
gōng shì
  • official business;case;document;public affairs;criminal
公事 [gōng shì]
  • (1) [official business]∶朝廷之事;公家之事

  • 公事公办

  • (2) [ducument]∶公文,文件

  • 处理公事

  • (3) [case]∶案件;事件

  • 杀人公事

  • (4) [criminal]∶即公事人。罪犯

公事[gōng shì]
  1. 还是公事要紧。

    Public affairs should come first .

  2. 在公事上,他依然是个胆小鬼。

    In public affairs he remained a mouse .

  3. 星期天,和姻亲们共进午餐已经成了例行的公事。

    Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual .

  4. 按公事说,我是不该到这里来的。

    I 'm not officially supposed to be here .

  5. 为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情成分。

    Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions .

  6. 咱们上楼到办公室去把公事搞定。

    Let 's go up to the office and settle the business end of things .

  7. 我到这儿来办公事。

    I 'm here on business

  8. 我还有很多公事要办。

    I still have a lot of official matters to attend to .

  9. 护士长查房以前,护士们要为病人梳洗、换衣、打扮,这成为每日例行的公事。

    The nurses came on their daily round of washing , changing , combing and prettifying the patients before the matron 's inspection .

  10. 他似乎被公事压得喘不过气来。

    He seemed loaded down with the burdens of office .

  11. 别谈公事,Howard你让她烦了。

    Anne : Enough business talk , Howard . You 're boring her . Mm .

  12. BreeVanDeKamp多年来都在履行着同一套公事。

    Bree van de Kamp had a weekly routine she 'd been following for years .

  13. 在过去10年的工作生涯中,不论是之于RIM还是之于开发者社区,我遇到了了很多很多了不起的人物并一起公事。

    Over my10 year career I have worked with so many amazing individuals both inside RIM and in our broader developer community .

  14. 2013年,波音公司CEO詹姆斯o麦克纳尼因非公事项使用商务机(当然是波音737商务机),共耗费了该公司373137美元。

    Boeing 's James McNerney non-business corporate jet travel ( on a Boeing 737 Business Jet , naturally ) cost the company a total of $ 373137 in 2013 .

  15. 在一起讨论Bree就成了她们的日常公事。

    And it had now become part of their routine to discuss it .

  16. 万卡塔查兰和前思科同事托尼•贝茨曾在Skype公事(人们经常说贝茨是微软首席执行官的竞争者,他现在仍在微软工作,后者则收购了Skype)。

    ( Bates frequently is mentioned as a contender for the CEO job at Microsoft , which bought Skype and where Bates still works . )

  17. 我不知道他拿公事包干什么了。

    What he did with it , I have no idea .

  18. 我因公事要去吴哥通。

    I will go to Angkor Thom for the official business .

  19. 设防御工事,设防以防御公事加强或防护(战略位置)

    To strengthen and secure ( a position ) with fortifications .

  20. 如果不是约会,就是公事。

    If it 's not a date , it is business .

  21. 我因公事而来,我有话要说。

    I come on business , and have something to say .

  22. 这是公事,不是私事。

    It 's not a personal thing , it 's business .

  23. 史蒂文斯急忙抓起一只公事皮包抵挡。

    I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow .

  24. 说好了不谈公事的,还记得吗

    No business talk . That was the deal , right ?

  25. 我仅有的几次外埠旅行都是“只办公事”。

    My few trips outside Beijing were usually " business only " .

  26. 明天我就会恢复了,谈公事,参观访问都可以。

    I 'll be all right tomorrow either for business or sightseeing .

  27. 那就是公事喽

    Business it is . - There you are . -

  28. 可我就愿意在盖伊·波洛克那个积满尘埃的公事房里跟他闲聊天。

    I 'd rather talk to Guy Pollock in his dusty office .

  29. 或是在我们谈完公事前保持安静。

    Or else keep quiet till we 're finished talking .

  30. 你到这是为公事还是我的荣幸呢?

    You are here for business , or my pleasure ?