
  • 网络cement pit;Concrete Pool;ricefield eel
  1. EM在水泥池封闭、半封闭式生态养虾中的应用

    Utilization of EM in a Closed and Semi-closed Ecological Culture shrimp , Penaeus monodon Fabricius

  2. 在72m3水泥池中,采用人工配制饲料对中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)进行养殖试验。

    Chinese sturgeon , Acipenser sinensis , was cultured in 7 2 m 3 cement pond , feeding by artificial complex diet .

  3. 培养基组分对hCG核酸疫苗质粒拷贝数的影响大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Effect of Medium Composition on Plasmid Amplification of hCG DNA Vaccine Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  4. 方斑东风螺Babyloniaareolata(Lamarck)室外水泥池养殖技术

    Farming Technique for Babylonia areolata ( Lamarck ) in Outdoor Tank

  5. 本实验以EM作为饲料添加剂和水质净化剂,采用全封闭、半封闭与传统养殖方式&对照组在实验室水泥池(118d)养殖实验。

    EM as a fodder additive and purifying agent of water quality was added into closed , and semi-closed cement ponds with tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon Fabricius ) and a cement pond was not supplemented with the EM as a control .

  6. 在水温18~21℃、盐度20.0~30.0条件下,室内水泥池前期培育13d,仔鱼成活率69.7%;

    At water temperature 18 ~ 21 ℃ and salinity 15.0 ~ 30.0 , the survival rate of larva was 69.7 % after 13d 's breeding ;

  7. 从河口捕获的花鲈苗,通过水泥池驯养和分级培育,至体长达4~5cm后采取池塘网围分级培育。

    Sea-bass fry caught from estuary were acclimatized and graded in cement tank , and were further reared in the net pen inside pond when they reached 4  ̄ 5 cm in body length .

  8. 水泥池养殖黄颡鱼试验

    Pseudobagrus fulvidraco Culture in an Indoor Concrete Pond MINERAL SPRING FISH

  9. 加水时水泥池是否会移动?

    Could the concrete tank be moving when water is added ?

  10. 生物二沉池的轴安装在水泥池中。

    Bio-Clarifier shaft is supplied to be installed in concrete tankage .

  11. 在水体较大的水泥池暂养的成活率一直都较高。

    High survival rates were obtained in capacious tanks from larvae to fingerlings .

  12. 杂交条纹鲈苗种小水泥池培育技术试验

    Study on the Seed Rearing of Hybrid Stripped Bass in Small Cement Pond

  13. 鳡人工繁殖及苗种池塘培育技术初步研究大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究

    Preliminary Study on the Intermediate Culture Technology of Artificial Pinctada maxima Spats in Cement Pond

  14. 对室外水泥池养殖方斑东风螺的生长特性进行了研究。

    In this paper , the growth characteristics of Babylonia areolata in outdoor tank-culture was studied .

  15. 水泥池的进水箱内的水深决定水流均衡区的最大承受能力。

    Maximum capacity of flow equalization limited by available wastewater depth in feed chamber of concrete tankage .

  16. 赤点石斑鱼室内水泥池养殖技术的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Culture Techniques of Epinephelus akaara ( Temmink & Schlegel ) in Indoor Cement Pool

  17. 水族箱内催产受精,水泥池中孵化网内孵化,效果较好。

    Hastening parturition and impregnating in aquaria , incubating in the incubation net in cement pool , the reproductive effect is better .

  18. 在挡雨水泥池中研究了间歇灌溉对水稻抗旱性的影响及其生理机制。

    The effect of intermittent irrigation on the drought resistance in rice and the physiological mechanism was studied in water keeping off cement ponds .

  19. 水泥池高密度养殖鳗鲡水环境的调查虫蛆在死水中孵化,邪念在懒惰中养成

    Survey on the Water Environment of Intensive Eel Culturing " As worms are Bred in a stagnant pool , so are evil thoughts in idleness "

  20. 取闽南地区沿岸水域渔获的并经短期池塘蓄养的已交配雌蟹为亲体,在室内水泥池中饲育,使之抱卵、孵化。

    The female crabs that had copulated with male crabs were catched from the coastal waters of South Fujian and cultured in indoor pond for spitting and hatching .

  21. 传统池塘与孵化水泥池投饲饲养技术对异育银鲫鱼苗培育效果的影响

    Artificial Propagation and Fry Rearing Technology of Elopichthys Bambusa Richardson ; Effect of Feed-based Hatchery and Traditional Pond Production Technologies on the Advanced Fry Production Performance of Crucian Carp

  22. 应用传统池塘生产技术与孵化水泥池投饲饲养技术开展了为期2周的异育银鲫鱼苗培育比较试验。

    A 2-week hatchery and pond field trial to compare swim-up to advanced fry production performance of Crucian Carp using feed-based hatchery and traditional pond production technologies has been conducted at ZIFF .

  23. 水泥池养殖的杂交鲟具有昼伏夜出习性,深水网箱养殖的杂交鲟流急时在网箱底部活动、流缓时到水层中游动;

    The hybrid sturgeon in cement pool had the habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night , while that in deep water cage stayed at the base in riptide and swam in slack tide .

  24. 基础酒经大水泥池贮存后,己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯在7~8个月达到最高值,故以7~8个月贮存期为宜;

    The contents of ethyl caproate , ethyl lactate and ethyl butyrate in base liquor reached the maximum values after 7-8 months storage in cement pits ( accordingly , 7 ~ 8 months is the best storage period ) .

  25. 于蔬菜、花卉大棚内一端修建一16m2水泥池,利用灌溉源水养殖鲟鱼,养鲟废水浇灌蔬菜、花卉。

    A cement pool which occupied 16 square meter was built in a vegetable and flower culturing greenhouse . The sturgeons were raised in it by using the irrigation water , and the waster water was utilized to irrigate vegetables , flowers and plants .

  26. 转性效果深水网箱与室内水泥池培育相差无几,转性率分别为97.0%和94.6%,传统小网箱较差,转性率仅65.9%;

    In term of the effect of sex reversal , submersible offshore cage and indoor cement pool culturing had no significant differences , with sex reversal rates of 97.0 % and 94.6 % respectively , while traditional cage culturing was less effective with a sex reversal rate of 65.9 % .

  27. 基于Ansys的竹编水泥沼气池结构性能仿真分析

    Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Methane Generating Pit Made of Bamboo-framed Concrete by ANSYS Software

  28. 农村简易竹编水泥沼气池结构特点及性能分析

    Analysis on Structure Characteristics of Biogas Digester Constructed of Bamboo-Weaved Concrete in Rural

  29. 简易竹编水泥沼气池结构安全和耐久性研究

    Studies on Structural Safety and Permanence of Simple Biogas Digesters Constructed of Bamboo-weaved Concrete

  30. 一类简化的竹编水泥沼气池力学模型分析

    An Analysis on a Kind of Simplified Mechanical Models of Methane Receptacles Constructed of Bamboo-Weaved Concrete