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jù jí
  • gather;accumulation;collect;cluster;concentration;assemble;congregate;agglomeration;converge;flock;clump;round-up
聚集 [jù jí]
  • [gather;assemble;collect] 集合

  • 机场上聚集着数千人

聚集[jù jí]
  1. 冬季时大群大群的海鸥会聚集在垃圾场和排污口。

    During the winter months , great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls .

  2. 随着激进分子的聚集,人们担心抗议活动可能会再次失去控制。

    As the militants gather , there is concern that the protest might again run out of control

  3. 孩子们聚集在房间的角落里。

    The children clustered together in the corner of the room .

  4. 成群的鸟聚集在湖边。

    Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake .

  5. 人群开始聚集在大使馆的前面。

    A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy .

  6. 球迷聚集在体育场外等着看最后的决赛。

    Fans gathered outside the stadium for the final showdown .

  7. 全家人聚集在雷的家中。

    The whole family gathered together at Ray 's home .

  8. 在撞车地点聚集了一大群围观者。

    A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the crash .

  9. 年轻人傍晚时经常聚集在大广场上。

    Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings .

  10. 现场聚集了数以千计的人争相目睹她的风采。

    People flocked in their thousands to see her .

  11. 一群激动的人聚集在她周围。

    An excited crowd of people gathered around her .

  12. 他们重新聚集兵力,再次发动进攻。

    They regrouped their forces and renewed the attack .

  13. 一小群人聚集在教堂的外面。

    A small crowd had gathered outside the church .

  14. 成群结队的人聚集在特拉法尔加广场周围。

    Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square .

  15. 聚集的人群共计一千多人。

    The crowd numbered more than a thousand .

  16. 孩子们聚集在老师周围。

    The children grouped themselves around their teacher .

  17. 经理已聚集了一个世界一流的班子。

    The manager has assembled a world-class team .

  18. 他的支持者聚集在主广场上。

    His supporters gathered in the main square .

  19. 一群人聚集在工厂的大门口。

    A crowd gathered at the factory gates .

  20. 警方估计聚集的人有3万。

    Police estimate the crowd at 30 000 .

  21. 兄弟教会成员定期聚集祈祷。

    The Brethren meet regularly for prayer .

  22. 聚集的人群有5000人。

    The crowd was 5 000 strong .

  23. 他向聚集在那里的民众布道。

    He preached to the assembled multitude .

  24. 示威者聚集在大使馆的外面。

    Demonstrators had massed outside the embassy .

  25. 抗议者大量聚集。

    The protesters turned out in strength .

  26. 暴风雨乌云正在聚集。

    The storm clouds were gathering .

  27. 人们三五成群地到处聚集着。

    People stood around in huddles .

  28. 一大群人聚集在一起。

    A great crowd had gathered .

  29. 摄影师聚集在外面。

    Photographers were crowding around outside .

  30. 很快就聚集起了一群人。

    A crowd soon gathered .