
  • 网络payment and clearing system
  1. 而银行信用卡的应用表明以支票为基础的支付清算系统已发生了实质性变化。

    And the application of bank credit cards indicates that the payment and clearing system based on cheque has changed essentially .

  2. 关于支付清算系统;安全的网上证券交易系统

    Settlement and clearing system . Safe E - securities System

  3. 梁的位移测试关于支付清算系统;

    Measurement for Deflection of Beam Settlement and clearing system .

  4. 谈谈真空度的表述关于支付清算系统;

    ON THE MEASURE OF VACUUM Settlement and clearing system .

  5. 沉降的灰色预测关于支付清算系统;

    GREY PREDICTION OF SETTLEMENT Settlement and clearing system .

  6. 目前,我国支付清算系统风险管理现状还不尽如人意,在法律法规建设、运行管理和系统建设等三个方面还存在不少问题。

    In china , there are many problems in the payment system risk management .

  7. 支付清算系统是一国经济金融体系的重要基础设施。

    Payment and settlement system is an infrastructure of national economic and financial system .

  8. 我国支付清算系统的风险及其管理

    Payment System Risks and Management in China

  9. 关于支付清算系统;

    Settlement and clearing system .

  10. 随着金融在现代经济中核心地位的日益突出,支付清算系统的安全与效率极大地影响着金融稳定、经济发展和社会安定。

    Safe and efficient payment systems are critical to the financial stability , economic development and social safety .

  11. 同城清算系统是我国支付清算系统体系的重要组成部分。

    Intra-City Clearing System ( ICCS ) is an important component of modern payment and settlement system in our Country .

  12. 美联储、欧洲中央银行、花旗银行对支付清算系统风险管理进行了实践,他们的经验对我国具有较强的借鉴作用。

    The Federal Reserve Bank , The European Central Bank and City Bank have practiced on the payment system risk management .

  13. 票据截留有利于提高支付清算系统的效率,有效规避票据在传递过程中可能出现的篡改、丢失、被盗抢等风险,增强银行业的竞争力,有效促进区域及全社会经济增长。

    Bill interception is benefit for improving the efficiency of defrayal and clearing system , evading the task of juggling , losing , robbing bill in transmission course effectively .

  14. 中央银行支付清算系统是支付清算体系的中枢,也是确保经济、金融正常运行的最重要基础设施之一。

    The payment clearance system of Central bank is the key part of the payment and settlement system , it is also one of the most important infrastructure to ensure economy and financial operation .

  15. (八)维护支付、清算系统的正常运行;

    To maintain the normal operation of the systems for making payments and settling accounts ;

  16. 危机发生后,银行脆弱性直接危害了整个支付与清算系统正常运转,造成连锁反应式的信用恐慌与崩溃。

    When crisis began , the frangibility of bank endangered the normal operation of the payment and clearing system , which resulted in credit and confidence collapse .

  17. 中国人民银行(央行)本周一正式推出网上支付跨行清算系统,或称“超级网银”。

    The People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ), China 's central bank , put its online payment interbank clearing system , or " super online banking system ," into service Monday .

  18. 浅议国库支付应注意的问题关于支付清算系统;

    Problems in Exchequer Expense Settlement and clearing system .

  19. 中国现代化支付系统是中国现代化支付清算体系的骨干系统,包括大额支付系统和小额支付系统两个业务处理系统。

    Chinese modernized payment system is the key system of Chinese modernized payment settlement system , including the High Value Payment System and the Bulk Payment System .