
  • 网络bronchial provocative test;BPT;bronchial provocation test,BPT
  1. 支气管激发试验在两组不同基础肺功能中的阳性率(敏感性)都远远超过扩张试验(P≤0.05),有显著性差异。

    The sensitivity of the bronchial provocation test was significantly higher than that of the dilation test ( P ≤ 0.05 ), especially in the early stage of CVA .

  2. 咳嗽变异性哮喘病人行支气管激发试验前后血清IgE变化

    Variety of serum IgE in cough variability asthmas before and after bronchial provocation test

  3. 支气管激发试验联合血清IgE检测对咳嗽变异型哮喘的诊断价值

    Role of bronchial provocation test associated with serum IgE measurement in diagnosis of cough variant asthma

  4. 为了确定藜草花粉过敏原对哮喘患者的致敏作用。对外源性哮喘患者用藜草花粉过敏原进行了皮肤挑刺试验(SPT)和支气管激发试验(BPT)。

    The skin prick test ( SPT ) and bronchial provocation test ( BPT ) to Chenopodium album pollen ( CAP ) were performed in patients with allergic asthma .

  5. 喘息组支气管激发试验阳性率及AHR程度显著高于正常组,支气管激发试验是诊断儿童哮喘的重要手段。

    AHR-positive rate and the total positive rate of the wheezing group are significantly higher than that of the normal group . It is an important means for the diagnosis of asthma in children .

  6. 目的:探讨药物支气管激发试验装置(APSpro)在哮喘患者气道反应性测定的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the diagnostic value of the bronchial challenge test device ( APSpro ) in asthma .

  7. 方法以二磷酸组胺为气道激发剂进行支气管激发试验,观察40例CVA、45例支气管哮喘(缓解期)和30例急性支气管炎儿童的气道反应性。

    Methods The bronchus excitation test was made using histamine phosphate excitant . The airway reactive ties for 40 cases of CVA , 45 cases bronchial asthma remission phase and 30 subjects of acute bronchitis in childre were measured .

  8. 一磷酸腺苷支气管激发试验的建立及临床研究

    Development of a Method for AMP Provocation Test and Its Clinical Significance

  9. 应用4650Ⅰ型压缩机雾化器进行支气管激发试验的研究

    Application of Model 4650 Type ⅰ Compressor Atomizer in Bronchial Challenge Test

  10. 支气管激发试验与小气道功能的改变

    Bronchial prevocational test and change of small airway function

  11. 支气管激发试验用于诊断儿童哮喘的评价

    Application of bronchial challenge test to children with asthma

  12. 脉冲震荡法在支气管激发试验中的应用价值

    Clinical Value of Impulse Oscillometry in Bronchial Challenge Test

  13. 结论对以慢性咳嗽为主要表现,经常规抗生素和止咳治疗效果差的患者及时进行支气管激发试验,有助于明确诊断。

    Conclusion Bronchial provocation test is useful in diagnosing patients with chronic cough .

  14. 支气管激发试验中呼吸音分析的研究

    Bronchial Provocation Test Using Computerized Respiratory Sounds Analysis

  15. 支气管激发试验在诊断咳嗽变异型哮喘的临床应用

    The Clinical Value of the Bronchial Provocation Test on the Diagnosis of Cough-variant Asthma

  16. 慢性咳嗽患者支气管激发试验结果分析与检查指导

    Analysis on Results of Bronchial Provocation Test for Chronic Cough Patients and Examination Guidance

  17. 结果62例不明原因的胸痛患者中,经支气管激发试验、诊断性治疗并排除其他疾病,26例诊断为支气管哮喘。

    Results In 62 cases of unexplained chest pain 26 cases were diagnosed as asthma .

  18. 乙酰甲胆碱支气管激发试验安全性高,未见严重不良事件。

    Methacholine bronchial provocation test has high safety , no severe adverse reaction is recorded .

  19. 方法:选择经支气管激发试验确诊为支气管哮喘且伴有烧心、反酸等消化道症状的患者32例,再行电子胃镜检查,比较反流性食管炎严重程度与肺功能各参数的关系。

    Methods : 32 asthma patients diagnosed by bronchial provocation test were tested electronic gastroscopy .

  20. 豕草花粉过敏原的支气管激发试验

    Bronchial provocation test with ragweed pollen allergen

  21. 支气管激发试验在慢性咳嗽及不典型哮喘中的诊断价值

    Diagnostic Value of Bronchial Provocation Test in Asthmatic Patients with Atypical Symptom and Chronic Cough

  22. 结论(1)乙酰甲胆碱支气管激发试验是诊断不典型哮喘的有效手段;

    Conclusions The methacholine provocation test is effective in diagnosing the asthmatic patients with atypical symptoms ;

  23. 定期复查肺功能及支气管激发试验是指导临床治疗的有效指标。

    Regular pulmonary function test and histamine challenge test are effective indexes in guiding clinical therapy .

  24. 方法对34例缓解期哮喘患者作肺功能测定和支气管激发试验,比较肺功能正常和异常组气道反应性。

    Methods Thirty-four asthmatic patients in clinical remission period underwent lung function and bronchial provocation test .

  25. 白三烯受体拮抗剂对乙酰甲胆碱支气管激发试验剂量-反应曲线参数的影响

    The Effect of Leukotriene Antagonist on the Parameters of Dose-response Curve Obtained after Methacholine Challenge Test

  26. 支气管激发试验和扩张试验在咳嗽变异型哮喘诊断中的应用

    The Role of Bronchial Provocation Test and Dilation Test in the Diagnosis of Cough Variant Asthma

  27. 乙酰甲胆碱在婴幼儿支气管激发试验中的安全性分析

    Safety of methacholine in bronchial provocation test for infants Fostering Innovation and Creativity among Employees in Workplace

  28. 高渗盐水支气管激发试验

    Hypertonic saline challenge test

  29. 结论支气管激发试验及支气管扩张试验在哮喘的诊断中有重要价值,可减少哮喘诊断不足现象;

    Conclusion Bronchial provocation test and bronchial dilation test are valuable diagnostic methods which could reduce asthma acatalepsia .

  30. 结论:脉冲振荡法在支气管激发试验诊断支气管哮喘中具有较高的临床应用价值。

    Conclusions : The impulse oscillation bronchial provocation test in the diagnosis of asthma has a higher clinical value .