
  • 网络Azolla;red duckweed
  1. ~(15)N示踪法研究稻萍鱼体系中红萍氮素的利用及对水稻生长的影响

    Study of utilization and effection of Azolla nitrogen with ~ ( 15 ) n isotope labelled method in the rice-azolla-fish cropping system

  2. 红萍干萍、米糠等按C∶N比为25~30进行堆肥发酵,利用微生物分解红萍制作红萍有机肥。

    Dry Azolla and rice bran and other materials were mixed for compost fermentation in the ratio of 25 to 30 for C and N , using microorganism to resolve Azolla for its organic manures .

  3. 应用~(15)N示踪技术研究了尿素和红萍氮素对水稻分蘖、成穗和产量的影响以及当季水稻对氮素的利用率。

    The effects of incorporating urea-N and Azolla-N on the rice tiller , panicle , grain growing stages and yield and N utilization effeciency were studied with both the 15N tracer and tiller circlet mark techniques in the condition of paddy field .

  4. 应用示踪技术研究红萍钾对水稻的有效性。

    Availability of azolla-potassium for rice was studied with radioactive tracer .

  5. 红萍在稻田氮素平衡中的作用

    The effect of Azolla on nitrogen balance in paddy field

  6. 红萍排氮过程的初步探讨

    Preliminary exploration on the process of nitrogen excretion by Azolla

  7. 红萍钾在稻萍鱼共生系中循环利用研究

    Cycling utilization of Azolla potassium in rice-Azolla-fish symbiotic system

  8. 本文对红萍近年来在植物治污方面的应用和研究进行了描述和展望。

    The recent use of Azolla for phytoremediation is summarized in this article .

  9. 红萍钾对水稻的有效性

    The availability of Azolla - Potassium for rice

  10. 湿养条件下红萍产量与能耗的关系研究

    A Research on the Relationship between Azolla Yield and Energy Consumption in Wet Culture

  11. 红萍小孢子果和背叶共生腔的电子显微镜观察

    Studies on the microsporocarp and leaf cavity of Azolla imbricata Nakai by electron microscopy

  12. 红萍富钾来源的示踪研究

    Trace study on potassium sources enriched by Azolla

  13. 红萍室内养殖技术探讨

    Probe to indoor breed - technology of Azolla

  14. 红萍富钾生理的研究&Ⅱ.萍体钾对水稻生产的有效性

    STUDY ON THE POTASSIUM ENRICHING PHYSIOLOGY OF AZOLLA ⅱ . Efficiency of Azolla-potassium to rice production

  15. 红萍富钾生理的研究&Ⅲ.红萍在水-土系统中的吸钾特点

    Study on the potassium enriching physiology of Azolla ⅲ . potassium enrichment in the water-soil system

  16. 氮素营养对红萍生理特性的影响Ⅰ硝态氮的作用

    Influence of nitrogen nutrition on the physiological properties of azolla ⅰ . the effect of nitrate salt

  17. 利用红萍干体填充的滤柱可以用于电镀污水中一些重金属元素吸附回收。

    The column filled with dried Azolla biomass was tried for sorption and recovery of some metal elements from electroplating effluent .

  18. 缺素对红萍生长、固氮作用及无机成分含量的影响

    Influence of deficiency of ten elements on the growth of Azolla imbricata ( roxb . ) nakai , nitrogen fixation and content of inorganic matter

  19. 解决了豫南稻区养红萍冬、夏季死亡的问题,为大面积发展养萍创造了有利条件。

    Ago the death difficulty of culturable Azollas have been overcome in winter and summer , and it create important and very benefit condition to developmental culture in great area .

  20. 稻-萍-鱼体系的基本技术是在单一以水稻为主体的生物群体中加入红萍和鱼类,通过对红萍和鱼的人工调控而影响整个稻田生态体系。

    The basic technique of rice-azolla-fish system ( RAF ) is to combine azolla and fish into traditional rice farming system , and thus to realize the artificial management of the ecosystem via a throughout controll of azolla and fish in paddy field .