
  1. 正是茶帮助他消除了中毒的影响。

    It was tea that helped him get rid of the poisoning effect .

  2. 用一句话总结,他愿意达成临时的政治妥协,这也正是茶党看他不爽的原因。

    In short , he is willing to embrace the odd political compromise , which is exactly what the tea party holds against him .

  3. 《实习生》(TheIntern)里的安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)穿着客用浴袍坐在酒店床上,正喝着茶,吃一罐贵得离谱的坚果,显得六神无主。

    Anne Hathaway was in " The Intern , " " perched on a hotel bed in a hotel robe , eating from a can of overpriced nuts , having tea and freaking out .

  4. 当前新课程正如火如茶地在全国范围内开展。

    The new curriculum is being launched in full swing nationwide currently .

  5. 瑶里啊正是浮梁茶的主要产地。

    Yaoli is the principal producer of Fuliang tea .

  6. 我国各个城市的城市轨道交通建设正如火如茶的进行中。

    Urban rail transit construction of various cities of China is in fiery .

  7. 根据国资委号召,为应对宏观经济环境变化,我国央企班组建设正如火如茶开展。

    According to the SASAC call , in response to changes in the macroeconomic environment , our central enterprises to carry out team building is in full swing .

  8. 普洱茶的历史源远而流长,普洱茶的传奇风流而蕴籍,普洱茶的滋味古朴而淳正,普洱茶的艺术丰富而深厚。

    Pu'er tea has a long standing history , implying the romantic and inductive legend , with a primitive simplicity and pure tasty and containing the abundant and profound art .

  9. 现在正是泡杯茶,作一下摘要的时候了。

    It is time to take a break and to make a summary .

  10. 有人正为你准备茶,水壶正唱一支歌,朋友将为你而来,为你吹笛子!

    Someone is preparing the tea for you , water jog is singing a song , friends will come just fluting heref or you !