
  • 网络transport planning;urban traffic planning;urban transport planning
  1. 近年来GIS技术正逐渐应用到城市交通规划中来,并发挥出日益重要的作用。

    In recent years , GIS technology is increasingly applied to urban transport planning and plays an increasingly important role .

  2. ITS对国内城市交通规划影响的探讨

    The Discussion on the Effect of ITS to Urban Transport Planning

  3. 支持城市交通规划的GIS时空数据模型研究

    Object-Oriented Spatiotemporal Data Model ( STDM ) of GIS for Urban Transportation Planning

  4. 城市交通规划中GIS方法应用探讨

    On Application of GIS in Urban Transportation Planning

  5. 本文介绍了GIS技术的特点,介绍了在城市交通规划中的应用及应用前景。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of GIS technology , its application and prospect in urban transportation planning .

  6. 分析了确定排放因子的方法,提出适用于中国城市交通规划的MOBILE模式法参数修正及参数计算方法。

    In the paper , the methods for emission factors are analyzed . MOBILE parameters correction and computing methods are put forward to adapt China urban transportation planning .

  7. 对城市交通规划EIA替代方案的思考

    Thinking of Alternatives for Urban Transportation Plan EIA

  8. GIS技术以其强大的图形处理的能力和空间数据分析的功能,已成为辅助城市交通规划的最有力的工具。

    But the GIS technology has become the most useful tool of assisting the urban transportation plan because of its powerful drawing processing ability and the spatial data analytical functions .

  9. 交通需求管理(TDM)在城市交通规划中的应用探讨

    Discussion about the Application of the TDM ( Traffic Demand Management ) in City Traffic Programming

  10. 阐述了建立基于GIS的城市交通规划信息系统的设计背景、目标和开发运行环境。

    The design background , goal and developing and running circumstance of an information system of urban traffic planning based on the geographic information system ( GIS ) were discussed in this paper .

  11. GIS-T在城市交通规划中的发展与应用

    Development and Application of GIS-T in Urban Transportation Planning

  12. 将HOV优先引入我国城市交通规划的管理

    Introducing the HOV priority concept into Chinese traffic planning and management

  13. SD-GIS集成模型在城市交通规划环境评价的应用研究

    SD-GIS Integration Model Application Study in Urban Traffic Planning Environment Assessment

  14. 基于模糊分析的城市交通规划中流量研究

    The flux 's fuzzy analysis of programming inside of city transportation

  15. 城市交通规划、建设与综合管理的复杂系统分析&交通7+1论坛第二次理事会会议记实

    Complex System Analysis on Urban Traffic Planning , Construction and Management

  16. 加强城市交通规划助力天津生态城市建设

    Strengthen Urban Traffic Plan & Promote Ecological City Construction of Tianjin

  17. 现代城市交通规划的理论和方法的应用与实例&暨庆祝徐循初教授执教50周年

    The application of method Theory example of modern city traffic planning

  18. 立体交叉在城市交通规划中的地位与作用

    The Position & Function of Grade Seperation in Urban Traffic Planning

  19. 城市交通规划与城市地理信息系统应用

    Urban Traffic Planning and of Urban Geography Information System Application

  20. 用于城市交通规划的机动车污染物排放因子

    Motor Vehicles ' Exhaust Emission Factors for Urban Transportation Planning

  21. 2006年中国城市交通规划回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect on 2006 's Chinese Urban Transportation Planning

  22. 新世纪快速公交系统是哥伦比亚宏伟的全国城市交通规划下项目的典范。

    TransMilenio a model for Colombia 's ambitious national urban transportation plan .

  23. 城市交通规划中的公众参与机制分析

    On the Mechanism of Public Participation in Urban Transportation Planning

  24. 基于交通环境因子的城市交通规划框架

    Study on the Traffic Environment Factor for Urban Traffic Planning

  25. 刍议城市交通规划中的行人交通系统规划

    Humble Opinion of Planning of Pedestrian Traffic System in Urban Traffic Planning

  26. EMME/2需求模型及在城市交通规划中的应用

    EMME / 2 Demand Models and Their Application to Urban Traffic Planning

  27. 城市交通规划中机动车空气污染影响分析技术及其应用

    Impact Analysis of Motor Vehicles on Air Pollution in Urban Transport Planning

  28. 城市交通规划中交通可达性模型及其应用

    Models and application of transport accessibility in urban transport planning

  29. 高空间分辨率卫星遥感数据在城市交通规划中的应用研究

    Study on Application of High Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Urban Traffic Plan

  30. 城市交通规划地理信息系统设计

    Urban Transportation Planning Information System Design Based on GIS