
  • 网络craft beer;craft brew
  1. 不过,如今的“露胸连锁店”升级了这一概念,他们提供风格更清新的就餐环境、更适合今天年轻人口味的菜单如手工食品和精酿啤酒。

    But today 's cleavage chains have updated the concept with fresher-looking spaces and menus better suited to today 's young people who are increasingly interested in artisanal food and craft beer .

  2. 34岁的杜加尔在新德里出生,在新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)学过商科。他也是在那里第一次喝到手工精酿啤酒。

    Born in New Delhi , 34-year-old Mr. Dugar studied business at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire-where he also had his first taste of craft beer .

  3. 米勒康胜啤酒公司早早就开始迎合精酿啤酒风潮&它1995年就推出了自主开发的精酿啤酒品牌“蓝月亮”(BlueMoon)。

    Millercoors was early into the craft beer craze with the creation of blue moon , the internally grown brand it launched in 1995 .

  4. 这家酿酒业巨头煞费苦心地给予ShockTop一种精酿啤酒特有的感觉,但喜欢较真的人会说,百威英博的公司谱系决定了它酿制不出口味纯正的精酿啤酒。

    The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility , though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer .

  5. 对于精酿啤酒业务,或更具体地说是TenthandBlake,您怎么看它的前景?

    What do you see as the future of craft and , more specifically , tenth and Blake ?

  6. DarrenHayward/TheWallStreetJournal越来越多的酒吧开始供应手工精酿啤酒,Roundhouse就是其中之一。东边两公里处的黄竹坑(WongChukHang)又有一家酿酒厂正在兴建。

    Two kilometers to the east , another brewing venture is taking shape in Wong Chuk Hang , a strip of rusty old factories .

  7. 或者乘电车返回市中心,去慵懒的No.Au咖啡馆,它藏在一个小广场的角落里,供应天然葡萄酒和精酿啤酒。

    Or take the tram back to the center , where squirreled away on a small piazza is No. Au , a laid-back cafe serving natural wines and craft beers .

  8. 水滨的达利博物馆修缮一新后令人惊艳,精致餐厅比比皆是。在市中心,沿着古老的中央大道(CentralAvenue),活力向前蔓延,这多少要感谢此地的精酿啤酒。

    With a redeveloped waterfront , a stunning Dali Museum , and sophisticated restaurants in place , the downtown energy is now heading up historic Central Avenue , thanks in part to the craft beer scene .

  9. 他搬到纽约后对手工精酿啤酒的兴趣大增,那时他从事投资银行工作。这种兴趣一直伴随他在2011年接受高盛(GoldmanSachs)的工作来到香港。

    His interest blossomed after he moved to New York , where he worked as an investment banker , and it followed him to Hong Kong when he took a job with Goldman Sachs in 2011 .

  10. 其他还有位于大坑区(TaiHang)的Stone's酒吧、BeerBay和DickensBar。Stone's轮换提供各类生啤,BeerBay专营瓶装英式麦酒,DickensBar近期扩大了龙头和瓶装精酿啤酒的种类。

    Other standbys include Stone 's , a Tai Hang bar with a rotating selection of draft beers , the Beer Bay , which specializes in bottled British ales , and Dickens Bar , which has recently expanded its selection of craft beer on tap and in bottles .

  11. 为了在精酿啤酒市场中获得一杯羹,MillerCoors(SABMiller和MolsonCoors的合资企业)于2010年成立了一块独立的业务,名为TenthandBlake。

    To grab a portion of the craft-drinking segment , millercoors ( a joint venture of SABMiller and Molson Coors ( TAP ) ) launched a separate division in 2010 called tenth and Blake .

  12. 精酿啤酒已经占整个部门利润的4.5%。

    Crafted beers already account for4.5 percent of the sector 's profits .

  13. 本土精酿啤酒正受到人们的青睐。

    Homegrown craft beers are gaining favor .

  14. 喝啤酒,不喝鸡尾酒——而且还不要精酿啤酒。

    Drink beer instead of cocktails - and make sure that beer isn 't craft .

  15. 一个选择是自主创新,在公司内部研发一款全新的精酿啤酒。

    One option would be to innovate from within , creating a new craft beer internally .

  16. 现年28岁的纪晨在银行工作,他在比利时留学的时候喜欢上了精酿啤酒。

    Ji Chen , a banker , developed a taste for fine beer as a student in Belgium .

  17. 中国消费者的口味迅速变化,他们正在从大规模生产的本地啤酒转向国内外的精酿啤酒。

    As tastes rapidly change , Chinese consumers are swapping mass-produced local beers for imports and local craft beers .

  18. 在一场游戏结束后,他们可以走进酒吧间,享受新斯科舍省的食物和精酿啤酒。

    Between sessions , they can step into the lounge area to enjoy Nova Scotia food and craft beers .

  19. 北京本地有大约六家小型精酿啤酒商,中国其他城市也纷纷涌现出这样的啤酒商。

    Beijing is home to about half a dozen microbreweries , and others have popped up in cities across China .

  20. 然而,在21世纪初期,小生产商生产的高品质食品开始流行起来,比如精酿啤酒、手工奶酪以及当地特有的肉类。

    However , in the early 21st century , quality products from small producers became fashionable , like craft beer , artisan cheese and locally grown specialty meats .

  21. 喜欢小规模手工精酿啤酒的人应该很熟悉这种场景:闪闪发光的酿酒设备,酵母发酵的气味,大袋大袋的大麦麦芽。

    It was a scene familiar to any fan of small-batch , artisanal craft beer : the gleaming brewing equipment , the bready smell , the bulging sacks of malted barley .

  22. 但随着手工精酿啤酒第一波浪潮中代表性的刺激酒花味让位于更加深邃复杂的味道,这场变革正在延伸至酒窖。

    But as the screechingly hop-forward brews of the craft-beer movement 's first wave give way to deeper , more complex flavors , the revolution is moving down to the cellar .

  23. 店里会有10个龙头提供手工精酿啤酒,另外三个龙头则直接连在了店里自己的酿制容器中,这些容器放置在后面的一个小房间里。

    Three others will be connected directly to the bar 's own brewing tanks , squeezed into a small back room on the ground floor of the pub 's Wyndham Street space .

  24. 香港——在中国,精酿啤酒正在成为一种风尚,小型精酿作坊在全国各地纷纷冒出,酿造从枸杞到绿茶等各种口味的啤酒。

    HONG KONG - China is abuzz with craft brewing , with small-scale operations popping up around the country and churning out beer tasting of everything from goji berries to green tea .

  25. 由于进口手工精酿啤酒突然流行起来,杜加尔认为本地自酿啤酒在香港是有市场的,不久后便萌生了开设少爷麦啤酿酒厂的想法。

    His plan for Young Master was hatched not long after , when the sudden popularity of imported craft beer made Mr. Dugar decide there is a market in Hong Kong for local brews . '

  26. 不妨在大跃啤酒屋绿树成荫的院子里喝上一杯啤酒。此处堪称北京精酿啤酒界的先锋,酿制独特的麦芽啤酒,比如加入福建武夷山铁观音的金色铁观音啤酒(40元)。

    Grab a pint yourself in the tree-shaded courtyard at Great Leap Brewing , a pioneer in Beijing 's craft beer scene that makes unique ales like Iron Buddha Blonde , infused with tea from the mountains of Fujian province ( 40 renminbi ) .

  27. 这个南国小镇素来吸引着历史爱好者的目光,随着当地新建的诸多画廊和卡里镇等购物中心的兴起,有一波新的游客来到此地。此地盛产精酿啤酒,素食烘焙食品,遍布自行车道,堪称嬉皮士的天堂!

    The Southern city has been drawing history buffs for years , but with the addition of more art galleries and shopping destinations like Carytown , there 's a new crowd coming to town.With craft beers , vegan baked goods and bike paths , this capital has all the markings of a hipster haven .

  28. 啤酒爱好者应该去“更多啤酒”(BirraPiù),它既是酒吧也卖酒,供应Brewfist酿酒厂和埃米利亚诺酿酒厂(BirrificioEmiliano)的精酿桶装啤酒。

    Beer-drinkers should head to Birra Pi ù , a bottle shop and pub with craft beers from Brewfist and Birrificio Emiliano on tap .