
  1. 她面前正供着儿子和女儿在大学读书。

    She was now putting her son and daughter through college .

  2. 我也知道这些证据是不能作为呈堂正供的。

    And I understand that most of this evidence is technically considered circumstantial .

  3. 根据复苏方法不同分为3组:A组43例,胎儿娩出后立即气管插管正压供纯氧;

    They were divided into 3 groups according to different resuscitation . Group A including 43 cases , the fetus were treated with trachea intubation and positive pressure O 2 inspiration immediately after birth .

  4. 安装正压或正供通风系统。

    Installing a positive pressurization or ventilation system .

  5. 该措施出台之际,中国正日益面临煤炭供大于求的局面,这为煤炭价格带来了下行压力,煤炭中心产区的地方经济也因此遭受打击。

    The move comes as a glut of coal builds in China , placing pressure on prices and buffeting local economies in China 's coal heartlands .

  6. 除谷蛋白与总蛋白质之间存在着极显著的正相关外,供试29个品种(系)的植酸含量与蛋白质含量及4种蛋白质组分含量间并无密切的关系。

    No significant correlation was found between grain phytic acid and protein contents , while total protein content was significantly and positively related to glutelin content .

  7. 江苏徐州农村地区的地下水蕴涵了丰富的冷量,其17℃左右浅层地下水正可以作为地板供冷的冷源来使用。

    The groundwater in the rural area of Xuzhou has a great deal of cooling capacity , and it 's shallow groundwater with the temperature of 17 ℃ is suitable for the floor cooling system .

  8. 无定形铁态铜和有机态铜与土壤有效铜呈极显著线性正相关,是供试土壤有效铜的主要来源。

    Organic-bound Cu and amorphous Fe oxides-bound Cu are positively correlated with available Cu in the tested soils at the level of P 0.01 significantly , and are the main sources of available Cu in the tested soils .