financial and business systems .

  25. 随着计算机、网络通讯技术的日新月异和电子商务的迅猛发展,电子商务支付体系的构建已初具雏形。

    With the rapid development of e-commerce and computer network communication technology changing , e-commerce payment system has begun to take embryonic .

  26. 提出了电子商务监控体系应从网络支付体系入手,监控收入来源地、交易内容及货款的流量。

    Monitor system in e-commerce should start with the network payment system and monitor the source , trading content and payment flow .

  27. 外汇市场不同于其它市场,因为它作为支付体系的一部分,并非所有交易都体现投资者的观点。

    Currencies are unlike other markets since , as part of the payments system , not all trades reflect an investor view .

  28. 支付体系是开展电子商务必备条件,是目前制约中国电子商务发展的最大瓶颈。

    Payment system is the prerequisite for development of electronic commerce , China is restricting the development of the biggest bottlenecks in e-commerce .

  29. 医院绩效管理与绩效支付体系的构建和运行是医院实现自己的战略目标的重要步骤。

    The implementing of performance management and constructing of Performance-Related Pay is a key step for a hospital to realize its strategically goal .

  30. 它是支付体系的核心,是实现上述功能的各类业务信息系统的有机整合,是信息系统的集群。

    Payment system is the core of national payment , and it is the organic integration of variety business information systems to realize above-mentioned functions .