
  1. 思维是客观事物的反映,思维内容具有全人类性。正由于思维内容的全人类性,各民族之间才可以通过语言的翻译进行思想交流。

    Thought , with the same content of human being , is known to be a reflection of universe objects on which thought communication of different nationalities is based .

  2. 思维迁移是学生把学到的知识应用到新的学习或生活实际中的重要环节,为迁移而教、为迁移而学正是思维迁移的真正体现。

    Migration is thought students to acquire knowledge to a new study or practice , an important part of life , " Teaching for Transfer ," and " Migration and the study " Migration is a genuine expression of thought .

  3. 哲学的科学性质与哲学的基本问题是一致的、吻合的,正是思维和存在的关系问题这一人类认识的基本理论,规定了哲学作为认识科学的性质,也规定了哲学研究的对象;

    The scientific na - ture of philosophy is concordant with fundamental problem of philosophy . It is just the relation between thinking and being , namely fundamental theory of cognition , that stipulates the nature of philosophy as a science of congnition and stipulates the research object of philosophy ;

  4. 正是这种思维能够激发想象力。

    It is this kind of thinking that can inspire the imagination .

  5. 思维方式正属于逻辑思维能力的范围。

    Now it belongs to the scope of logical thinking ability .

  6. 正确评价预测建立在正、反向思维的结合点上

    Correct evaluation and prediction based on the combination of positive and reverse thinking

  7. 由反到正,突破思维定‘向’,对培养联想能力,提高思维素质有重要作用。

    The cultivation of these association capabilities helps greatly to raise the thinking quality of students .

  8. 博弈中的逻辑推理正是逻辑思维、方法应用于博弈的尝试。

    The logic in Game is an attempt of applying logical thinking and methods to the game .

  9. 而将这一心理过程以诗意的语言及类比隐喻的方式予以表述,便形成了儒道文化,儒道文化正是其思维的结晶。

    The expression of this mental process by poetic language and metaphors forms the Confucian Dao culture .

  10. 风投合伙企业往往由凝聚力强、相对封闭的同质性人群构成&这正是趋同思维的理想温床。

    Venture partnerships are often cohesive , insulated , and homogeneous groups – a perfect breeding ground for groupthink .

  11. 毕竟设计的本质是创造,而设计思维的本质正是创造性思维。

    After all , the nature of design is creative , and the nature of thinking of design is the creative thinking .

  12. 平心而论,在商品摆放上零售商正变得更加思维开放。拿电池来说,会放在店内好几个地方。

    In all fairness , retailers are becoming more open to placing items , such as batteries , in several logical locations throughout the store .

  13. 作者经40多年的勘探实践,深感正确评价预测必须建立在正、反向思维的结合点上。

    More than 40 years of anthor 's exploration practice reveals that correct evaluation and prediction must be based on the combination of positive and reverse thinking .

  14. 而也正是言语思维在人类心理活动中所占据的至关重要的位置,才使得人类具有了区别于低级动物的高级心理机能。

    It is just because the thought which is combined by the language takes the most important role in human psychological activity that human advanced psychological functions can be different from animals ' .

  15. 思维品质表现了思维能力,中学生思维品质的研究揭示的正是中学生思维能力的发展,思维品质,体现了每个个体思维的水平和智力、能力的差异。

    Thought characters represent thinking ability . Research of middle school students ' thought characters will verify the maturation of their thinking ability and substantiate the difference of individual thought level , intellect and ability .

  16. 本文正是从思维方式更新的角度出发,充分挖掘中国古代的动态管理精华,批判吸取国外的先进的管理理论,并结合本国的实际情况,进一步探讨系统动态管理思维。

    In this paper , proceeding from upgrading thinking model , the ancient Chinese dynamic management thinking is probed into , the advanced management thought is critically absorbed , and according to our country 's actual situation , the systematic and dynamic management thinking is further discussed .

  17. 正是在这种思维框架下,比利时、荷兰和卢森堡在IMF的投票权份额仍然多于中国;而七大工业国集团(G7)认为自己依旧是重新设计全球金融体系的最佳人选。

    This is the frame of mind that sees the Benelux countries still holding a bigger share than China of the votes at the IMF ; and the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations presuming this weekend that it remains the right forum to redesign the global financial system .

  18. 而原始思维正是现代艺术思维的发源。

    And it is from primitive thinking that modern art thinking originates .

  19. 这种相似的现象正是类比的思维基础;

    It is this similarity that paves the foundation for analogous thinking .

  20. 正是由于库克思维敏捷才挽救了这支探险队。

    Only Cook 's quick thinking saved the expedition .

  21. 而同化现象正是一种思维方法和文化方式。

    It is a way of thinking that the phenomenon of assimilation and cultural way .

  22. 高中阶段正是学生各种思维发展的关键期,因此在教学过程中必须培养学生创新思维。

    The phase of senior middle school is crucial time to develop the students ' inventive minds .

  23. 正是原始象征思维,使原始岩画充满诗性。

    It was this very primitive symbolic thinking that made the primordial petrous picture full of poetry .

  24. 正是电性思维方式引起了巨大的极性,比如善与恶,对与错,等等。

    It is electrical thought-form that causes extremes in polarity such as good and evil , right and wrong , and so on .

  25. 没错,你正受你的思维所困,你的思维是你聆听我的最明显障碍。

    Indeed , your thinking is what is getting you into trouble , constituting a most definite block to your being able to hear me .

  26. (尽管去年11%的经济增速可能过快的意识,似乎正逐渐深入官方思维。)

    ( Although the realisation that last year 's 11 per cent growth rate was too fast appears to be seeping into official thinking . )

  27. 努力争先的美国梦正在向彩票思维让步,我妈妈认为损害墨西哥经济的正是这种彩票思维。

    The American dream , of working hard and getting ahead , is starting to succumb to that lottery mentality my mother saw hurting Mexico 's economy .

  28. 结论年轻护士总体有正性评判性思维能力,但离评判性思维能力强的要求有差距。

    Conclusion Young nurses in general have positive ability of critical thinking . However , the requirement of great ability of critical thinking still can 't be met .

  29. 福柯正是依凭这种思维方式上的变革,奠定了自己在哲学发展史上,乃至人类思想发展史上的独特地位。

    Foucault established his own unique status in the history of philosophy develop - ment , even human thought development through his change on the mode of thinking .

  30. 创造性思维与创造性人格的各个因子及总分之间存在显著的正相关;创造性思维对创造性人格有预测作用,反之亦然。

    Each factor and total score of creative thinking and creative personality had significantly positive relationship ; creative personality can be predicted by creative thinking , and vice versa . 3 .