
  • 网络urbanites;urbanite;urbanist
  1. 科学家们证实了城市人长期以来的疑虑:城市生活压力更大。

    Scientists have confirmed what every urbanite has long suspected – life in the city is more stressful .

  2. 换句话说,土生土长的城市人的调控机制似乎脱离了平衡。

    The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite , in other words , seems to be out of kilter .

  3. 将温和的矿工与好斗的大城市人混在一起时,最微小的细节都很重要

    The minutest detail counts when mingling mild miners and militant metropolitans .

  4. 城市人行地道方案评价模型及应用

    The Evaluation Model of Urban Pedestrian Subway and Its Application

  5. 我们不再是被水泥森林禁锢的城市人。

    We will not be prisoners of the concrete forest any more .

  6. 我深有同感。然后他说了一些生活在那个城市人的特性。

    I think everybody should live in that city for a while .

  7. 很少有城市人到过那个偏远的村庄。

    Few city people have been to that remote village .

  8. 城市人行立交的规划和设计

    The Plan and Design of Urban Pedestrain Grade Installation

  9. 压型钢板与混凝土组合结构在城市人行天桥上的应用

    Application of Molded Steel Sheet and Concrete Composite Construction on Urban Pedestrian Overcrossing

  10. 城市人行天桥设计上几个问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems in Urban Pedestrian Overpass Design

  11. 可爱是当代城市人对小体型狗着迷的关键。

    Cuteness is the key to the contemporary urban obsession with small dogs .

  12. 城市人行天桥振动测试研究

    The Vibration Experimental Study of City Pedestrian Overbridge

  13. 城市人行立交工程设计的探讨

    Discussion of design of urban pedestrian underpass project

  14. 城市人行地道浅埋暗挖施工技术及其环境效应研究

    Study on Underground Cutting Technique with Shallow Overburden and Environmental Effect of City Underpass

  15. 中国城市人爱好颜色的特点&颜色爱好与几种因素的关系

    Chinese Metropolitan 's Colour-Loving Characteristics & Relations Between the Loving Colour and Several Kinds of Factors

  16. 旋挖钻机施工工艺在城市人行天桥桩基施工中的应用

    Application of Spin Drilling Rig Construction Technology in Construction of Pile Foundation of Urban Pedestrian Overpass

  17. 城市人行桥若干问题浅议

    On several problems of urban footbridge

  18. 农民工的贫困原因是由于农民工与城市人相比缺乏公正的社会权利,即农民工的社会权利贫困是造成农民工地位低下的深层次原因。

    The reason for this is that they lack equal social rights compared to the urban population .

  19. 另一个可能是,我们最终离开洛杉矶。那样的话“我们就不是真正意义上的大城市人”。

    Another possibility is eventually leaving Los angeles . " we 're really not big-city people ," said mike .

  20. 大城市人地关系空间结构演变及其优化研究&以上海市为例

    The Changes of the Spatial Structure of Man-land Relationship in Large Cities and its Optimization : A Case Study of Shanghai

  21. 时尚是一种消费文化,近一个世纪以来,它成为了城市人生活的主题。

    Fashion is a kind of consumption culture and nearly a century , it has become the theme of city life .

  22. 城市人的日常生活体系构成了城市活动体系,因此城市人的日常活动体系对城市各个方面的发展都有影响。

    The daily life system of urban Residents constitutes the urban system , which affects in all aspects of urban development .

  23. 我想对像我们这样的城市人来说,和自然及季节接触是很重要的。

    I think it 's important for people like us in the city to come into contact with nature and the seasons .

  24. 然而,法国的乡间对于法国城市人来说,有更多的意义:他们认为自己本应出身于乡间。

    However , the French countryside means something more to French city-dwellers : it 's the place they should have been from .

  25. 介绍了城市人行天桥钢梁焊接装配工艺流程及施工要点。

    Steel beam which is used in city walking platform bridge welding , assembly , processing and main points of construction are introduced .

  26. 快餐最明显的好处是它能够帮助城市人不用花时间准备食物或做饭。

    The most obvious advantage of fast food is that it can help city people spend little time in preparing food or cooking .

  27. 他用自己的影片,描绘出了一幅当代中国都市的典型画面,形成了记录当代城市人精神世界与心灵世界的佳作。

    He used his own films , depicted a portrait of the contemporary Chinese city , formed the typical picture of contemporary urban people spiritual world record with the mind world works .

  28. 随着现代交通方式的不断增多以及交通流量的不断加快,为保证人群与车辆双方的通畅与安全,城市人行桥得到了迅速发展。

    With increasing the modern means of transport and accelerating the traffic flow , in order to ensure the safety of the crowds and vehicles , city footbridge has been developed very quickly .

  29. 摘要对城市人行地道的化缺点进行了分析,提出了一些设计对策,指出人行地道的设计应作为城市空间节点的组成部分来考虑。

    Based on the studies of pedestrian underpass advantages and disadvantages , the paper points out same design countermeasures and proposes to consider the pedestrian underpass as a part of the urban space node .

  30. 看过世博中心之后可以去主题馆,那里有4个场馆,分别是城市人馆、生命馆、地球馆、公众参与馆。

    Following the visit , you can stop by the theme pavilion , which consists of4 sub-pavilions : the urban pavilion , life pavilion , Earth pavilion , and the pavilion for public participation .