- 网络species evenness;evenness;Pielou

The average species evenness index ( J ) is 0.14 ;
Relations in Species Evenness of Plant Communities and Environment in Baihuashan , Beijing
Species evenness in the initial and maturity was significantly higher than in the medium .
Tree species evenness index was higher in original forest stand and lower in forest stands having 25 years of restoration .
The plant communities at middle altitude had lower species evenness indices mostly , but higher values occurred in the plant communites at all altitude .
Species evenness indices of shrub layer were higher than that of both tree and herb layer , and its variations along the community gradient were lower than that of both tree and herb layer .
It was showed that : ( 1 ) With decrease of tourism disturbance , species evenness and total diversity increase gradually .
The Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) was employed to analyze the trend and direction of plant community succession of abandoned loess land . Seven species diversity indices were used to study the changes in species richness , species evenness and diversity in the succession .
Species richness and evenness were unrelated to similarity in species composition .
Importance of Species Characteristics and Evenness in Different Type Grassland
Their diversity indexes significantly and positively correlated to the species richness and evenness .
The low species richness and evenness , and restricted progressive succession were mainly determined by grazing .
In the tree layer , species richness and evenness of the mixed forest are significantly higher than the single dominant species communities .
Increasing both species richness and species evenness would lead to a high degree of temporal niche partition in Inner Mongolia steppe . 3 .
The joint application of high-dose rice straw and engineered bacteria both increased the richness and evenness of the non-rhizosphere or rhizosphere soil microbial communities .
On the contrary , the addition of the high-dose straw reduced the richness and evenness of the non-rhizosphere soil microbial communities and improved the richness and evenness of the rhizosphere soil microbial communities .
Soil water content and available nitrogen had close correlation with the species abundance and evenness of tree layers , available phosphorus was closely correlated with the evenness of tree layers , and total nitrogen and organic matters were closely with species evenness of herb layers ;
For trees ( DBH > 2.5 ), species diversity and evenness indices increased from 1982 to 1994 in all the three forests .
The relative dominant degrees , species diversity , even degrees , niche width , niche overlapping degrees , and other indicators were analyzed by the arbor trees of 11 stories in the hundred-year-old virgin forest of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl . et Wils .
The results showed that the species diversity , the degree of homogeneity and the coverage were reduced with the tourism intensity enhancing .
The species diversity and evenness of tree layer were increased , the ecological dominance was decreased , and the community became more complicated .
Species richness , evenness index and diversity index in the shrub layer were higher than that in the herb layer in the different density plots .
Species diversity and evenness of plant communities are relatively lower to others , and dominance of communities and richness are relatively high in grass-forb semi-artificial pasture .
The plant species richness index is not positive relevant to species evenness index for which represents the evenness extent of species distribution instead of the quantity of species .
The main factors influencing indexes of the diversity and the evenness of herb layer under the artificial arbor and herb are species source , plants ' own factor ( plant density ) and human factor ( destroying , grazing and time ) .
The results showed that as to the indexes of diversity and evenness , natural bush community has the highest ones , and artificial arbor community has no significant difference with the natural herb community , and artificial bush community has the lowest indexes of diversity and evenness .
In the study area , the recovery models which had the same ecological configuration mode , had similar species diversity index , species evenness index and dominance index .
The diversity index was mainly affected by the number of bird species and evenness of population number among species .
The species diversity , evenness and ecological dominance indices of fleas communities in 7 main ecological environments were measured and compared .
Community structure , species diversity , evenness and ecological dominance indices of the small mammals communities were measured and compared . Stability of small mammals communities was the highest in the coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest and the lowest in cultivated area .