
zhī zhù ɡēn
  • prop root
  1. 印度的一种无花果树,以其巨大和长寿而著称,;缺少印度榕树的支柱根。

    Fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity ; lacks the prop roots of the banyan .

  2. 旧大陆热带地区棕榈状树的任何一种,有大的支柱根,菠萝状叶,可食的锥形果实。

    Any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and pineapplelike leaves and edible conelike fruits .

  3. 统治阶层的支柱一根接一根地摇摇欲坠。

    One by one the pillars of the establishment are crumbling .