
  • 网络Computer Information System;CIS;Information Systems Design & Development
  1. 他拥有多项IBM认证系统专家认证,并从北亚利桑那州大学获得了计算机信息系统学士学位。

    He has multiple IBM Certified Systems Expert certifications and received his bachelor 's degree in Computer Information Systems from Northern Arizona University .

  2. DarrenHayes是纽约佩斯大学计算机信息系统项目负责人,他说,许多欧洲和亚洲国家已经实施了网络隐私法。

    Darren Hayes is head of the Computer Information Systems Program at Pace University in New York . He says many countries in Europe and Asia already have online privacy laws in place .

  3. 地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,简称GIS)由于其可视化的功能,己经成为计算机信息系统的发展趋势。

    Geographic Information System ( GIS ) has developed into a trend of computer information system because of its visual function .

  4. 福建省气候WEB信息系统是以提供详细气候信息为目的的计算机信息系统。

    The FuJian Climate Web Information System is a computer information system for public for provide quick query to the climate information .

  5. GIS和其他计算机信息系统的融合成为发展趋势,这种融合包括信息共享、功能互操作和过程集成。

    There is a natural trend to merge the GIS and other computer information system together , which includes the share of .

  6. 地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,GIS)是能够收集、管理、查询、分析、操作以及表现与地理相关的数据信息的计算机信息系统,能够为分析、决策提供重要的支持平台。

    GIS ( Geographic Information System ) is a computer system that can collect , manage , query , analyze , operate and present the geography related information . It can provide very important support platform to give an analysis and decision-making .

  7. 数据库技术的发展,使得数据库管理系统已经成为现代计算机信息系统和应用系统的核心,其中关系数据库系统成熟的理论基础和强有力的系统功能使得其在开发Client/Server和WEB企业类应用方面得到了广泛应用。

    RDBMS has become the base of modern computer information and application system along with the development of the database technology . RDBMS is widely used in Client / Server system and WEB system because of its developed theory and powerful function .

  8. 入侵行为给基于网络的计算机信息系统的安全带来巨大威胁,入侵检测系统(IDS,IntrusionDetectionSystem)作为重要的安全工具而成为研究的热点。

    While more and more frequent intrusions bring severe security threats to the network - based Computer Information System ( CIS ), the Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) which is an important kind of security protection tools has become a hotspot for research .

  9. 对于这样一个大型OLTP系统,采用了基于三层架构、先进的计算机信息系统,三层架构包括VB客户端、Tuxedo中间件和Oracle数据库。

    Advanced computer information system based on three-tier architecture is applied to such a large OLTP system and the three-tier architecture consists of VB client , Tuxedo middleware and Oracle database .

  10. GIC司将继续确保对会议的有效管理和对笔译、口译和印刷服务包括辅助性计算机信息系统的有效利用。

    GIC will continue to ensure effective management of meetings and efficient utilization of translation , interpretation and printing services , including supportive computerized information systems .

  11. 对欧美和日本造纸工业发达国家的纸厂计算机信息系统(CBIS)的过去、现状和发展动态进行了全面和深入的分析和总结,为我国制浆造纸企业CBIS的研究和应用提供了有益的借鉴。

    The past , present and development of mill-wide computer-based information systems ( CBIS ) in Europe , America and Japan where paper industries are developed , are analysed and summarized thoroughly . Those can be used for our country in researches and applications of mill-wide CBIS .

  12. 旅游服务业,媒体策划,以及计算机信息系统。

    Hospitality Industry , Media Planning , and Computer Information Systems .

  13. 危害计算机信息系统安全罪若干问题探讨

    Exploration of Crime of Jeopardizing the Information System Security of Computer

  14. 侧重于保护计算机信息系统。

    CASE IN POINT IS THE legislation PROTECTING computer information systemS .

  15. 数据库系统是计算机信息系统的核心组成部分。

    Database system is a core component of computer information system .

  16. 浅谈消防监督计算机信息系统建设

    Discussion on the Establishment of Computer Information System for Fire Supervision

  17. 商业银行计算机信息系统安全机制的构建

    Construction of the Security Mechanism for Commercial Bank Information System

  18. 试论工业企业计算机信息系统目标模式

    First Exploration on Object Pattern of Computer Information System of Industrial Enterprise

  19. 计算机信息系统集成标准体系初探

    A Discussion of the Computer Information System Integration Standards Architecture

  20. 《破坏计算机信息系统罪》条文的疏漏与完善

    Omission and Improvement for Provision about Crime of Destroying Computer Information System

  21. 实际范例将明确地反映计算机信息系统或计算科学的主题。

    Practical examples will reflect topics specifically from CIS or computing science .

  22. 证券业计算机信息系统安全分析与解决方案

    Security Analysis and Solving Schemes on Computer Information System in Securities Field

  23. 学生应参考计算机信息系统网页获取相关详情。

    Student should consult the CIS web page for details .

  24. 浅谈计算机信息系统的雷电防护

    Preliminary Discussion on Lightning Protection of Computer Information System

  25. 江西省防汛计算机信息系统的进展与展望

    The advance and expectation of flood control computer information system in Jiangxi Province

  26. 浅析计算机信息系统在烟草行业中的应用

    Analysis of Computer Information Systems at the Tobacco Industry

  27. 计算机信息系统是现代信息系统的必然。

    Computer information sys - tem is the tend of modern information system .

  28. 通过计算机信息系统对临床路径进行监控和控制,从而对医院感染进行预防。

    Computer information systems combined with clinical pathway system control hospital infection prevention .

  29. 煤矿计算机信息系统研究

    Study on computer information system for coal mines

  30. 论涉密计算机信息系统的安全问题

    Discussion on the Security Problem of the Computer-based information System Connecting with the Secrets