
  • 网络Fine living
  1. 巴黎教给了我精致生活的艺术。

    Paris is the place that teaches me something about the art of fine living .

  2. 先进技术的广泛应用,不仅是科学发展的一个缩影,更是体现了人们在追求方便、高效、精致生活的强烈愿望。

    Widely use of advanced technology not only is a microcosm of science , but also reflects the pursuit of convenience , efficiency and fine living desire of people .

  3. Nespresso现在拥有175家精装店面。在这些店铺里顾客可以购买咖啡机、胶囊容器和其他的周边产品,也可以一边啜饮咖啡一边品味这种精致生活方式。

    Nespresso now has about 175 boutique storefronts where customers can buy machines , capsules and accessories , sip coffee and taste the lifestyle .

  4. 咖啡,是都市精致生活方式的象征。

    Coftee is the symbol ol a fine urban lifestyle .

  5. 精致生活的陷阱(三)形象传神。

    Traps in delicacy Third , vivid and lifelike .

  6. 是为了看看文化和精致生活的发源地。

    To see where culture and sophistication come from .

  7. 灵韵小巧的人性化外型设计,充分展现出精致生活的艺术。

    Compact size , humanized appearance design , enhancing artistic delicacy of life .

  8. 偏向于素净与幽雅的空间格调展示,是精致生活的唯美体现。

    It leans to the revelation of plain and neat and elegant room style .

  9. 接受不能完全康复这一事实并不表示精致生活不复存在。

    Accepting the total recovery was not possible did not mean a good life was not possible .

  10. 生鱼已成为新派和精致生活的标志;相反,面对着冰冷的金枪鱼片尖叫讨厌的一幕,已非常落伍。

    Raw fish has become a symbol of modernity and sophistication ; conversely , squealing yuck to cold tuna is profoundly uncool .

  11. 这个立志于打造“华中地区最高端百货公司”的武汉国际广场,定位于:国际品质、精致生活。

    Wuhan International Plaza aspiring to create " the most topping department store of Central China " focuses on international quality and exquisite life .

  12. 精致生活源自细微感受,哪怕只有片刻微笑,些许感动,生活也会变得快乐灵动。

    Refined from the subtle feeling of life , even if only a short smile , a little moved , life will become happy Smart .

  13. 该产品采用时尚精美的袖珍型包装显得更加时尚美观,贵为成功人士享受精致生活的品位之选。

    The fashionable and fancy mini type package makes this product more fashionable and artistic , and it will be the first choice for those successful people .

  14. 都市的华丽、梦想的色彩、蓝调的慵懒、咖啡里的风景、浪漫中的归属,精致生活的诗意如同午后的阳光,悄悄地洒遍在每一处角落。

    The magnificence , color , lazy , scenery , attribution in a romantic and perfect life , as the afternoon sunshine , quietly spray in every corner .

  15. 实习讯息钧珮为梦想在公关公司,为那些著名的精致生活品牌服务的学生,提供实习机会-这是实现梦想的契机。

    Internship Programe & a supply intern opportunity for the students who dreamed to working in the PR Agency , and doing services for the famous luxury lifestyle brands .

  16. 天秤座:天秤座喜欢陶醉在精致生活的良好自我感觉中,交响乐或芭蕾舞季票恰能满足其对文化生活的渴求。

    Libra : libras like to feel like they live a refined , sophisticated life , so season tickets to the symphony or the ballet fulfills their yen for culture .

  17. “南玻超白玻璃,演绎社会精致生活”,这是南玻人的骄傲,也是中国玻璃业界的骄傲。

    " Delicate social life is developed by CSG ultra clear glass " . This is not only pride of CSG people , but also the pride of Chinese glass industry .

  18. 对于精致生活格调的追求是一种态度,就像有的人为了达到事业的颠峰勇往直前,有的人为了向往中的恬淡生活可以放弃名利。

    While some people won 't stop moving forward until they reach the pinnacle of their career , others tend to give up fame and profit for a simple and peaceful lifestyle .

  19. 在观天下,您不仅可以领略到雍容华贵、富丽堂皇的高品质实木带来的贵族、奢华气派,更可以感受到皇家高端品质的精致生活风范。

    In the whole world , you can not only enjoy the elegant , gorgeous of high quality wood bring noble , costly style , more can feel real high-end quality delicate life style .

  20. 让我们更好地享受软装饰带来的个性之美、人性之美,使它真正成为家居文化中一种对昔日文化辉煌的承载,一种对精致生活的演绎。

    Allow us to better enjoy the soft furnishings to bring the beauty of individuality , the beauty of human nature , it truly becomes a kind of home culture , culture and spirit of the old bearing , a kind of delicate interpretation of life .

  21. 镇民们十分欣喜,但是没过多久他们就发现,他们无力负担那稀罕、自得、精致的生活。

    The townspeople are delighted , until they realize many of them can 't afford to join the few , the smug , the artisanal .

  22. 我要住在城区,最好能过上精致奢侈的生活。

    I thought I 'd live an urban , impossibly sophisticated life .

  23. 在我们这个新的派对概念里,你将有机会体验到一夜闪耀而精致的巨星生活。

    In this new party program , you get to experience the glitter and VIP treatment of a bona-fide star for a night , with all the extra trimmings .

  24. 公司本着“以人品塑造产品,以产品演绎人品”的做事原则,诚挚奉献世纪经典豪门,为您精致、美好生活增光添彩。

    Keeping the motto " Quality shapes products , and products improve quality " in mind , the company sincerely provides you with the luxurious wooden doors to enrich you life .

  25. 同时秉承尊重人性化的精神,对每款产品进行精巧的设计和严格的测试,将尽善尽美的产品呈现在您精致舒适的生活之中。

    While adhering to the spirit of respect for humanity , each product elaborate on the design and rigorous testing , will be the perfect product presentation in your elegant and comfortable life .

  26. 张爱玲、王安忆都力图通过回忆将旧上海拉回人们的视野,作品中表现出了对于旧上海的物质存在和精致细腻的生活情趣的迷恋。

    Zhang Ailing and Wang Anyi tried to spread Shanghai before people 's view by using way of nostalgia , in their works , the attraction to the substance exist of the old Shanghai and the delicate life style was showed .

  27. 而对于城市,王安忆显然更为熟稔,通过对市民日常生活衣食住行的生动描摹,她的小说展现了平民百姓精致、讲究的生活方式,以及这种生活方式背后柔韧坚强、处变不惊的生活哲学。

    As to city , Wang is more proficient . By vividly depicting citizens ' everyday life , her novels express their delicate life style and the pliability and strength behind this life style .