
  • 网络urban sports
  1. 新时期城市体育工作创新对策研究

    The Innovative Countermeasure for the Urban Sports Work in New Times

  2. 城市体育对城市能动的反作用。

    Reaction that urban sports can move to the city .

  3. 我国不同类型城市体育用品流通组织的现状研究

    Research on Circulating Organization of Sports Goods in Different Cities of China

  4. 试论我国城市体育与农村体育的协调发展

    On the Coordinate Development of Urban And Rural Physical Training

  5. 城市体育旅游产品及其产品策略研究

    Research on the Product and Strategy of Urban Sport Tourism

  6. 对2010年亚运会广州城市体育发展的解析与思考

    Consideration on 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games for City Sports Development

  7. 我国城市体育发展及其与主要社会因素间的相关分析

    Social Impact Factors of the Development of China Urban Sports

  8. 对城市体育发展的新模式&都市体育圈进行了探讨。

    Urban sportsdom as a new pattern of city sport was discussed .

  9. 优先发展健身娱乐市场推动城市体育产业化进程

    Priority Develop Sports Fittness And Recreation Market Push the City Sports Industry Forward

  10. 小康社会城市体育社团活动绩效研究

    Research on the Performance of Sports Associations Activity in the Affluent Society City

  11. 城市体育旅游资源开发的初探

    Primary Study on Sports Tourism Resource in City

  12. 进一步提升内容,形成特色品牌的城市体育文化节。

    To enhance the content and form characteristic of city sports festival . 3 .

  13. 我国城市体育场馆建设趋势及发展方向的研究

    Study on the Construction and Development Tendency of the Urban Stadiums in Our Country

  14. 体育生活化与城市体育生活

    Mixing Sport into Life and City Sport Life

  15. 析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用

    Analysis of the Promotion of Sports Competitiveness on the Host City Holding Comprehensive Sports Events

  16. 略论城市体育竞争力的结构和内涵

    A Brief Discussion on the Structure and Connotation of the Competitive Power of City Sports

  17. 基于这样的背景,研究城市体育设施空间分布具有重要的现实意义。

    Based on such a background , research on sports space distribution has real meaning .

  18. 城市体育能提高城市形象,增加城市的国际影响力;

    Urban sports can improve the urban image , increase the international influence of the city ;

  19. 试论现代城市体育精神

    A Discussion Modern City Sports Spirit

  20. 媒体介入体育是城市体育发展的加速器。

    Sports is the accelerator of development of sports of the city that the media gets involved .

  21. 城市体育旅游就是一种发展迅速,前景广阔的现代旅游方式。

    Among them , City Sports Tourism is a kind of modern tourist mode with bright prospect .

  22. 30%的街道达到全国城市体育先进社区标准。

    Thirty percent of the sub-districts will reach the standards for the national advanced urban sports neighbourhoods .

  23. 珠江三角洲城市体育先进社区体育活动点调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of sports activity corners in sport leading communities in cities in the Pearl River Delta area

  24. 社区体育是城市体育的重点。

    Community sports , as the emphasis of urban sports has taken at present two main forms in China , i.

  25. 河南省城市体育人口阶层特征分析与发展对策研究

    Analysis of the Strata Characteristics and Study of the Countermeasures of Development About the Sports Population in Cities of Henan Province

  26. 追寻体育在和谐社会发展中的一个意义&城市体育意识的升华

    Search for One of Meaning the P.E Having be in the Development of Harmonious Society & On the Sublimation of City Athletics Consciousness

  27. 城市体育意识的升华,无疑会对城市发展与建设带来新的生机与推进动力。

    The sublimation of city athletics consciousness will bring the new source of vitality and push forward the construct and development of city .

  28. 城市体育意识包含了城市主体体育意识、城市体育规划意识、城市体育生态意识、城市体育文化意识、城市体育经济意识。

    It contains the corpus athletics consciousness ; the athletics programming consciousness , city athletics ecosystem consciousness , city athletics culture consciousness , city athletics economic consciousness .

  29. 探索新时期城市体育工作发展的新思路,拓展城市体育工作的发展空间,关键是要进行体育工作创新。

    The key to probe the new train of thought and expand the development space in urban sports work of new period is to carry on innovation .

  30. 城市体育设施规划是社会发展的必然趋势,是城市精神文明建设的重要内容。

    The planning of urban sports facilities is an inevitable trend of social development and an important part in the city 's construction of its spiritual civilization .