
jīnɡ què dìnɡ wèi
  • Accurate positioning;precision select
  1. 利用MUSIC算法对舰船目标进行精确定位

    The Precise Location to Ships Using MUSIC Algorithm

  2. 多层螺旋CT在眼球异物立体精确定位的临床应用

    The clinical application of multi-slice spiral CT in stereo-accurate location for intraocular foreign bodies

  3. CT精确定位扫描在鼻咽癌光子刀治疗中的应用

    Application of Accurate CT Localization Scanning for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Accepting Stereotactic Conformal Radiation Therapy

  4. 一种SAR海洋图像舰船航迹精确定位方法

    A Method of High Accuracy Ship Wake Positioning in SAR Ocean Imagery

  5. 结果模拟靶和患者CT立体定位的结果均在模拟定位机上得到验证,达到临床精确定位和精确放射治疗的要求。

    Results The results of CT localization of simulated target and patients were identical to those with simulator .

  6. 整周模糊度搜索一直是GPS快速精确定位的关键问题。

    Searching for integer cycle ambiguities has been a hot topic in precise GPS fast positioning .

  7. 利用PLC脉冲输出和高速计数功能实现轴的精确定位控制

    Realize the Exact Position Control of Axle Using PLC Pulse Output and High Speed Count Function

  8. 由伺服电机带动相机移动,由PLC进行速度控制及精确定位。

    Servo electrical motor impelled camera to move , and PLC carried on speed control and accurate localization .

  9. Flash精确定位动画的方法及其应用

    A Method for Creating Pinpoint Graphics and Animation in Flash and Its Application for Physics Teaching

  10. 防止敌特利用GPS系统对我重要军事目标精确定位和引导打击。

    To keep from happening of the pinpoint and blow of our war goal from making use of GPS navigation .

  11. 将不同尺度、不同时期、不同来源的地理数据精确定位于公共的地理基础之上,是实现GIS目标的基本要求。

    Positioning multi-scale , multi-temporal or multi-source geo-datasets to a common geo-base is a basic requirement for the realizing of GIS purpose .

  12. 高品质的UV紫外光源与对比增强眼镜可以让您精确定位液体或制冷剂泄漏。

    A high-quality UV light source with contrast-enhancing glasses allows you to precisely locate fluid or refrigerant leaks .

  13. 基于TD-SCDMA的移动通信精确定位的技术研究

    The Research on Accurate Location of Mobile Communication Based on TD-SCDMA

  14. Google地图使用的是坐标&纬度和经度,这些数字实际上可以精确定位地球上的任何地方。

    Google Maps work with coordinates you know , latitude and longitude those numbers that essentially pinpoint anything on earth .

  15. 在算法的搜索阶段,采用动态规划方法驱动B样条主动轮廓精确定位目标的边缘。

    At the searching stage of the algorithm , the B-spline active contour model driven by dynamic programming can search the real edge of the target accurately .

  16. 而声音传感器是市政安全领域的好手,它们可以通过声音和GPS精确定位枪声的位置。

    To enhance urban security , acoustic sensors coupled with audio and GPS Analytics " listen " to pinpoint the location of gunfire .

  17. AUV波阵面水声精确定位

    Accurate AUV underwater positioning by wave front intersection

  18. 采用基于全球定位系统(GPS)授时的双端同步数据,对带串联补偿的输电线路的故障进行精确定位。

    Synchronized sampling data of voltages and currents based on the GPS at both end of the line are used to calculate the location of the fault .

  19. 基于Hough变换圆检测的人眼精确定位方法

    Eyes Detection Based on Hough Transform

  20. 为了实现工业CT系统射线源的精确定位,设计了射束中心位置测试专用装置,并开发了测试程序。

    The special setting for precise positioning of the X-ray source in industrial Computed Tomography ( ICT ) system has been made , and the testing program has been developed .

  21. AGV精确定位技术的研究

    The research of accurate orientation technology for AGV

  22. 基于LBL声信标的AUV快速精确定位

    Fast and accurate AUV positioning using acoustic beacons of LBL system

  23. 该系统采用三角形测量原理实现三维精确定位,利用FPGA丰富的查找表结构完成算法。

    The system uses the triangle survey principle to realize three dimensional positioning and uses the rich lookup table structure of FPGA to complete the algorithm .

  24. 你可以用博客、微博客,甚至是你在Facebook上的身份都能把你寻求的东西精确定位在人们的雷达上。

    You can use blogging , microblogging , and even your status on Facebook to tactfully keep your search on people 's radars .

  25. 获取高分辨率遥感影像,通过遥感和GIS分析,结合GPS地面精确定位调查,是高质量小尺度景观样本研究数据获取行之有效的方法。

    Getting high - resolution image , through RS and GIS analyzing and GPS field survey , all above are effective methods for getting data of high quality small-scale landscape ecology study .

  26. 基于PMAC的球头立铣刀刃磨设备运动平台的精确定位

    Precise Orientation of the Moving Table of Equipment Used for Grinding Ball Nose-End Milling Based on PMAC

  27. 视觉系统的主要作用是PCB(印刷电路板)的精确定位、器件定心及对准和器件检测。

    The vision system is mainly used for the accurate localization of PCB , the centering and aiming of components and the testing of the devices .

  28. 然后利用B帧的运动信息将镜头的边缘在图像层GOP中精确定位。

    Feature difference threshold may be self - adaptively regulated ; And then , shot boundary is located precisely in GOP using motion information of B frame .

  29. FFT后利用频域插入的连续导频实现整数倍载波频偏估计与校正,并由分散导频信号估计信道冲击响应,确定多径时延宽度,实现FFT窗位置精确定位。

    After FFT estimates the integer part of carrier frequency offset by continual pilot and estimates fine symbol offset by scattered pilots in frequency domain to get the CIR.

  30. 介绍了一种利用自适应天线阵对水面舰船目标进行精确定位的新方法,该方法采用了高精度、高分辨率的MUSIC测向算法。

    A new method is introduced , which is used to find out the precision positioning of warship target on sea with adaptive antenna array , The method adopts the MUSIC algorithm which has high precision and high resolution .