
  • 网络retention time;residence time
  1. 在家兔体内的药物动力学过程符合二室模型,与阿糖胞苷注射剂相比,t1/2β和MRT延长,CL降低,表明阿糖胞苷纳米粒可显著延长阿糖胞苷在体内存留时间,具有明显的缓释特征。

    The pharmacokinetics in rabbits complied with two-department model . Compared with cytarabine injection , cytarabine nanoparticle had prolonged t_ ( 1 / 2 )β and MRT and reduced CL , which showed nanoparticle could significantly prolong the retention time of Ara-C and possess significant sustained releasing character .

  2. 用PEG共轭结合猪血红蛋白(pHb)以增大总分子量是延长它在血液循环系统中存留时间的有效方法。

    Increasing the total molecular weight of hemoglobin through PEG modification has been proved to be a better choice in prolonging vascular retention time .

  3. 靶向防龋DNA疫苗在小鼠体内的存留时间分析

    Persistence of a Targeted Anti-caries DNA Vaccine in Mice

  4. 结果表明:①液相PCR比原位杂交和间接原位PCR检测的灵敏度高:②间接原位PCR比原位杂交灵敏度高,检测到基因疫苗在被免疫BALB/c小鼠中存留时间更长并且检测到杂交信号更强;

    Sensitive of ISPCR is higher than ISH and gene vaccine could be detected in longer time BALB / c mice , at the same time , intension is higher ;

  5. 应激还影响大鼠海马Glu摄取,使高水平Glu在突触间隙内的存留时间延长,出现兴奋毒性的可能性增大;

    Glutamate uptake of hippocampus was also affected by stress which lead to prolonged high level of Glu in synaptic cleft .

  6. 纯化的Bt毒蛋白与无菌土壤中活性颗粒紧密结合后,存留时间至少可达234d。

    After toxin protein of Bt of the purification is combined closely with active particle in the aseptic soil , it is can be up to 234 days at least to retain time .

  7. 猪白介素2真核表达质粒能延长ORF5基因疫苗在被免疫BALB/c小鼠肌肉中存留时间多达30d;

    IL-2 could protract preserving time of gene vaccine in BALB / c mice and the longest time was 30d ;

  8. 区域性动脉灌注组胰腺组织中5-FU的Cmax为20.00ug/g,存留时间为90min,皆明显高于静脉推注组(P<0.05)。

    In the regional arterial infusion group , Cmax of 5-FU in the pancreas was 20 . 00 ug / gand the clearance time of the pancreas was 90 min. They were both greater than those of the intravenous group .

  9. 主要研究结果与结论如下:1.DCD随温度的升高其在土壤中存留时间缩短,DCD的硝化抑制效应随用量的增加而增强。

    Main results of this study were summarized as follows : 1 . The remaining time of DCD in the soil decreased with the increasing temperature and its inhibition effect was strongly enhanced with increasing application rate of DCD .

  10. 异物存留时间自24小时至40年。

    Of the presense of foreign bodies ranged from 24 hours to 40 years .

  11. 电场对淀粉酶活性影响及存留时间的研究

    A Study on the Effect of Electric Field on the Activity of Enzyme and Its Retaining Time

  12. 更长的体内存留时间,长达5-7天,从而减少注射次数,3-5次注射为一疗程。

    Longer residue time ( 5-7 days ) reduce injection time . 3-5 injection times is one cause .

  13. 人类存留时间最长的遗物可能是我们埋在地球各处的塑料片。

    Our most lasting relic will probably be the layer of plastic we 've deposited across the planet .

  14. 中枢神经系内辣根过氧化物酶的顺、逆行运送速度及其在标记部位的存留时间

    Rates of anterograde - and retrograde - transport and duration of preservation of HRP in the central nervous system

  15. 结论:在定期随访的情况下,可适当延长硅油在眼内的存留时间。

    CONCLUSION : In the followup on a regular basis , we can appropriately extent the remaining time of intraocular silicone oil .

  16. 将胶州湾划分为6个区域,定量研究了整个海湾水的存留时间和不同区域水的交换能力,并指出流场结构对湾内水交换起了决定性作用。

    Jiaozhou Bay is divided into six parts . The averaged residence time and the water exchange patterns in the different parts are provided quantitatively .

  17. 结果显示强弱毒株在组织和器官中的分布情况差异显著,分布范围以及持续存留时间也有较大的不同。

    The results showed that the strength of strain in organ and tissue differences in the distribution of significant and continuous lifetime distribution is also quite different .

  18. 目的是通过对伤员实施紧急医学处置挽救伤员生命,延长伤员生命存留时间,为后续治疗创造条件。

    The purpose is to save the life of the wounded , prolong the life time of the wounded and prepare for further treatment through emergency medical treatment .

  19. 异物种类以花生类最多,占36.7%,异物存留时间5小时至6个月,1周以内占86.5%;

    The time from inhalation of foreign bodies to surgery performed was from 5 hours to 6 months , and the patients under one week accounted for 86.5 % .

  20. 结果:①四联术式组术后排便功能及肛门内液体存留时间优于单纯组;

    Results ① Compared the defecation function and the liquid kept in the anus , the group of four-step associated operation is better than the group of pure operation 's.

  21. 该团队还说,塑料垃圾存留时间长,数量也不断增多,逐渐形成了一种新的栖息地塑料礁,成为了许多海洋生物的安生之所。

    ' The persistence and increasing quantity of plastic debris has created new habitats essentially ' plastic reefs ' that sea creatures have made their homes ' , the team say .

  22. 结论:标记抗体临床使用安全,其血循环中存留时间较长,以及肝脏的高浓度应是其体内分布特点。

    Conclusion : The labelled antibodies were safe in clinical application , the characteristics of their bio distribution in body were long time lasting in blood circulation and high concentration in liver .

  23. 结果凝胶组从治疗次数、药物在体内的存留时间及对病人咳嗽反应优于水剂组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The therapy degree , keeping time of the medication and the reaction of cough were excel in the gel injection group than the other group . ( P < 0.01 ) The procedure was safe and stable .

  24. 例如,在桥梁的建造中,罗马人发现如果逆流的桥梁支撑部分是“V”型的,尖冲着水流,那么支撑部分会存留更长时间。

    In bridge building , for example , the Romans discovered that if the upstream bridge supports were shaped as a " vee " and pointed into the current , they would survive longer .

  25. 在我身上,荣誉的动机存留的时间很长,这使我不想成为一个制图员或邮票交易商,尽管我对这两种职业的兴趣是真实的。

    In me the glory motive lingered sufficiently to prevent my contemplating a career as a cartographer or stamp dealer , despite those substantive interests .

  26. 存留很长时间就足够了吗?

    Is it enough to have survived for a long time ?

  27. 淋病毒会在你身体里存留一段时间。

    You 're gonna have gonorrhea in your system for a while .

  28. 一旦进入土壤,铅会存留很长时间。

    And once lead gets into the soil , it stays a long time .

  29. 换句话说,我认为这些观点已经在我脑海中存留一段时间了。

    In other words , I 'd like to think that these ideas have been on my mind for a while .

  30. 一旦铅进入土壤,就会存留很长时间,会成为环境威胁,尤其是对孩子。

    And once lead gets into the soil , it stays a long time . It remains an environmental threat especially to children .