
jīnɡ hún
  • spirit;soul
精魂 [jīng hún]
  • (1) [soul]∶灵魂

  • (2) [spirit]∶精神

  1. 而是一个自由自在、包容世界、在空中翱翔的精魂。

    But a thing free , a spirit that envelops the earth and moves in the ether .

  2. 你看到过一个精魂或者一个鬼魂,或者注意到某人做到了某些一般物理规则所无法做到的事?

    Have you seen a spirit or a ghost , or witnessed someone do something that can 't be explained away by the normal laws of physics ?

  3. 书里蕴藏着全部过去时代的精魂,古昔发出的朗朗之声,而旧时的形体和物质恰如梦境一般,早已荡然无存。

    In books lies the soul of the whole Past Time ; the articulate audible voice of the Past , when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream .

  4. 建立执行文化:现代企业管理理念的精魂

    Establish Executive Culture : Essence of Notions of Modern Business Management

  5. 书中所寓居的是过去整个时代的精魂。

    In books lies the soul of the whole past time .

  6. 在转动不息的世界的静止点上,既无生灵也无精魂;

    At the still point of the turning world . Neither flesh nor fleshless ;

  7. 红土上的精魂&抗战时期的东南诗坛战时东南儿童文学创作拾遗

    Development of Children 's Literature in Southeast China during the War of Resistance against Japan

  8. 他重视随笔的道德意义、思想建设,这就是现代随笔的精魂。

    He thought highly of the moral significance and the ideal construction , which is the soul of modern free-writing .

  9. 《红楼梦》是一个能体现中华民族文化的精神本旨,寄托中华文化之精魂的文本。

    A Red Chamber Dream is a text which is able to embody the spirit and gist of Chinese culture .

  10. 首先从随笔概念,进而分析现代随笔的精魂是社会批评与文明批评;

    Firstly , the concept of " essay " is categorized into that of " social criticism " and " civilization criticism " .

  11. 因为你黄昏时有家可归,而你那更迷茫、更孤寂的漂泊的精魂,也有个归宿。

    For even as you have home-comings in your twilight , so has the wanderer in you , the ever distant and alone .

  12. 哈尼族梯田文化之美可概括为丰富内涵美、悠久历史美、和谐共生美、民族精魂美、自然景观美、朴实生活美。

    The beauty of Hani terrace can be summarized as rich content , long history , harmony , full of national traits and beautiful views .

  13. 同时,我们还提出了大学生网络道德教育对传统道德的溯源传承问题,即必须追寻中华民族道德文化的精魂,结合时代需要,借鉴儒家传统思想中的有益成分。

    We must pursue the spirit of traditional ethical culture of China , and combine it with the needs of the times , then learn from beneficial ingredients of the Confucians .

  14. 《十四行集》作为冯至诗歌的扛鼎之作,体现了其诗歌艺术的精魂,具有多方面的认知价值和实践意义。

    As the greatest famous works of Feng Zhi 's poetry , the Collection of Sonnets embodied the spirits of his arts of poetry and included multi-aspect cognitive value and significance of practice .

  15. 为此,千姿百态的灵幻便成为小说的外在主体,它逼真而深刻地展示了拉美民族的精魂,且形成了一种奇美而超绝的艺术品格。

    As a result , a variety of spirits and illusions became the subject of a novel , which showed deeply the Latin American 's spirits , and thus a marvellous artistic character formed .

  16. 中国民族声乐作品的创作者在吸收外来的科学理论的基础下,借鉴西方美声唱法的同时,继承传统艺术、吸取我们自家拥有的传统戏曲的精魂。

    Creators of Chinese national vocal music works on the basis of absorbing foreign scientific theory , draw lessons from western canto , at the same times inheriting the traditional arts , have learned our own soul and spirit of traditional Chinese opera .

  17. 和你的爱人去看看月光下的大海吧,在大海的最深处,也许就藏着你前生的记忆呢。三生石上的旧精魂,真的不是一个美丽的传说么?

    And your wife to see the ocean under the Moonlight bar , in the depths of the sea , perhaps on the Health and hide your memory ? . Whose son stones on the old souls , that is not a beautiful legends ?