
  • Essence;serum;Ampoule
  1. 护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、vb等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。

    Foot guard essence : It contains bio-grease , VE , VB and the other active factors . It can repair xerosis cutis , whiten and protect skin .

  2. 本品含有祛痘精华素ACNE-CLEAR(物理杀菌剂)和植物暗疮清素及防疤痕修复因子,控油因子,皮肤修复因子等高精原料配制而成。

    This product contains anti-acne essence ACNE-CLEAR ( physical fungicides ), plant acne serum and various effective factors such as anti-scar repair factor , oil control factor , skin repair factor , etc.

  3. NuBoCellDynamicBio-GoldEssence精华素是味道不太好闻的橙色粘稠物。

    NuBo Cell Dynamic Bio-Gold Essence is a not-very-nice-smelling orangey goop .

  4. 成份:含天然芦荟萃取液,蛋白质酸,维他命E及多种植物精华素。

    Ingredients : Natural aloe extract , amino acids , vitamin E and varieties of plant essences .

  5. NuBoCellDynamicBio-GoldEssence精华素380英镑

    NuBo Cell Dynamic Bio-Gold Essence £ 380

  6. 含芦荟、合桃果、乳木果、橄榄油、玫瑰果、蓝莓及维他命E等精华素。

    This hand cream contains aloe vera , walnut oil , shea butter , olive oil , rosehip , blueberries extract and Vitamin E.

  7. 挤一些NuBoCellDynamicBio-GoldEssence精华素(售价380英镑)于手掌心,再涂抹于双颊与额头处。

    Squirt a thin orangey gwibble of NuBo Cell Dynamic Bio-Gold Essence ( £ 380 ) into palm and rub it on cheeks and forehead .

  8. 主要成分:藻多肽、氨基酸美白剂、玫瑰花、牡丹花等精华素及CY-1100活细胞素。

    Ingredients : algae polypeptide , amino acid whitener , essence of rose and peony and CY-1100 cell-activating factor .

  9. 芦荟精华素含有三十多种酶,包括脂肪酶和氧化酶。

    Aloe Vera contains over thirty enzymes , including lipase and oxidase .

  10. 减肥精华素对实验性肥胖大鼠的影响

    Influence of Weight losing Decoction on Experimental Obesity in Rats

  11. 所有的芦荟精华素液体基本上含有相同的防腐剂。

    All Aloe Vera juices contain basically the same preservatives .

  12. 养肤乳剂精华素防晒性能的研究

    Study on sunscreen performance of nursing - cream

  13. 因此,补水的产品最好选择精华素或水溶性高的产品。

    Therefore , the product the best choice hydrating essence or water-soluble high products .

  14. 产品组合:A、回春嫩白精华素;

    Product assembly : A.regeneration tendering essence ;

  15. 每早洁面并用过精华素后,取适量本品均匀涂于面部轻拍至吸收即可。

    Usage : Apply evenly to face after essence every morning , gently tap to absorb .

  16. 由金盏花组成,茶树油、桉树油、葡萄籽油、芦荟精华素。

    The composition comprises calendula , tea tree oil , eucalyptus oil , grape seed oil , and Aloe vera .

  17. 纯天然植物精华素,特含抗衰老元素,轻轻一喷,即可带来完美的修复效果。

    Characteristic : Purely natural plant essence , specially include the anti-ageing element , gush out gently , can bring the perfect maintenance result .

  18. 芦荟精华素浆液含有大量的抗氧化剂,所以能排除体内毒素,防止疾病,还能强化人体的免疫系统。

    Aloe vera juice is high in antioxidants and as a result boosts a person 's immune system by detoxifying the body and preventing illness .

  19. 售卖香薰精油、花水、基础油、底油、香水瓶、饰物、精华素、洁面乳、唇膏、润手霜、纤体油等。

    Sells essential oil , carrier oil , base oil , floral water , hydrolate hydrosol , perfume bottle , body oil , hand cream , cleaning lotion .

  20. 本产品从芦荟中提取植物精华素,馥郁芳香,口感独特,并选用高档硅磨料配方,减少牙齿表面磨损。

    This product is extracted from the aloe plant essence , fragrance aroma , taste unique , and the election Abrasive formula with high-grade silicon , reduction of tooth surface wear .

  21. 又由于抗衰老,皮肤护理品中天然成分需求量增加,各种维生素、活性物、植物精华素将主导今后世界化妆品原料市场。

    Also , because anti-aging , skin care products to increase demand for natural ingredients , vitamins , active objects , plant essence cosmetics raw materials will dominate the future world market .

  22. 功效:本产品含多种植物精华素对皮肤有明显的滋润、紧肤的效果,是加强燃脂减肥的辅助产品。

    Effect : This product has obviously including many kinds of plant essence element to the skin moistens , the tight skin 's effect , is strengthens burns the auxiliary product which the fat loses weight .

  23. 主要成分:山茶花粉、牛油果、太阳花、芦荟精华油、弹力素、玫瑰油等。

    Main ingredients : camellia powder , Avocado , heronsbill , aloe essence , elastin , rose oil and etc.