
  1. 大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。

    A vast treasure-trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience .

  2. 一些公用事业公司,例如AEP正筹划建设一批未配备捕碳设备的商用发电站,但是其采用的设计能令其他技术在日后能够相对便捷地投入使用。

    Some utilities , such as AEP , are planning commercial plants that will initially lack carbon-capture facilities , but are designed to allow the technology to be added fairly easily at a later date .

  3. 正构烷烃重复批式发酵生产长链二元酸

    Repeated batch fermentative process for long chain dicarboxylic acid from alkane

  4. 那么,本文要探讨的正是这样一批书院的历史面貌。

    This thesis will explore the historical features of the Academy .

  5. 朱先生正带领学校一批人去海边。

    Mr Zhu is taking a school party to the seaside .

  6. 那公司正计划以一批连锁特许经销商店的形式在波兰扩展业务。

    The company is planning to expand in Poland with a chain of franchise shops .

  7. 强台风即将来袭,菲律宾中部的一些农民正准备收割第一批水稻。

    Some farmers in the central Philippines are preparing for their first rice harvest since a powerful typhoon hit the country .

  8. 一项商业调查显示,信用紧缩正威胁着一批小型高科技公司,政府急需资金投入。

    Government funding is necessary as the honor crunch threatens a procreation of small high-tech companies , a business investment team warns .

  9. 他们通常仅解封其搜集的大量文件中的很小一个子集。有时,主持面询的律师和代表该企业和政府就指控和处罚进行交涉的律师正是同一批人。

    Sometimes the lawyers who conduct the investigation are the same ones who represent the company in negotiations with the government over charges and penalties .

  10. 委员会到来前夕,本-古里安正忙于催促第一批百万移民来到巴勒斯坦。

    On the eve of the Anglo-American Committee 's arrival , Ben-Gurion was preoccupied with the urgency of Jewish immigration to achieve the first million .

  11. 本公司与客户正洽售一批大豆,若贵公司愿意报以适当买价,本公司乐意出售。

    With regard to soybeans , we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer . If , however , you were to make us a suitable offer , there is possibility of our supplying them .