
  • 网络Refiner;refining agent;scouring agent
  1. ZS-1丝素保护快速精炼剂

    Fibroin Protection Shock Scouring Agent ZS-1

  2. 新型复合精炼剂具有较强的精炼效果。

    And the new composite refining agent has strong refining effect .

  3. 精炼剂NaNO3+C(石墨)+载体在铝合金液中反应原理的研究

    Study on Reaction Mechanism of Degasser " NaNO_3 + C ( graphite ) + Carrier " in Aluminum Alloy Melt

  4. 工业性试验在1500~165012下进行,研究BaO基精炼剂不同加入工艺对粗钢炉外脱磷&防回磷的影响。

    The industrial experiment was made at 1500 ~ 1650 ℃, and the influence to the raw molten steel secondary dephosphorization - rephosphorization prevention by adding different agents was researched .

  5. Ca-Al系列合金是良好的终脱氧剂和精炼剂,是纯Al粉+纯Ca粉+Fe粉机械混合物的替代产品。

    Ca-Al series alloys are fine final deoxidation agent and refinery . They are the mechanical mixture surrogate products of " pure Al powder , pure Ca powder and Fe powder " .

  6. 结果表明,对于AZ91镁合金,精炼剂的用量不宜超过3.5%,浇注温度应控制在720~730℃。

    The results show that the content of flux should be less than 3.5 % and the pouring temperature should be controlled under 720 ~ 730 ℃ .

  7. 采用自行研制的多功能精炼剂,在石家庄钢铁集团LD-LF-CC和轧制进行了工业实验。

    The developed multi-function refining flux was used for the experiment of LD-LF-CC and roller milling in Shijiazhuang Iron and Steel CO. LTD.

  8. 铝及合金组合精炼剂应用研究

    A Study of Al and al loy combination Refine Agent Application

  9. 探讨无毒精炼剂在精炼过程中气体与铝液的作用

    On Reaction between Gases and Molten Aluminium during So-Called Nonpoisonous Refining

  10. 复合精炼剂的脱氧特性研究

    Study on the deoxidization properties by means of compound refining agents

  11. 紫杂铜再生利用复合精炼剂的研制与应用

    The Research and Application of Composite Refiner for Purifying Impure Copper

  12. 平炉钢用炉外精炼剂的研究

    Study on Additive of Secondary Refining Used in Open Hearth Steel

  13. 对无毒精炼剂在铝液中自身反应过程的研究

    On the Reaction of Nonpoisonous Refining Agent in Molten Aluminium

  14. 精炼剂对钢水脱硫处理效果的影响

    Effect of Desulfurization of Liquid Steel with the Refining Flux

  15. 多功能精炼剂在转炉冶炼中的应用

    The Application of Multi-function Refining Flux in Converter Melting

  16. 实践表明:该精炼剂对紫杂铜的精炼有良好的效果。

    It is shown that the refiner was good for impure copper refinement .

  17. 稀土熔融盐精炼剂在紫杂铜中的应用研究

    Application of Molten Rare Earth Salt Refiner to Red-impure-copper

  18. 无毒精炼剂的反应及使用效果分析

    Reaction and Effect of Innocuous Refining Flux

  19. 复合精炼剂处理氧化性钢液的实验研究

    Laboratory scale studies on reduction treatment for oxidative state liquid steel using composite refining agent

  20. 复合精炼剂对提高不锈钢力学性能及耐腐蚀性能的作用

    The Role of Composite Refining Agent in the Improvement of the Mechanical and Corrosion Resisting Properties of Stainless Steel

  21. 含稀土和含稀土氧化物精炼剂对再生镁合金精炼效果的影响研究

    Research of Refining Effects on Refined Magnesium Alloys with Rare Earth Refined Flux and Rare Earth Oxide Refined Flux

  22. 本文介绍了铝及其合金精炼剂的发展和应用现状。

    Present situation of the development and application of Al and alloy refine agent was introduced in this paper .

  23. 国内外不锈钢精炼剂研究发展现状石油炼制中磷酸酯类抗焦剂的合成及复合配方的研制

    The Present Status of Stainless Steel Refining Agents Research on Organic Phosphate Antifoulant and its Compound in Petroleum Refining

  24. 天然成份羊毛脂(英)通过添加三元精炼剂,优化酸化、精炼、沉降、脱色、洗涤和脱水等工艺条件,可生产医用羊毛脂制品。

    By using a triple-component refining agent , through acidification , refining , settlement , crocking , washing and dehydration , high-quality lanolin will be produced .

  25. 如作面粉抗结剂(分散剂),奶粉、糖果、布丁、调味品、肉类的添加剂,动植物油精炼剂,酵母食料等。

    Such as flour dispersant , additive of milk powder , candy , pudding , spice and meat , refined addition agent of animal oil , yeast food and so on .

  26. 新型复合精炼剂的精炼原理是通过吸附化合作用,并且在分配定律和重力及气泡浮选的共同作用下,从而达到除渣的效果。

    The principle of new composite refining agent is that , by the action of the distribution law , gravity and bubble flotation , the composite refining agent can adsorb and combine the molten slag .

  27. 本文在添加自制的不锈钢精炼剂精炼的基础上,系统研究了几种微量强碳化物形成元素对18-8型铸造不锈钢组织和力学性能的影响。

    In this study , the influence of some trace strong carbide forming elements on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 18-8 type casting stainless steel has been studied systematically on the basis of adding the self-made refiner .

  28. 采用砂模和金属模相结合的造型工艺;精炼剂与真空处理相结合的精炼方法及低压铸造工艺,研制的大型铝活塞,达到各项技术指标。

    Developed by using the combination molding process of sand mold and metal mold and by vacuum treatment after refining processing vacuum treatment , the low pressure casting large size aluminium piston can conform to the technical standards in every respect .

  29. 在上引铸造无氧铜杆的生产中,为了提高废旧紫铜的利用率,采用稀土盐、稀土铜中间合金作为精炼剂,分析了各种精炼剂对无氧铜杆电阻率和显微组织的影响。

    In order to increase the utilization ratio of copper scraps during the production of upcast OF copper rods , investigation was made into the affection of refining agents on the conductivity and microstructure of OF copper rods using intermetallic alloys of rare earth salt and rare earth copper .

  30. 铝硅合金精炼变质剂的研制

    Study of Refinement and Modification Flux of Aluminum Silicon Alloy