
shuǐ diàn kāi fā
  • Hydropower development;hydroelectric development
  1. NET的开发模式.怒江水电开发生态影响及建设模式

    The ecological effect and construction model for hydroelectric development of Nujiang

  2. 为抓住这一机遇,经过一年多的筹备,X水电开发有限责任公司在2004年9月正式注册成立,购买了大渡河一条支流流域的水资源开发权进行水电开发。

    After more-than-one-year preparation , X Hydroelectric Development Co. , Ltd ( briefly called XHDC ) was launched officially in September , 2004 , and it put into production after getting the privilege to develop water resources along a branch of the Dadu River .

  3. 流域水电开发呼唤PM建设管理模式

    PM Construction Management Mode for Hydropower Development in Drainage Basin

  4. 模糊优选模型在流域梯级水电开发中的应用

    Application of fuzzy optimization pattern in hydropower development of multi-level valley

  5. 流域水电开发公司的企业战略管理

    Enterprise strategy and management for hydro development Co. in catchment area

  6. 国外水电开发企业公司治理机制研究

    Research on company management system of hydropower enterprises in foreign countries

  7. 怒江水电开发的生态影响

    Ecological impacts of hydropower development on the Nujiang River , China

  8. 考虑社会影响的水利水电开发环境影响评价方法

    Method for environment impact assessment of hydropower development considering social factors

  9. 流域水电开发可持续发展的认识与实践

    Knowledge and Practice on Sustainable Development of River Basin Hydropower Resources

  10. 多项目水电开发企业项目组织模式变革探索

    Exploring Project-based Organizational Structure Changes of Hydropower Development Companies for Multi-project

  11. 加快怒江水电开发服务和谐社会建设

    Accelerate Nujiang River hydropower development Serve the harmonious society construction

  12. 农村水电开发中的生态和环境问题及其对策

    Ecological and environmental issues and countermeasures in rural hydropower development

  13. 我国西部地区水电开发问题探讨

    Discussion on Hydropower Development Problems in the West of China

  14. 广西电力发展与水电开发

    The Development of Electric Power & the Exploitation of Hydro-power in Guangxi

  15. 长江上游水电开发与水力学研究

    Hydropower Development and Hydraulic Research on Yangtze ' Upper Reach

  16. 川西地区水电开发中的泥石流典型实例

    Some typical cases of debris flows in hydroelectric exploitation from Western Sichuan

  17. 西部水电开发应审慎而行

    We should steer a cautious course in western hydroelectric development

  18. 加快西部水电开发的税收政策建议

    Proposals on Tax Policy for Speeding up Hydropower Development in West China

  19. 澜沧江流域水电开发融资创新与实践

    Financing Initiatives and Practice of the Hydropower Development in Lancang River Basin

  20. 凉山地区水电开发项目环境风险分析的探讨

    Environmental risk analysis of hydropower development projects in Liangshan area

  21. 流域水电开发虚拟研究中心的结构模式及管理对策

    Structure and management of virtual valley hydropower development research centers

  22. 水电开发对雅砻江流域生态环境的影响

    Eco-environmental Impact Analysis of Hydropower Development on the Yalong River

  23. 澜沧江流域水电开发前景探析

    Exploration and Analysis of Hydropower Development Prospects of the Lancang River Basin

  24. 加快汉江上游水电开发模式探讨

    Modes for speeding up development of hydropower on the Upper Hanjiang River

  25. 绿色水电开发与环境保护的创新思考

    Research on Green Exploitation of Hydraulic Power and Environment Protection

  26. 水电开发是西部大开发中的重要实践

    Important Role of Hydropower Development in Development in Western Region

  27. 生态价值评估方法在水电开发环境评价中的应用研究

    Application of ecological value evaluation method in environmental assessment of hydropower development

  28. 水电开发和旅游业是地方经济的基础和支柱产业。

    Hydropower and tourism is the local economic base and pivotal industries .

  29. 政府主导下的水电开发生态补偿机制研究

    Study on the Government-led Ecological Compensation Mechanism for Hydropower Development

  30. 阐述了我国水电开发所面临的发展机遇;

    Development opportunity of hydropower exploitation in China is explained .