
jìn zhǐ xī yān
  • No smoking
  1. 旅客们请注意,本次列车禁止吸烟。

    Passengers are reminded no smoking is allowed on this train .

  2. 他无视所有“禁止吸烟”的警示,点了香烟。

    He ignored all the ' No Smoking ' signs and lit up a cigarette .

  3. 禁止吸烟,以策安全。

    In the interest of safety , smoking is forbidden .

  4. 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。

    There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office .

  5. 大多数工作场所现在都已禁止吸烟。

    Non-smoking is now the norm in most workplaces .

  6. 禁止吸烟会免除不必要的死亡。

    Banning smoking would save needless deaths .

  7. 现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。

    Smoking is now banned in many places of work .

  8. 绝大多数建筑中可能会全面禁止吸烟。

    Smoking might be banned totally in most buildings

  9. 到处都禁止吸烟。

    Smoking was forbidden everywhere

  10. 咖啡馆老板已经按规定贴上了“禁止吸烟”的标志,但是他认为自己的责任就止于此。

    The cafe owner has put up the required ' no smoking ' signs , but thinks his responsibility stops there

  11. 在户外儿童游乐区,包括高速公路休息区,也禁止吸烟。

    Smoking is also bannedoutdoors at children 's play areas , including those at motorway rest areas .

  12. 加油站禁止吸烟。

    There is a ban on smoking in petrol stations .

  13. 在飞行期间全程禁止吸烟。

    Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight .

  14. 问题是:一个禁止吸烟的餐厅为什么会有烟灰缸呢?

    A simple question : why are there ashtrays in a no-smoking restaurant ?

  15. 5.perfectlyadv.非常清楚;完全明白你很清楚这个房间里禁止吸烟。

    You know full well that smoking is forbidden in this room .

  16. 注意防火,滑翔伞易燃,禁烟区内禁止吸烟,杜绝随地乱丢烟头;(如有发现违例者,罚款RMB300元)

    Pay attention to flammable paragliders . Don 't smoke in no-smoking areas and prevent throwing dog-end everywhere . ( an offender will get a fine of RMB300 )

  17. 本周,北京市政府宣布,从明年6月起,北京室内公共场所将全面禁止吸烟。欧睿信息咨询公司(Euromonitor)的数据显示,中国有3亿烟民,贡献了全球三分之一的烟草消费量。

    This week China , home to 300m smokers and accounting for a third of the world 's tobacco use , according to Euromonitor , announced a ban in Beijing 's indoor public spaces , to commence in June .

  18. 英国的酒馆老板一直都有禁止吸烟的权力。

    British publicans have always had the right to ban smoking .

  19. 最后,笔者得出结论:禁止吸烟一事属于环境法的调整范围。

    Smoking ban belongs to the range of the environment law .

  20. “禁止吸烟”是一条规则,而完全与程序没有联系。

    No smoking is a rule quite unrelated to any procedure .

  21. 而且,公共场所应该禁止吸烟。

    Also , smoking should not be allowed in public places .

  22. 这里禁止吸烟,但你可以吸。

    Smoking is forbidden here but you are allowed to smoke .

  23. 这里禁止吸烟.请将您的烟熄灭。

    Smoking is forbidden here . Please put your cigarette out .

  24. 美国越来越多的公共场所禁止吸烟。

    More and more public places in the United States forbid smoking .

  25. 对不起,这里所有的办公室都是禁止吸烟的。

    I 'm afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices .

  26. 请在户外补充燃料同时禁止吸烟。

    Always refuel outdoors and do not smoke while refuelling .

  27. 先生,这里禁止吸烟。

    I 'm afraid it 's a no smoking area , sir .

  28. 在这个国家里,公共场所禁止吸烟。

    Smoking in public has been banned in the country .

  29. 场内禁止吸烟饮食。

    No drinking , eating and smoking in the venue .

  30. 规定阐明,在室内公共场所禁止吸烟。

    The rules state that smoking is banned in indoor public places .