
jīnɡ jìn
  • enterprising;energetic
  • willingness to progress
精进 [jīng jìn]
  • [be absorbed and desirous to do better] 在某方面一心进取

  • 努力精进

  1. 而我由于缺乏信心和精进力,即使在一个月之后仍然在慧学修证上毫无收获。

    As for me even after a month my understanding was nil because of lack of faith and energetic effort .

  2. SG公司边缘&精进战略的进程分析

    The Processing Analysis of SG Company 's " Edge-procceeding " Strategy

  3. 为满足那些想精进英语能力的人的需要,教导英语为第二语言的机构(ESL)到处都是。

    To help those who want to brush up on their English skills , English as a Second Language ( ESL ) classes abound .

  4. 在CMO期间,我有更精进的产品开发、专案领导、协调与合作的经验。

    During the CMO , I have got the more experience of product development , project leading , coordination and cooperation .

  5. 对于其他问题,比如寻找吃饭的地方,Cortana通常会转而在微软开发的搜索引擎Bing上进行搜索,而Bing没有谷歌的搜索引擎那么精进。

    On other questions , like finding a place to eat , Cortana often falls back to doing searches on Bing.com , Microsoft 's search engine , which is less proficient than Google 's search engine .

  6. 我将珍惜这个难得的机会精进我的技能。

    I 'll cherish this invaluable chance to improve my skill .

  7. 生命健康需要活动,慧命健康需靠精进。

    Physical activity enhances health ; spiritual cultivation enhances wisdom .

  8. 在南京度过的时期对他戏曲素养的提高、戏曲理论的精进起到了重要的作用。

    Nanjing exerted important function in improving his drama attainment .

  9. 他精进修持,成为一个了不起的僧人。

    He worked very hard and became a great monk .

  10. 所以我们必须精进工作的方式。

    So we are definitely sharpening up our working methods .

  11. 很多年的精进修习后,他成了一个了不起的佛教大师。

    He worked hard for many years and finally became a great buddhist .

  12. 我们的搜索仪器越来越精进,更新换代的速度也成倍上升。

    Our tools for searching are getting better , and faster , exponentially .

  13. 影像技术不断的精进让绘画艺术原有的体系不断发生着变化。

    Sophisticated imaging technology to keep the existing system of painting constantly changing .

  14. 精进的力量,可以解开心中的缠结;

    The power of diligence can scatter mental defilement .

  15. 让我们共同为了精进努力学习。

    Let us jointly work hard for education .

  16. 欧洲参加生产艺术工作者精进和研究中心

    European Centre for the Perfection and Research for Artists Taking Part in the Productions

  17. 精进精于工而用于心,永创新高的企业精神,让灿煌在市场竞争中踏步前进。

    Advance exquisite craftwork with heart , the spirit of creative promotes us go ahead .

  18. 热与光:苦行与精进&略论中印太阳和火神话及相关的宗教问题

    Ancient Chinese and Indian Myths of the Sun and the Fire and Relevant Religious Problems

  19. 从入学的第一天开始,我们从她努力学习并精进专业知识的精神,看到她的决心与毅力。

    We had no doubt she was determined to learn and work hard from day one .

  20. 一旦这些石头被开采出来,工匠们便开始对这些宝石进行精加工,精进他们的切割工艺。

    Once the stones were mined , craftsmen began fashioning the gems and developing their cutting skills .

  21. 诚信为本、服务至上、精进卓越、亲和共生,顾客的满意就是我们的价值!

    Faith-based , service-oriented , sophisticated outstanding , pro and symbiotic , customer satisfaction is our value !

  22. 她努力跨越语言的障碍,没有让英文成为她每日精进的阻力。

    Despite her struggle with the English language , it did not hinder her progression day to day .

  23. 精进是纯净、满足、苦行、研读和敬神。

    The niyamas ( observances ) are purity , contentment , mortification , study and devotion to God .

  24. 为了精进健康促进员的知识并使计画能够成功,每月将举办会议。

    To further the knowledge of the health promoters and success of programs , monthly meetings are held .

  25. 幸福的环境要有雄厚豪迈的精进,才能谛造我成功。

    The environment of the happiness wants to is strong and heroic aggressive , then can construct me successful .

  26. 她对自己很骄傲,她也觉得她好像从一个非常精进的训练课程,毕业了。

    She was so proud of herself and she felt like she was graduating from a rigorous training program .

  27. 释迦佛历经无数劫的精进修行,行至孝之行,为佛家孝道做了最好的注脚和诠释。

    After long-term diligent practice , Sakyamuni Buddha have made the best footnote and interpretation for Buddhist filial piety .

  28. 学习的六个重要环节:自主、兴趣、思考、精进、有恒、创新。

    Six key points in learning : self-determination , interest , reflections , making progress , persistence and creativity .

  29. 另外技术的发展同样也促使维修辅助设备开发人员对设备的功能进行更新和精进。

    Therefore , this has prompted maintenance auxiliary equipment development personnel to the function of equipment update and diligence .

  30. 她系统而精进的教学风格让我坚定了成为她一员的决心。

    My determination to become one of the members was made firm by her systematic and exquisite teaching style .