
  • Justice League;JLA;Justice League of America
  1. ThunderForce《雷霆女神》如果扎克·施奈德的《正义联盟》对你来说太阴郁了,不妨看看《雷霆女神》。这部超级英雄电影比《正义联盟》轻快一些,而且短得多。

    If Zack Snyder 's Justice League was too gloomy for you , try Thunder Force , a superhero film that is a bit lighter7 and a lot shorter .

  2. 在放送了几天片花后,《正义联盟》的首支官方预告片终于推出。《正义联盟》是DC扩展宇宙对漫威《复仇者联盟》的回应。

    After a few days of teasers , here at last is the first official trailer for ' Justice League , ' the DC Extended Universe 's answer to ' The Avengers . '

  3. NanAron是自由主义正义联盟的成员。他说,高级法院提名引发了公众对政治和法律的激烈争论。

    Nan Aron with the liberal Alliance for Justice says Supreme Court nominations almost always a heated debate over politics and the law .

  4. 《蝙蝠侠大战超人》和《正义联盟》相继落败后,华纳兄弟公司希望最新版的DC蝙蝠侠电影能够获得成功,因此华纳给了里夫斯大量时间来打磨剧本。

    Warner Bros. , in giving Reeves plenty of time to develop the script , is hoping the latest iteration of the DC icon is done right , following the disappointments of " Batman v Superman " and " Justice League . "

  5. 租税正义联盟的约翰·克里斯滕森就“税收竞争”进行了解释。

    John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network takes issue with the term " tax competition " .

  6. 你们正在举办第57届正义联盟周年聚会居然没通知我不

    Are you .. Are you having the " 57th Annual Justice League Anniversary Party " without me ? No

  7. 仔细想想,复仇者联盟和正义联盟中都有弓箭手,这难道不奇怪吗?

    When one thinks about it , it 's kind of strange that both the Avengers and the Justice League have archers , isn 't it ?

  8. 之后和亨利·卡维尔饰演的超人,本·阿弗莱克饰演的蝙蝠侠,盖尔加朵饰演的神奇女侠,成为正义联盟中的一员。

    He later returned as the character for Justice League , alongside Henry Cavill 's Superman , Ben Affleck 's Batman and Gal Gadot 's Wonder Woman .

  9. 在《正义联盟》上映后,演员兼导演本·阿弗莱克就开始和华纳兄弟公司讨论退出蝙蝠侠电影,于是里夫斯便可以自己来挑选蝙蝠侠的演员。

    Affleck and Warner Bros. began discussing the actor-director leaving the Caped Crusader behind following " Justice League , " allowing Reeves to pick his own Bruce Wayne .

  10. 如果扎克·施奈德的《正义联盟》对你来说太阴郁了,不妨看看《雷霆女神》。这部超级英雄电影比《正义联盟》轻快一些,而且短得多。

    If Zack Snyder 's Justice League was too gloomy for you , try Thunder Force , a superhero film that is a bit lighter and a lot shorter .

  11. 《正义联盟》的导演就是之前导演《超人:钢铁之躯》《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》电影的扎克·施奈德,这次还有乔斯·惠登的帮助。这次电影的主题依然是毫无新意地沿用英雄们是如何一起打败出现的大坏蛋的老梗。

    Justice League - directed by Man of Steel and Batman v Superman 's Zack Snyder with an assit from Joss Whedon - is largely driven by endless exposition which dully lays out why / how the heroes are going to defeat the latest bad guy .

  12. 他们知道国际合作的重要性,而我们只有通过防止冲突以及安全措施,用外交手段组建起一个真正抵抗黑暗努力的正义联盟,才能应对我们世界面临的这个威胁。

    They understand the importance of international cupertino and we can only deal with this menace to our world . If we actually put together diplomatically througrh conflict prevention as well as through ssecurity measure , a real coalition of the decent against the forces of darkness .

  13. 幸运的是,2013年,卡维尔摆脱了一系列霉运,获得了《超人:钢铁之躯》、《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》以及《正义联盟》中超人这一重磅角色。

    Luckily , in 2013 , Cavill broke his streak of bad luck , and got the big role of Superman in Man of Steel , followed by Batman vs Superman : Dawn of Justice and Justice League .

  14. 尽管预告片的风格相比扎克·施耐德导演的《钢铁之躯》和《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》没有发生变化,但是人们仍然希望《正义联盟》在这一点上能够进行修正。

    Hopes are high that ' Justice League ' will correct this , although this trailer also indicates that the overall aesthetic which director Zack Snyder brought to ' Man of Steel ' and ' Batman V Superman ' will still be maintained here .