首页 / 词典 / good


kuān yù
  • well-off;ample;plenty;well-to-do;comfortably off
宽裕 [kuān yù]
  • (1) [well-off;well-to-do]∶富裕

  • (2) [plenty]∶[时间]充足

宽裕[kuān yù]
  1. 对他来说,仿佛就在昨天,他还过得舒适、宽裕。

    It seemed only yesterday to him since he was comfortable and well-to-do .

  2. 即使她的角色在经济上并不宽裕,但无一“平庸”。

    even when her characters are not financially well-to-do , they are never " ordinary . "

  3. 新法律会使家庭经济宽裕一些。

    Families will be better off under the new law .

  4. 这项新法律将使每个家庭的经济较前宽裕。

    Families will be better off under the new law .

  5. 他们俩的生活都很宽裕。

    They are both comfortably off .

  6. 她出身于一个收入稳定、生活宽裕的中产阶级家庭。

    She came from a stable , comfortable , middle-class family .

  7. “他很有钱吗?”“他生活挺宽裕的。”

    ' Is he rich ? ' — ' He 's comfortable . '

  8. 尽管现在很宽裕,他却没打算退休。

    He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off .

  9. 他生活相当宽裕安逸。

    He 's very comfortably off .

  10. 时间宽裕。

    There is plenty of time yet . ; There is enough time to spare .

  11. 时间很宽裕。

    There 's plenty of time yet .

  12. 他有相当宽裕的收入。

    He has a comfortable income .

  13. 对于手头不宽裕的美国人,我的建议很简单:买你买得起的食材,自己做饭。

    To those Americans for whom money is a concern , my advice is simple : Buy what you can afford , and cook it yourself .

  14. 这个新的亲戚群族手头宽裕,而且随时愿意用爱和价格不菲的礼物宠溺他们的外甥或侄子女。

    This new breed of relative is well-off and always on hand to smother nephews and nieces with love and very expensive gifts .

  15. 根据适当的价格、确定的质量、完全模型、宽裕的供应和及时交付的ASD产品。

    ASD product in line with the appropriate price , assured quality , The complete model , Ample supply and prompt delivery .

  16. 相对的,Undershaft会卖武器给任何想买的人,也会替负担不起的人安排宽裕的贷款。

    In contrast , Undershaft will sell armaments to anyone who wishes to buy and will arrange for generous loans for those who cannot afford it .

  17. 经济宽裕的人通常住更大更豪华的房子。

    Better-off people usually live in bigger , mare luxurious homes .

  18. 作为一名大学生,玛丽手头不宽裕。

    As a college student , Mary is short of money .

  19. 我刚刚拿到工资,因此感到手头宽裕。

    I 've just been paid so I 'm feeling flush .

  20. 萨米比赛获胜后觉得很宽裕。

    Sammy has feeling flush after a win at the races .

  21. 我们并不富有,但生活还较宽裕。

    We 're not rich but we 're fairly comfortable .

  22. 她宁愿留在太太这里,纵然是处在这种不宽裕的情形下。

    She would have stayed with Madame , even in narrow circumstances .

  23. 他们日子宽裕的很,不需要更多的食物。

    They need no more provisions , having enough and to spare .

  24. 手头宽裕的旅行者都热衷于街头小吃。

    Budget travelers are all guilty of eating street food .

  25. 新法律会使家庭经济宽裕一些。

    Families wil be better off under the new law .

  26. 她的境遇很宽裕,用过去的标准衡量甚至算得上很富有。

    She was comfortable , even wealthy by old standards .

  27. 因为这两个人的手头相当宽裕,所以有些人就觉得他们这样做很过分。

    As they are reasonably well-off , some thought it an outrage .

  28. 自从我有了新的工作,生活就比较宽裕了。

    Since I got my new job I 've been better off .

  29. 这些日子她手头很宽裕。

    She 's doing very nicely for herself these days .

  30. 听说你最近手头不宽裕。

    A : I heard you don 't have much money these days .