
  • 网络Neoclassical furniture
  1. 最终,提出工艺模块化作为产品模块化的延续,以低成本生产出新古典家具,来满足对中国古典的市场需求。

    Finally , conclusion , technological modularization which could make new classical furniture with low cost to meet the need of china markets was the continuance of products modularization , was brought forward to .

  2. 古典与现代完美结合的“新古典主义家具风格”。

    Neoclassicist style furniture that combines classical style and modern style .

  3. 对新古典红木家具的需求,已将某些木材的价格推高至每立方米数万美元,并在湄公河流域的森林引发非法伐木者与护林员之间的流血冲突。

    Demand for neoclassical redwood furniture has raised prices for some forms of timber to tens of thousands of dollars per cubic metre and sparked deadly clashes between tree poachers and rangers in Mekong region forests .

  4. 另外两个曾经满是酒瓶和拖拉机的房间现在摆放着新古典主义家具,璞琪50年代佛罗伦萨专卖店的大衣橱,还有新做的按服装和年代整理的衣橱。

    Another two rooms , once filled with wine bottles and tractors , are now lined with neoclassical furniture , historic armoires from Pucci 's ' 50s Florence boutique and newly built oak closets organized by garment and decade .