
  • 网络Property Valuation;Property Assessment
  1. 新界区估价事务科〔差饷物业估价署〕

    New Territories Division [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  2. 租务管制科〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Rent Control Division [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  3. 你能不能让我看看你的物业估价证明书?

    Can you show me your valuation certificates ?

  4. 订定租金的其他考虑因素包括屋价值、通胀、差饷,维修及管理费。物业估价数据库〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Other factors taken into consideration include estate value , inflation , rates , and maintenance and management charges .

  5. 达到国际估价员协会要求的专业物业估价人员。

    A professional designation . A property evaluator who has achieved the requirements of the International Association of Assessing Officers .

  6. 专业评核试〔物业估价测量师〕估价师在估价物业时所考虑的要素,如竞争、供求量等。

    Elements to be considered by an appraiser in appraising the value of a property , such as competition , supply and demand .

  7. 土地审裁处处理租务申索、差饷及物业估价上诉申请,以及政府收地或土地发展引致地值下跌所涉及的赔偿评估事宜。

    The lands tribunal handles tenancy claims , rating and valuation appeals and compensation assessments when land is resumed by the government or reduced in value by development .

  8. 收益还原法在物业估价中的应用已比较成熟,其原理在物业维修经济分析中有较好的适用性,且基于其原理的物业维修经济分析法也有较好的可操作性。

    The application of income approach has relatively matured in the real estate evaluation , Its theory is suitable for the economic analysis of real estate maintenance and the economic analyzing method in real estate maintenance based on the income approach theory performs well in operation .

  9. 该物业的估价介于8亿美元至10亿美元之间,令摩根大通对贝尔斯登的收购价相形见绌,并可能促使戴蒙取消在纽约市区新建总部的计划。

    With a valuation ranging at between $ 800m and $ 1bn ( 500m ), the building 's worth dwarfs the price paid by JPMorgan for Bear and could prompt Mr Dimon to scrap plans to build a new headquarters in downtown New York .

  10. 物业及差饷估价委员会〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Valuation and Rating Committee [ Rating and Valuation Department ]