
zhī chí quán
  • right of support;right to support
  1. 他和妻子都强烈支持堕胎权。

    He and his wife both strongly support abortion rights .

  2. 为了支持堕胎权,选择派也开展了一系列的斗争。

    This campaign also establishes their organizations to support abortion right .

  3. 但请记住,目的是支持自主权。

    But remember that the aim is to support autonomy .

  4. 在支持公民权的问题上,这名参议员可谓二心一意。

    The senator has an unblemished record on support for civil rights issues .

  5. 侯选人如果支持堕胎权,就会激怒反对堕胎的选民。

    If a candidate supports theright to abortion , he angers voters opposed to it .

  6. 重点是信用权与名誉权的关系,笔者支持信用权是名誉权的子权利。

    The author advocates that credit right is the child right of the right of reputation .

  7. 对我们来说,支持公民权是很重要的。

    It is very important for us to take up a cause of the civil rights .

  8. 枪支和武器:枪支持有权,警察和枪支,核武器,武装力量

    Guns and Weapons : gun ownership and possession , police and guns , nuclear weapons , armed forces

  9. 中小企业利用专利权进行质押是解决资金问题的一个重要途径,我国法律法规承认并支持专利权质押。

    The patent pledge is an important method for the small and medium-sized enterprises to resolve capital problems in law .

  10. 支持信用权是以经济能力等特定利益加上在社会上相应信赖与评价和法律上之保护等法律上之力构成。

    The author believes that credit right is the combination of legal power such as special interests , correspondent trust , and legal protection . Support ?

  11. 罗琳说她的法律行动遵循规则,目标是在各地支持著作权以保护原创作品。

    Following the ruling , Ms Rowling said her legal action had aimed " to uphold the right of authors everywhere to protect their own original work " .

  12. 第一部分从提高商业银行定价能力,首先拥有产品定价权,其次是提高相应的管理措施来支持定价权。

    In the first part , the commercial bank pricing power should be improved , firstly having pricing of product and then needing corresponding management to support it .

  13. 这是品牌关系模型帮助单项产品经理某种程度上的地方预言消费者行为,可能阻碍或支持商标权。

    This is where the Brand Relationship Model helps brand managers to predict consumer behaviour to a certain extent , which could either hamper or leverage the brand 's equity .

  14. 其次,从哲学的社会认识观角度,阐述了支持形象权确立的三种主流认识观即劳动说、劳动成果说以及经济刺激说,为形象权的确立从社会认识观层面上奠定理论基础。

    Secondly , from the aspect of social understanding view in philosophy , expounds three mainstream views , that is labor theory , the fruits of labor theory and economic stimulus theory .

  15. 细分提起公诉职权,这一职权又包括审查起诉权、作出起诉与不起诉决定权和出庭支持公诉权、审判监督权。

    In terms of reference of prosecution , the mandate and to prosecute , including the right of prosecution and trial support and not to prosecute the right of public prosecution , trial supervision .

  16. 第二,在有关控制权的属性的诸多学说中,笔者支持请求权说,且认为控制权属债上请求权。

    The second , as for the kind of right of control , I support the theory of right of claim , and think the right of control belongs to the right of claim based on contract .

  17. 也就是说超过这个时间,被保险人就丧失了寻求法院支持的请求权。

    Exceed this time that is to say , insurant lost the request power that seeks forensic support .

  18. 此外,如果制订者活到今天的话,他们可能会支持对著作权条款进行修订。

    Moreover , if they were alive today , the Framers might well have supported an amendment to the Copyright Clause .

  19. 支持享有堕胎权的古特马赫研究院的伊丽莎白.纳什认为,这一年是非凡的一年,因为新法竟然达到了91条。

    The year was remarkable for the sheer number of new laws - 91 , reckons Elizabeth Nash of the Guttmacher Institute , a research group that supports abortion rights .

  20. 希土两国的外交关系因此严重恶化,采取了一系列的措施打击对方并争取在这一问题上的国际支持和发言权。

    Therefore , the diplomatic relations between Greece and Turkey also deteriorated seriously deterioration , both of them took a series of measures to attack counterpart and to seek international support and voice on this issue .

  21. 它们还将必须创建一个财政框架,允许跨境转移、解决债权国和债务国之间的冲突,并支持“没有代表权就没有税收”(notaxationwithoutrepresentation)的波士顿原则。

    They will also have to create a fiscal framework that allows for cross border transfers , resolves conflicts between creditors and debtors and supports the Bostonian principle of " no taxation without representation " .

  22. 通过斡旋使贷款流入使用特别提款权配额的国家,工业国也将从中受益&获得得到IMF所有成员国支持的特别提款权。

    Industrial countries would benefit by receiving , in return for their intermediation of a flow of credit to countries that use their SDR allocations , an asset backed by the full membership of the Fund .

  23. 支持分配特别提款权的人士,可能会面临一些令人厌倦的过时的论调。

    Backers of an SDR allocation are likely to face some tired , out-of-date arguments .

  24. 今年5月的民调显示,49%的美国公民支持”出生公民权”,46%的人则表示反对。

    According to a poll this May , 49 percent of Americans are for birthright citizenship , while 46 percent against .

  25. 州律师说,他们的法律系统保证被告在没有患精神病时须对犯罪行为负责,而且声称最高法院不该用这个案件破天荒地来支持精神错乱抗辩权。

    State lawyers said that their system guarantees that defendants are held responsible for crimes , if they are not insane , and argues that the Supreme Court should not use this case to declare for the first time a constitutional right to an insanity defense .