
  • 网络payment gateway
  1. ABC银行已经决定提供一个基于Internet的支付网关。

    ABC bank has decided to provide an Internet-based payment gateway .

  2. 安全支付网关是银行与internet之间的安全枢纽,是电子商务系统中最重要的组成部分,它涉及密码学、信息系统安全和风险管理等学科。

    As the secure bridge between the financial private network and the internet , the secure payment gateway is the key component of the electronic commerce system . It involves the disciplines of cryptology , information security , risk management , etc.

  3. WebServices在跨越防火墙通信、应用系统集成方面的巨大优势,使之成为构建企业支付网关的核心技术。首先对企业电子支付的现状和存在的问题进行了讨论,探讨了构建企业支付网关的难点。

    Web services have great advantages in across firewall communication and systems integration and become the key technology in the construction of Enterprise Payment Gateway . Firstly , the status of e-commerce and online payment of enterprise and existing issues are discussed .

  4. 在此基础上,结合某跨国IT企业支付网关项目,分析了企业支付网关总体需求,建立了基于WebServices的系统架构。

    Based on this , the overall requirements of the Payment Gateway are analyzed with a combination of the current status of Payment Gateway Platform within a global IT company , and the system architecture based on the web services is proposed .

  5. 许多流行的Web服务和购物车系统已内建Payflow支付网关,所以他们可以方便的建立此功能。

    Many popular web-hosting services and shopping carts come with the Payflow payment gateways built in , so they are easy to set up .

  6. TPC-W中支付网关模拟器的设计及性能分析

    The Design of a Payment Gateway Emulator for the TPC-W Benchmark and Its Performance Analysis

  7. 介绍了TPCW基准测试系统的整体结构,详细描述了TPCW基准测试系统中支付网关模拟器的设计及支付网关仿真器和被测服务器之间的认证交互过程。

    The architecture of TPC-W benchmark is introduced briefly in this paper , which followed by description of the schema of payment gateway emulator ( PGE ) and its interactive authentication process with the server under test ( SUT ) .

  8. STSEP由支付网关、电子商店、金融机构和消费者组成。

    STSEP is composed of four components : Payment Gateway , Electronic Store , Financial Institute and Customs .

  9. 二是STSEP在电子商店内部引入中间件模块来处理它和支付网关之间的通信。

    Another is the Middleware which in the Ethernet of Electronic Store dealing with communication between Electronic Store and Payment Gateway .

  10. 华夏银行支付网关系统的设计与开发

    Design and exploitation of the payment gateway system of Huaxia bank

  11. 华夏银行支付网关系统总体方案

    Total solution for payment gateway system of HUAXIA bank

  12. 支付网关系统的保护神-数字证书的设计

    The protector of payment gateway system-design of digital certificate

  13. 其中,支付网关处理用于处理支付卡的授权和支付。

    Payment Gateway is in charge of authority and payment of credit card .

  14. 移动商务支付网关的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Mobile - commerce Payment Gateway

  15. 支付网关的作用与功能

    The Usage and Function of Payment Gateway

  16. 安全支付网关技术研究与系统实现

    Secure Payment Gateway Techniques and System Implementation

  17. “,”由于支付网关不能完成交易,网关操作已被锁定。

    Gateway actions are locked because the gateway cannot complete one or more of the transactions .

  18. 支付网关是银行金融系统和互联网之间的接口,它是连接消费者、商家和银行的桥梁。

    Payment gateway is the interface between bank finance system and internet , which is a bridge linking consumers , businessmen and banks .

  19. 对加入支付网关模拟器前后的性能以及改变测试模式、数据库尺寸后的性能进行了比较分析。

    It compares the performance of web server with and without the payment gateway emulator and then analyzes its performance with the change of test mode and database size .

  20. 银行支付网关作为目前在线支付的最佳解决方案之一,能够为在线支付的参与各方:消费者、商家和银行提供一套完整的解决方案。

    As one of the best solutions for online payment , the Payment Gateway System of Bank ( PGSB ), can provide a complete solution for all participants , Customers 、 businesses and banks .

  21. 第三部分是本文最重要的一个部分,首先讨论了证书撤销模型,给出了基于移动支付网关的撤销模型;

    The third section is most important to this paper . In this section , certificates revocation models are discussed and a revocation model that is based on mobile payment gateway is gave out .

  22. 同时,提供电子商务服务的网站作为被投诉的一方,只能被动等待处理结果,除了按照第三方支付网关或银行的要求提供相关的证据之外,其它能做的工作非常有限。

    Meanwhile , the e-business website can only passively wait for the results . They can do very limited things except for providing providence as is required by the third-party payment gateway or the bank .

  23. 因此,迫切需要构建企业级的支付网关,解决传统支付系统中的弊端,实现低风险、低成本的企业电子支付应用集成,保障在线交易的统一和安全。

    Therefore , Enterprise Payment Gateway is constructed to tackle problems in traditional payment systems , archive the payment application integration with less risky and cost , and guarantee the unity and security of online payment transactions .

  24. 之后,作者对整个模型进行了详尽的系统分析,依据协议参与方的要求,将整个模型划分为四个核心功能模块:持卡者电子钱包、商家系统、支付网关和认证中心。

    Then author carried out the system design and realized the system according the payment model , the system has been divided into four components as following : electronic wallet , merchant server , payment gateway and certificate authority .

  25. 例如有了网上工商,企业在完成年审后即可实现网上交费;有了网上税务和网上纳税企业的信用体系,那么该企业的资金就可以通过支付网关到达金融部门,完成交税过程。

    For example , with online business , enterprises can be realized after the completion of the annual evaluation online payment ; with the Internet and e-business tax credit system , the enterprise funds through the payment gateway can reach the financial sector , complete tax process .

  26. 面向网上支付的统一银行网关的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Union Bank Gateway Towards Payment-Online

  27. 企业网上支付代理&支付网关系统的研究

    Enterprise Payment Agent Online-Research of Payment Gateway System

  28. 第五部分主要根据通信接口层、PKI接口、支付协议层完成对支付网关、支付服务器、电子钱包的具体设计,并描述了整套支付流程。

    The last part designs payment gateway , payment server and electron wallet in detail according to the design of commnunication interface layer , PKI interfaces and payment protocol layer . It describes the complete flow of payment .

  29. 从交易流程来看,网上购物可以分为两个基本环节&交易环节和支付结算环节。而支付结算环节是由包括支付网关、收单行和发卡行在内的金融专用网络完成的。

    According to trade procedure , the online shopping can be divided into two basic links & Trade link and paying the settlement link .

  30. 电子商务是目前发展最快的产业,支付安全性决定了电子商务活动的成败,因此,支付网关是电子商务中最重要的环节。

    Electronic commerce is one of the industries which develop fastest . The payment gateway is one of the most important parts in electronic commerce because the safety of payment determines the success or failure of electronic commerce .