
  • 网络logistics infrastructure
  1. 基于主成分分析、聚类分析以及BP神经网络分析方法,提出物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展的协调系数计算方法,并构建了物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型。

    On the basis of main element analysis method , clustering analysis method and BP Neural Network analysis method , the dissertation advances coordinating codfficient calculation method of logistics infrastructure network scale and economics development . And the logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model has also been set up .

  2. 在国内首次提出将LSCCPI分为电子商务信息平台、物流基础设施平台、政策法规平台;

    Secondly , it advocates that LSCCPI should be divided into three parts namely E_commerce information platform , Logistics infrastructure platform and policy-law platform for the first time .

  3. B、在物流基础设施的建设中,投资主体单一,投资渠道不广;

    B ^ In the construction of logistical foundation facilities , investment corpus are not varied , and the investment outlet is not wide ;

  4. 区域物流基础设施及其运输设施差距分析

    Basic Infrastructures for Regional Logistics and Transport Infrastructural Differences

  5. 中国区域物流基础设施的协调与发展

    The Coordination and Development of Chinese Regional Logistics Infrastructure

  6. 基于区域可持续发展的交通物流基础设施建设问题研究

    Research on Transportation and Logistics Infrastructures Construction Based on the Regional Sustainable Development

  7. 物流基础设施网络合理规模确定模型构建。

    Set up logistics infrastructure network reasonable scale model .

  8. 区域物流基础设施资源整合的因素分析与方法研究

    Factors & Methods of Regional Logistics Infrastructure Resources Integration

  9. 物流基础设施相对落后引起的挑战;

    Logistics infrastructure is relative to lag behind ;

  10. 文章重点规划了北京城市物流基础设施。

    The planning of Beijing urban logistic facilities is the emphases of the thesis .

  11. 第二,两大基础平台:即物流基础设施平台、物流基础信息平台。

    Second , two foundation platform : logistic base platform , logistic information platform .

  12. 区域交通物流基础设施可持续发展水平的多层次灰色综合评价

    Multi-level grey comprehensive evaluation for sustainable development level of regional transportation and logistics infrastructures

  13. 物流基础设施网络规模与经济发展协调性分析模型构建。

    Set up a Harmony Analyzing model Between Logistics Infrastructure Network Scale and Economy Development .

  14. 城市群物流基础设施规划。主要包括物流结点规划和物流通道规划。

    Logistics infrastructure planning of urban agglomerations , Including planning and logistics nodes logistics corridor planning .

  15. 然后用参数法得出太原市的物流基础设施规模。

    Then , obtains Taiyuan with the parameter law the thing to flow the infrastructure scale .

  16. 低水平的物流基础设施和装备条件严重影响着物流效率的提高;

    The low level logistics foundations and equipments has badly influenced the efficiency of logistics activities .

  17. 宁波市物流基础设施现状分析

    Analysis of Logistics Infrastructure in Ningbo

  18. 城市物流基础设施规划

    Logistics Infrastructure Projection of City

  19. 我国的物流基础设施近年来虽有较大改善,但仍不能适应现代物流发展的需要。

    Although the logistics infrastructure has already improved , it still cannot fit the needs of modern logistics .

  20. 物流基础设施网络是物流网络的重要组成部分,是区域物流网络体系规划中一个重要方面。

    Logistics infrastructure network is an important part of logistics network and aspect of regional logistics network system layout .

  21. 在这一系列的物流基础设施建成之后,怎样合理利用这些设施来提高物流运作的效率成了人们关心的重点。

    How to make full use of them and to improve the efficiency of logistics become the key problem .

  22. 像香港一样,有许多的港口城市在进行物流基础设施规划时遇到昂贵的土地和港口费用问题。

    Many port cities like Hong Kong , ate facing high land and labour costs in developing their logistics infrastructure .

  23. 因此,加强物流基础设施的规划与建设,尽快形成配套的综合运输网络、完善的仓储配送设施、先进的信息网络平台等,越来越成为现代物流发展的重要物质基础条件。

    Consequently , reinforcing the programming and construction of logistics infrastructure is becoming the important basic qualification of modern logistics .

  24. 区域物流基础设施的合理规划和布局是区域物流发展的基础。

    The development of the regional logistics need to change the logistics infrastructures differences and distributions of the regional logistics .

  25. 物流基础设施增长和简单的物流数量的增长均不能对经济增长产生较大的影响;

    Both the increase of the logistics infrastructure and simple logistics amount can 't bring about bigger influence on economic growth ;

  26. 改变基础设施分散规划、投资的格局,注重新型物流基础设施的规划、建设和管理。

    Second , decentralized planning infrastructure changes , investment patterns , with emphasis on new logistics infrastructure planning , construction and management .

  27. 摘要把上海建成国际航运中心不仅需要现代化的物流基础设施,而且还需要具有竞争力的物流企业。

    To make Shanghai an international shipping center not only requires modern logistic fundamental establishment , but also needs logistic entrepreneurs with strong competence .

  28. 其中,物流基础设施的建设、物流运作水平及运作效率成为衡量物流发展水平的三大标准。

    The construction of logistics infrastructure , the level of logistics operation and operation efficiency become the three indexes to judge the logistics development .

  29. 我对环境保护,资源开发,物流基础设施建设等重要领域很感兴趣。

    To me , the conservation of the environment and the development of resources and logistical infrastructure are the area of importance with great interest .

  30. 建国以来,我国交通运输物流基础设施建设取得了较大成绩,基本形成了不同运输方式协调发展,通过中转场站和物流中心或物流园区有效链接而成的交通运输物流基础设施网络基本建立。

    Infrastructure construction of transportation logistics net which is harmonious in different transportation methods and link effectively with station or logistics center or logistics areas was established .