
  • 网络Bond Forward
  1. 本文介绍了债券远期交易的功能与风险控制管理。

    This paper introduces the function of bond forward transaction , the risk control of bond forward transaction .

  2. 2005年5月17日,我国在银行间债券市场推出了第一个场外金融衍生产品&债券远期交易,下半年还将推出银行间远期外汇交易、人民币对外币掉期等金融衍生产品。

    On May 17,2005 , China launched the first over-the-counter financial derivative vehicle , bond forward trading , in the inter-bank bond market . The RMB-foreign currency swap , an inter-bank forward foreign exchange product , is also expected to be launched in the 2nd half of this year .