
  • Logistics companies;logistics;Fourth party logistics
  1. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  2. 之后,本文运用构建的绩效评价体系对A、B两家第三方物流公司绩效情况进行了评价分析和探讨,并进行了对比分析及提出了相应的绩效提升策略。

    After that , it selects two third-party logistics companies A and B , and their performance evaluation are comparatively analyzed and discussed .

  3. 广西K物流公司营销战略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Guangxi K Logistical Company

  4. 本文所使用的数据都是目前K物流公司的市场真实数据。

    The data used in the paper are real and latest from this company .

  5. 最后对MR物流公司营销战略控制与风险规避也做了详尽的阐述。

    Finally , the author also set forth elaborately about how to control the strategy and evade risks in the actualization .

  6. 这个模型主要由购物网站、商家和物流公司三类分布式Web系统组成。

    This model is main to constitute with three distributed web system ( the shopping website , goods provided company , Physical Distribution company ) .

  7. 虽然此公司2013年才成立,在他们与国际空间物流公司AstroboticTechnology达成秘密协议后,今年八月推出此项服务。

    Although the company was founded in 2013 , the service only offered in August of this year , after Elysium managed to seal a deal with space logistics company Astrobotic Technology .

  8. 最后结合大连口岸物流公司的实际需求,给出了基于Web的集疏运数据仓库系统的具体设计与数据仓库的实现。

    As a case in point , the paper shows the designing and implementation of web-based data warehouse according to the needs of Dalian Port Logistics Corporation .

  9. IDS物流公司在中国主营服饰和鞋类的全球物流服务。

    IDS logistics actively performs logistics service of global apparel and footwear area in China .

  10. CharlieStyles是一家物流公司的CEO,他正在向董事会介绍一项扩张公司的计划。

    Charlie Styles , CEO of a distribution company , is presenting an expansion project to the Board .

  11. 论文中选取的DB物流公司同样是一家以经营公路货运为主营业务的第三方物流公司。

    It is such a third-party logistics company that operates the road freight as the main business .

  12. 中国加入WTO,国外世界级的物流公司瞄准国内物流市场陆续登陆。

    With the China 's entry of WTO , the world top logistics companies all aim at China 's logistics market and compete into it .

  13. DD农产品物流公司内部会计控制制度设计

    Design of Internal Accounting Control System in DD Agricultural Logistics Company

  14. 最后,对A物流公司做出SWOT分析及其战略选择。

    At last , it makes SWOT analysis to one logistics company and takes its strategic option .

  15. 它意味着ebay要积极探索如何和第三方物流公司合作,以更好地利用后者的“过剩产能”。

    That means exploring other third-party shipping and transportation systems to exploit excess capacity .

  16. 他把亚马逊形容为一家“物流公司”,把商品从A处运送至B处。“我们的工作,就是给我们的顾客一个让他们心悦诚服地选择布莱克韦尔书店的理由。”

    He describes Amazon as a " logistics business , " getting things from A to B. " Our job is to give our customers a compelling reason to use Blackwell 's. "

  17. CV物流公司作为全球第四大物流企业在新的市场环境中也必然受到了很大的影响。

    CV Logistics as the number 4 logistics company in the world suffered from this new market situation indeed .

  18. 本文以上海现代物流公司实施RFID托盘项目为评价案例来支持综合绩效评价体系。

    In the end , Shanghai Modern Logistics companies implement RFID pallet project which is the case to support the integrated performance evaluation system .

  19. 第四部分为DD农产品物流公司内部会计控制制度的设计。

    Chapter 4 offers a design of internal accounting control system for DD Agricultural Logistics Company .

  20. 阿里巴巴的合作伙伴、物流公司圆通速递(YTOExpress)执行了这次无人机送货服务。

    The drones were deployed by logistics company YTO Express , a partner of Alibaba .

  21. AndreaAlaimo是美国物流公司红杉物流的人力资源总监。

    Andrea Alaimo is the director of human resources at US-based * logistics firm Redwood Logistics .

  22. 基于BSP和CSF方法的GBJT物流公司信息系统规划

    Information System Planning of GBJT Logistics Company Base on BSP & CSF Methods

  23. 美国初创公司维珍与阿联酋物流公司DPWorld正在合作,探索在陆上货物运输中使用超快胶囊高铁来改变货运行业。

    A collaboration between Virgin Hyperloop One , the US-based startup , and Emirati supply chain firm DP World , is looking to shake up the freight industry by using super-fast capsules for land cargo transportation .

  24. 通过运用SWOT的分析方法,说明了HD物流公司的需要采用扭转型战略来适应市场的竞争。

    We analysis the HD company using the SWOT method , the conclusion is that HD company need to select the changed strategy to adapt the marketing competition .

  25. W物流公司四个目标行业(手机、化妆品、医药和汽车配件)具有如下共同特征:第一,目标行业市场大,行业增长快;

    Features of W logistics with its four target industries ( mobile phone , cosmetics , medicine and automobile accessory ): firstly , the market of target industry is extensive , and increases rapidly ;

  26. 不过,目前该公司与美国物流公司联邦快递(fedex)开展业务的3架货机仍在飞行。

    However , for now it is still flying three cargo planes in a tie-up with us logistics company FedEx .

  27. GMG物流公司动产质押业务的风险评价研究

    Risk Evaluation for the Warehouse Receipt Loan Business of GMG Logistics Company

  28. 世界上最大的物流公司之一,德国邮政世界网(同时也是DHL的拥有者),最近几年一直在开发一个公司范围内的SOA。

    Deutsche Post World Net , one of the world largest logistics companies ( and owner of DHL ) have been creating a company-wide SOA for several years now .

  29. 但是当前我国大部分物流公司内部管理和作业仍在采用传统的手工作业模式,辅助手工EXCEL等电子工具,没有专门运输管理信息系统支撑。

    However , the majority of logistics companies in China , are still using the traditional manually operation like Excel , and other electronic tools , which are not support transportation management very well .

  30. 在我国加入WTO后,国际上的几大跨国速递、物流公司和金融巨头们,也争先恐后的登陆中国的邮政市场,使中国邮政面临着前所未有的市场竞争局面。

    And after our country joins WTO , several heavy transnational express delivery logistics company and whom financial magnates fall over each other in the world land the market of China Post , China Post faces the unprecedented market competition situation .