
  1. 第四,法律问题,即次级债面临的合法性与有效性以及债务抵消问题。

    Forth , the legal issues .

  2. 那笔额外收入把他所有的债务都抵消了。

    The extra payment has out all his debts .

  3. 虽然债务重组业务可以抵消一部分影响,但并购业务的急剧下滑说明了,投行业的成功可以像过眼云烟般短暂。

    That decline , although offset in part by restructuring work , shows how transient success in Cheap Mabinogi Gold investment banking can be .

  4. 如果那样的话,外国投资增加的结果要么是本国储蓄减少,要么是本国债务增加,以抵消失业率的上升。

    In that case , the increase in foreign investment would simply be matched either by a reduction in domestic savings or an increase in domestic debt to counteract the rise in unemployment .

  5. 关于全球经济在2000年后所发生的变化,简单来看,就是具有弹性信贷体系的高收入国家和愿意承担更多债务的家庭,抵消了世界其它国家大规模的储蓄盈余。

    A simple way of thinking about what has happened to the global economy in the 2000s is that high-income countries with elastic credit systems and households willing to take on rising debt levels offset the massive surplus savings in the rest of the world .

  6. 据说那就显示伦敦欠巴黎的债务,恰被巴黎欠伦敦的债务所抵消了。

    It is said to be a sign that the debts due from London to Paris are compensated by those due from Paris to London .