
zhī fù wéi yuē jīn
  • payment of liquidated damages and penalties
  1. 可以提前提取存款,但要支付违约金。

    People can withdraw their money early but they have to pay a penalty .

  2. (八)支付违约金;

    Payment of breach of contract damages ;

  3. 最后提出了有关提前支付违约金如何划定的计算方法及其建议,得出违约金应按照一定比例在借款者与银行两者之间区别收取。

    A certain percentage of default fine shall be charge in difference between the borrowers and the banks .

  4. 否则,承运方有权停止运输,并要求对方支付违约金。

    Otherwise , the carrier shall have the right to stop transporting , and claim to the shipper of the punishment .

  5. 如果交货延迟,我们有权要求供应商支付违约金。

    In the case of a delay in delivery , we are entitled to demand a contractual penalty from the supplier .

  6. 如协议双方约定了违约金,违约方可能承担支付违约金的法律义务。

    If there is any penalty agreed by both sides , the delinquent side probably undertake legal duty of penalty payment .

  7. 合同当事人可以约定一方在违约时向对方支付违约金。

    The parties to a contract may agree that one party shall , when violating the contract , pay breach of contract damages .

  8. 卖方支付违约金不能免除其继续交付技术文件的义务。

    The payment of liquidated damages by the Seller shall not release the seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed technical documentation .

  9. 再次分析了责任人承担责任的形式,主要就是赔偿损失、支付违约金、继续履行。

    Thirdly , the paper analyses the forms of responsibility , including paying compensation for the losses , paying liquidated damages , continue to perform .

  10. 孙说:“尽管合同规定若雇主单方解除劳动合同后要支付违约金,这点成本实际上是非常有限的”。

    Despite terms of compensation set for contract dismissal by the employers ," the cost of this law is actually very limited ," Sun said .

  11. 劳动者违反服务期约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。

    Where any worker is in violation of the service period stipulation , he shall pay the employer a penalty for breach of contract as stipulated .

  12. 当事人就迟延履行约定违约金的,违约方支付违约金后,还应当履行债务。

    Where the parties prescribed liquidated damages for delayed performance , the breaching party shall , in addition to payment of the liquidated damages , render performance .

  13. 航空公司在24小时内可以允许乘客选择取消或保持预订而不用支付违约金,如果行李遗失,航空公司还要赔偿行李费用,因为交通部责令它们这么做。

    Airlines let passengers either cancel or hold a reservation without penalty for 24 hours and reimburse baggage fees if bags are lost , because DOT requires them to .

  14. 因此造成研究开发工作停滞、延误、或者失败的,研究开发方应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

    The party entrusted with research and development should pay contractual fines or compensate for the losses as the result of work stoppage , delay or failure caused thereby .

  15. 甲方迟延交付出租房屋的,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金额为每一迟延日人民币元(大写:元)。

    Party A shall pay Party B liquidated damages for their delay in delivery of the house and amount for liquidated damages is RMB XXX for each delayed day .

  16. 乙方付清租金及其他费用(含支付违约金、滞纳金等)并按合同约定迁离,返还租赁房地产。

    Party B pays off rental and other charges ( including liquidated damages and overdue fine and so on ) and moves out as per the contract after returning the house .

  17. 《合同法》第114条对合同当事人违约支付违约金及约定损害赔偿的规定,具有重要的现实意义。

    The Article 114 of 《 The Law of Contract 》 has important practical significance as to its regulations of paying damages and liquidated damages when the person concerned breaks the contract .

  18. 但是应当看到,劳动合同服务期作为一项新的制度,是《劳动合同法》中允许用人单位可以同劳动者签订由劳动者支付违约金的仅有的二条款之一。

    But ought to see , the labor contract period of service as a new system , is the labor contract law as many employers with workers signed the liability for breach of contract is one of only two terms .

  19. 责任形式,根据合同的约定或买受人的选择,可以有支付违约金、赔偿损失、要求实际履行和解除合同四种。

    According to the rule of the contract and the choice of vendees , forms of responsibility include the following four forms : Payment of liquidated damages , stand the loss , requirement of actual performance and termination of the contract .

  20. 延迟交货:如果买方任何一次不能如期交付货物,应当按照以下方式支付违约金:延期一天,交付货物总价款的2%作为日违约金。

    Delivery delayed : If seller can not finish delivery on time , he should pay penalty to buyer as follow : To any delivery date , if delay one day , penalty should be paid by2 % of payment of goods .

  21. 本文认为,实际履行责任有其自身特定的适用范围和适用条件,它与支付违约金、赔偿损失以及其他补救方式一道,共同构成合同违约责任的法律后果。

    The author believes that the substantial performance of liability has specific application sphere and condition , which , together with the payment compensation for cancellation of contract as well as compensation for damages and other means of compensation consists of the legal liability for breach of contract .

  22. 不足一个日历日的,承包商不必支付相关违约金。

    No amounts shall be payable for fractions of a calendar day .

  23. 若支付的违约金不足抵付乙方损失的,甲方还应负责赔偿。

    If the liquidated damage is not enough to offset the losses of Party B , Party A shall also be liable for compensation .

  24. 在不损害委托方其他权利和赔偿的情况下,承包商还应按照本协议规定向委托方支付违约赔偿金。

    Without prejudice to other rights and remedies of the Principal , the Contractor shall pay the Liquidated Damages to the Principal as set out in the Agreement .

  25. 用人单位要求劳动者支付的违约金不得超过服务期尚未履行部分所应分摊的培训费用。

    The penalty for breach of contract that the worker pays as required by the employer shall be no more than the training expenses caused in the service period unperformed .

  26. 买房时开发商规定,“购房者不按时缴房款要支付的违约金为10%,而开发商延期交房时的违约金仅为0.1%”。

    When you buy an apartment , you will incur a10 % penalty if you fail to pay on time , but if the apartment is delivered late , the developers will only pay0.1 % .

  27. 卖方因交货延误而支付交货延误违约金并不解除其交货义务。

    The payment of liquidated damages for late delivery of any Shipment shall not release the Seller from its responsibility to complete delivery of such Shipment .

  28. 如果甲方支付的违约赔偿金不足以弥补乙方的损失,甲方应补足差额。

    If the liquidated damages paid by Party A are not sufficient to cover Party B 's losses , Party A shall be liable for the difference .

  29. 当事人可以在合同中约定,一方违反合同时,向另一方支付一定数额的违约金;

    The parties may specify in a contract that if one party breaches the contract it shall pay the other party a certain amount of breach of contract damages ;

  30. GT在提交给法院的文件中表示,苹果的保密协议“规定,GTAT公司每违反一次保密义务,就须向苹果支付5000万美元违约金。”

    In court filings , GT said that Apple 's non-disclosure agreements " provide that each breach of the confidentiality obligations will require GTAT Corp to pay liquidated damages to Apple in an amount of $ 50m per occurrence . "