
  • 网络Rhizophoraceae
  1. 不同生境间红树科植物水分利用效率的比较研究

    Comparative studies on water use efficiency of Rhizophoraceae plants grown in different environments

  2. 中国主要红树科植物的分子系统发育

    The Molecular Phylogeny in Rhizophoraceae in China

  3. 红树林,是热带滨海泥滩上特有的常绿植物群落,其大部分树种,都属于红树科,生态学上,将其称为:红树林。

    Mangrove forests , tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities , most of its species , belong to Rhizophoraceae , ecology , and its called : mangroves .

  4. 现有红树植物15科26种,面积12422.9hm2,分别占全国的93.8%、83.9%和32%;

    There are 26 species of 15 subjects of mangrove plant now , and the area is 12422.9 hm2 , accounting for 93.8 % , 83.9 % and 32 % of the whole country respectively .

  5. 广东是我国红树林分布最多的省份之一,有红树植物17科31种,红树林湿地面积21438.3hm2,主要分布在粤西,其次是珠江三角洲地区。

    Guangdong is one of the provinces with the most mangrove resources in China . There are 31 species , 17 families of mangrove plants and 21 438.3 hm2 of mangrove wetlands which mainly distribute in western Guangdong and Pear River Delta .

  6. 红树林植物在全球有红树植物约24科83种,其中,我国约20科37种,作为药用植物资源其药用价值在我国未得到研究、开发和利用。

    There are 83 species of mangrove plant belong to 24 families in the world , and 37 species belong to 20 families in China . The mangrove plant have not been studied , exploited and used as the medicinal plant .

  7. 该地区的红树植物种类计有8科、12属、12种,以红树科植物占优势。

    In this district , the mangrove plants consist of 12 species belonging to 12 genera in 8 families .