
  1. 该法克服了以往评价方法中存在的单一化、随意化问题,能够更为客观、合理地反映高压抗磨液压油抗磨性能的实际状况。

    This method overcomes some problems consisted in old methods and can reflect actual status of high-pressure anti-abrasion oil 's quality .

  2. 提出了基于Real模式开发会计信息系统的思想,从根本上解决了传统会计信息系统存在的信息单一、过于汇总等问题。

    This paper introduces the idea to develop accounting information system based on Real mode . The system can resolve those problems of the traditional AIS such as information is simplex and convergent .

  3. 指出了目前我国关于此方面法律制度规定上存在的方法单一、过分强调司法主权原则等问题。

    The existing defects in the concerned legislation in China are that the means of legal regulation is monotonous , and the principle of judicial sovereignty is overemphasized and so on .

  4. 本课题针对我国国产配料控制器存在的功能单一、精度低、可靠性差等问题,旨在设计一种多功能、高精度、高可靠性的新型高速配料控制器。

    In order to overcome the existing problem , such as low accuracy and poor reliability , in the domestic batching controller , this article aims to design a multi-function , high accuracy , high reliability batching controller .

  5. 网上中文信息检索方法。并提出了中文搜索引擎存在的检索方式单一、缺少全文引擎等问题。

    The method of subject and classification retrieval for Chinese information are described .

  6. 该方法通过建立模糊综合评判数学模型,很好地解决了现有评标方法中存在的评价指标单一、评价过程不合理的问题。

    By setting up mathematical model of fuzzy comprehensive judgment , this method solves the problems of simple evaluation indicators and irrational evaluation process in the existing method of evaluation of bids .

  7. 分析了我国计算机本科教育的现状,揭示了计算机本科教育存在的问题:单一的人才培养模式已经无法满足社会对多种人才的需求。

    The necessity of strengthening the education of computer for librarian in college is discussed ; the content of computer education for librarian and the concrete measure to be adopted are put forward .

  8. 如果中介流中存在逻辑上的单一调用,则应合理使用请求流中的调出节点,然后将响应流用于任何其他中介处理。

    If there 's a logical single invocation within the mediation flow , it 's sensible to use the callout node within the request flow , and then use the response flow for any additional mediation processing .

  9. 该系统克服了传统军事射击训练存在的训练科目单一,无法提供情景射击训练,难以统计分析射击训练数据的缺点。

    The system has overcome the disadvantages of traditional military shot training , such that the training subjects are too few , scene training can not be provided , and overall shot data is hard to be obtained and analyzed .

  10. 作者分析了现存体系存在的评价指标单一、忽视发展终身体育锻炼的能力及缺乏针对性等问题,并提出重视过程评价、开发体育健康课程资源等对策,力图为高校体育改革或持续发展提供借鉴。

    The writer thinks that assessment of system is so simple that it ignores the development of lifelong PE ability and lacks pertinence , and he points out that universities should pay more attention to the process of assessment , and exploit the curriculum resources of physical education and health .

  11. 为解决当前位图文件(BMP文件)解码器存在的支持种类较单一的问题,探讨了BMP格式的多样性,有针对性地提出了一些解码思路。

    To solve the problem of relatively less kind of bitmap ( BMP ) supporting in current BMP decoding software , variety of BMP files and some decoding way are introduced .

  12. 当前交往实践存在的突出问题包括单一狭隘的价值观、缺失的教育学立场、封闭式的管理方式、缺乏教育指导的交往形式等。

    Main problems include single and narrow values , missing pedagogy standpoint , closed-end management style , and communications lack of educational guidance .

  13. 板料厚度和性质差别以及焊缝的存在改变了传统的单一板材塑性成形中的金属流动规律,使得拼焊板成形极限表现出自己的特点。

    Comparing with monolithic , because of weld line intervention , difference in thickness and so on , the forming limit of TWBs ( tailor-welded blanks ) has its own traits .

  14. 本文的主要内容是:(1)在金属切削理论,刀具变形理论和系统辨识理论等基础上,建立存在倾角情况下的单一硬度淬硬钢三轴铣削加工的柔性铣削力模型。

    This paper mainly contains three points below : 1 . Build a flexible milling force model of single hardness hardened steel on the foundation of theories of metal cutting , cutter deformation and system identification .

  15. 而系统参数间存在一定的关联,单一参数优化不一定能降低系统总能耗,因此有必要对水系统的整体运行能耗进行研究。

    There are relations between the system parameters , and signal parameter optimization can not reduce the system total energy consumption , so it is necessary to study the overall operation consumption of the water system .

  16. 调查描述了长庆压裂分公司员工绩效考评现状,分析了存在的诸如考评内容单一、考评主观性强、考评目的不明确、缺乏一整套绩效考评体系等问题。

    Survey describes the Performance Evaluation Branch Changqing fracturing the status quo , such as analysis of the contents of a single assessment , evaluation subjective strong , objective evaluation is not clear , the lack of a set of performance appraisal system , and other issues .

  17. 学生对反函数存在性的理解相对较好,但判断反函数是否存在的方法相对单一;

    Students ' understanding on the existence property of inverse function is better relatively , but methods they use to judge whether a function have inverse function or not are simplex relatively .