首页 / 词典 / good


ài xī
  • cherish;be sparing of;spare;treasure;value;prize
爱惜 [ài xī]
  • [be sparing of;spare;treasure;cherish] 重视而不糟蹋

爱惜[ài xī]
  1. 我们还是要爱惜我们的每一样东西。

    We still have to value the things that we have .

  2. 人们不知爱惜时光。

    Many people do not know the value of time .

  3. 爱惜你的键盘,这样就可以使用很多年。

    Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years .

  4. 房子先前的主人非常爱惜这房子。

    The previous owners had cherished the house .

  5. 我会加倍爱惜它的。

    I 'll take great care of it

  6. 他爱惜这件东西胜过其他一切。

    He prized it beyond everything else .

  7. 干洗和水洗协会(Drycleaning&LaundryInstitute)纺织品测试主管洛兰・缪尔(LorraineMuir)说,其中一个选择就是少穿、穿它的时候要爱惜点儿——因为一件衣服你穿得越多,它就越容易起球。

    One option is to wear it sparingly -- because the more a garment is worn , the more likely it is to pill , says Lorraine Muir , director of textile testing at the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute .

  8. 我姐姐对她的车爱惜的要命。

    My sister is crazy when it comes to her car .

  9. 爱惜她尊重她,安慰她保护着她

    Love her , respect her , comfort her and protect her

  10. 孩子们不爱惜他们的玩具。

    Eg : The children are very rough with their toys .

  11. 摩登时代:学会爱惜电脑及其他设备

    Modern times : learn to cherish the computer and other instruments

  12. 因为我决不爱惜你所憎恨的。

    For I must ne'er love him whom thou dost hate .

  13. 请爱惜学校设施及维护校园整洁。

    Please cherish our school utilities and keep our campus clean .

  14. 军官应爱惜士兵的生命。

    An officer is responsible for the lives of his men .

  15. 他非常爱惜他的摩托车。

    He treats that tootorbike of his like a god .

  16. 很多家伙确实很爱惜他们的车。

    A lot of guys really care about their cars .

  17. 把自我看得太重要,反会忘了爱惜自己。

    Self importance only makes one forget to love oneself .

  18. 我很爱惜我这条命.提利昂.提利昂.

    I like living . Tyrion . Tyrion . Tyrion .

  19. 可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。

    It is obvious that the monks cherish the virtues of food .

  20. 他明白了所有的生物都爱惜自己的生命。

    He learned that all living creatures love their lives .

  21. 请爱惜使用本校水电力资源,共同响应节能减碳运动。

    Please conserve water and electricity resources at all time .

  22. 我们有些人要爱惜名誉。

    Some of us actually got reps to think about .

  23. 他的孩子很不爱惜玩具。

    Eg. his children are very rough with their toys .

  24. 我要他们好好的爱惜自己的身体。

    I want them good care of their health .

  25. 所有的衣服都被爱惜的穿过和缝补过。

    All the clothing is well used and mended .

  26. 没有人不爱惜他的生命,很多人却不珍爱他的生命。

    Everybody loves his own life , yet few of them cherish it .

  27. 如果你爱惜生命,你就会懂得安全的重要性。

    If you love life , you will know the importance of safety .

  28. 他们见花就摘,毫不爱惜。

    They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see .

  29. 他非常爱惜那台旧电脑。

    He is deeply attached to the old computer .

  30. 我家孩子也是不爱惜家具。

    Our children are hard on furniture , too .