
  1. 一种实现并行计算的新主流技术&NOW

    Now-a new leading technology for parallel computing

  2. 由于在功能和性能上的改善,使得三层结构成为开发信息系统的新主流方向。

    With the virtue , three-tier construction becomes the main trend in developing information system .

  3. 从传播效果上看,东方早报等新主流媒体的舆论引导创新获得了社会各界的认可。

    According to the communication effects , Oriental Morning Post has gained social recognition in innovatively guiding public opinion .

  4. 主流心理学的困境与文化心理学的兴起&文化心理学能成为心理学的新主流吗

    On Mainstream Psychology 's Fix Cultural Psychology 's Springing Up Is Cultural Psychology Able to Become Psychology 's New Mainstream

  5. 而在这一令人瞩目的电影飞地周边,则是新主流电影模式和政治主旋律电影的日趋成熟。

    Around this eye-attracting enclave field are the daily matured new main-stream film mode and the films of main-line political film .

  6. 中国需要更多的新主流传媒,它们指点未来、勇于担当,将引领社会形成更加健康的新潮流。

    China demands more new mainstream media that anticipate the future and bravely take responsibilities to lead society into a healthier stage .

  7. 从新主流的角度看,他们则是附丽其上尽领风骚的晶莹泡沫。

    But in the eyes of the new mainstream , they are crystal bubbles moving with the tide to better display their beauty .

  8. 作为传播文本、视听、娱乐等多媒体信息的互动性的传播工具,集报纸、广播、电视及电脑优势于一身的手机电视势必成为新主流媒体。

    As a interactive tool of disseminating multimedia information such as text , audiovisual , entertainment , etc. Including all advantages of newspaper , broadcast , television and computer , mobile phone television will become the new mainstream media .

  9. 模糊聚类描述了样本对于类别的不确定性关系,建立起了事物之间区分和分类的桥梁,能更好地反映客观现实世界,从而成为数据分析研究的新主流。

    Fuzzy cluster gives a description of the uncertainty of the specimen and builds up a bridge between the discrimination and classification , which can reflect the objective world better . Consequently , it becomes the new mainstream of the data analysis research .

  10. 在软件架构中,三层或多层架构逐渐成为新的主流。

    Three-layer architecture becomes new mainstream in the software architecture .

  11. 文化保守主义者和新文化主流派,同属掌握了现代知识话语权力的现代知识分子。

    Both the cultural conservatives and the main current of new culture are modern intellectuals grasping the modern knowledge power .

  12. “一旦新的主流出现,青少年将冲回商店,”克利菲尔特说。

    " Once the dominant new fashion trend emerges , teens will rush back out to the stores ," says Klinefelter .

  13. 在新古典主流经济学中,报酬递增和市场结构难题一直困扰着人们,理论上一直很难找到报酬递增与不完全竞争市场相容的分析方法。

    The problem of increasing returns and market structure in neoclassic economics is perplexed , which is avoided in the traditional trade theory .

  14. 因特网在我国已成为新闻传播工具的重要组成部分,并且成为新的主流媒体,而青少年是其中最大的网民群体。

    Internet has become an important part of news spreading tools and a new main media , with teenagers being the biggest network group .

  15. 这一理论指出统治阶级不只于借助强制手段就能使大众意识重新构造,即用一种新的主流意识和新的世界观、价值观去影响大众、让大众接受;

    The theory points out that the governor can reconstruct the people 's ideology with new mainstream ideas , world outlook and values instead of the imperative means .

  16. 笔者发现,新时期主流电影实际成为父权制意识形态的重要载体,以女性主义视角对这类电影进行分析和批判,对于女性的解放具有重要的意味。

    The movies of New-era are the main carriers of patriarchy ideology in practice which should be analyzed and criticized in the perspective of feminism in order to promote women 's liberation .

  17. 但由于理论渊源上的原因,使得西方新古典主流经济学在制度分析上的不足和欠缺延伸并体现在我国现有的公共财政理论上。

    However , due to the theoretical origin , the insufficiency of the main stream Neoclassic Theory in the institutional analysis extends to and is reflected in china 's current theories of public finance .

  18. 围绕传统文化在现代的价值功能,五四新文化主流派与文化保守主义者展开了一场大论战。

    During the May4 ~ ( th ) Movement period , the main current of new culture had a great debate with the cultural conservatives , centering upon the value and function of traditional culture .

  19. 为此工业领域的企业都为此做了很多努力,很多一体化设计软件、一体化控制系统配置软件都在这几年正慢慢成为新的主流。

    These industrial field enterprises have done a lot of effort , a lot of integrated design software , integrated control system configuration software in the past few years , which will slowly become the new mainstream .

  20. 因为本体论的研究核心是提出知识组织和管理的理论、技术和方法,本研究所涉及到的技术也都是国际上最新的主流技术,本研究具有前沿性和新颖性。

    Because the core of Ontology is to put forward the theories , technologies and methods of knowledge organization and management , the technologies involved in the research are all the latest technologies in the world , so the research is advanced and novelty .

  21. 社会建构主义理论作为国际科学教育改革的一种新的主流理论,已成为教育界的热门话题,它对我国教师继续教育的全面实施和改革,对创新师资的培养都具有很大的启发意义。

    As a new mainstream theory of the reform of international science education , the theory of social constructivism , which has become a hot topic in education , is enlightening on the comprehensive reform and implement of the continuing education and the development of innovatory teachers .

  22. 后凯恩斯经济学是自凯恩斯革命以来,一直致力于完成流产的凯恩斯革命,并以反新古典主流面目存在的一支异端经济学流派,它是对凯恩斯经济学范式的恢复和拓展。

    Post Keynesian Economics is a school of thought in heterodox economics , which has turned against neo-classical mainstream theories and has applied itself to finishing abortive Keynesian Revolution since Keynesian Revolution . It represents both a recovery and an extension of the economic paradigm developed by Keynes .

  23. P2P技术打破传统C/S模式的限制,成为互联网新时代的主流技术之一。

    P2P technology has broken the traditional C / S mode restrictions and becomes one of the mainstream technology of new era Internet .

  24. 雪铁龙C5轿车是法国雪铁龙公司的新一代主流产品。

    CITROEN C5 is the new generation of the dominant products of France Citroen company .

  25. 简述灵活交流输电系统FACTS、新型直流输电系统和全可控电力系统是未来型电力系统新技术的主流;

    Brief description flexible AC transmission system ( FACTS ), new type DC transmission system and all-controllable power system are new techniques 's main trend of future type electric power system .

  26. 一个可以在所有最新版本的主流浏览器中初始化Ajax请求,并在服务器端响应仅对部分页面进行更新的JavaScript™程序库

    A JavaScript ™ library that can initiate Ajax requests in all recent versions of the major browsers and process server responses by updating only parts of the page

  27. 在未来几年信息家电IA(InformationAppliance)将取代个人计算机成为IT产业的新一代主流产品,并且硬件将由一般用途走向专用。

    Some experts predict that Information Appliance ( IA ) will become the leading product of the new generation in IT industry , replacing the personal computer , and the hardware will become special-purpose besides some common usages .

  28. FCS(现场总线控制系统)以其全数字、全分散、全开放的绝对优势成为21世纪工控领域的新一代主流产品。

    FCS ( field bus control system ) by its entire digital , the entire disperse , the entire opening absolute superiority becomes the 21st century the new generation mainstream product of the industry-control domain .

  29. 提出了一种新的基于主流形识别的非线性时间序列降噪方法。

    A new noise reduction method for nonlinear time series based on principal manifold learning is proposed .

  30. 基于信息技术的以学生为中心的教学模式,必将成为新世纪的主流教学模式。

    " Student-centered " education mode , based on IT , will surely be the dominant mode in the new century .