
ài yīnɡ yī yuàn
  • Baby-Friendly Hospital
  1. 实施爱婴医院行动中规定的成功母乳喂养十步骤,包括

    Implementation of the Ten Steps to successful breastfeeding specified in the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative , including

  2. 可将爱婴医院倡议和世卫组织/联合国儿童基金会《母乳喂养咨询:培训课程》纳入应急准备计划。

    The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative and the WHO / UNICEF Breastfeeding Counselling : A training course may be included in emergency preparedness plans .

  3. PDCA循环法在创建爱婴医院管理工作中的应用

    Application of PDCA circulation in administration of baby-care unit establishment

  4. KAIZEN策略在爱婴医院创建管理中的应用

    Application of KAIZEN Tactic in Building and Administering Baby Friendly Hospital

  5. 苏格兰爱婴医院创建条例对母乳喂养率的影响

    The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and breast feeding rates in Scotland

  6. 加强爱婴医院文化建设促进母乳喂养

    Strengthen cultural construction of baby friendly hospital and promote breast feeding

  7. 爱婴医院消毒效果监测分析与评价

    Monitoring and evaluation of disinfecting effect in Baby Friendly Hospital

  8. 爱婴医院院后婴儿喂养方式影响因素的多因素分析

    Analysis of effect factors of breast feeding during four months after discharge

  9. 运用管理机制争创爱婴医院

    Applying administration mechanism for promotion of establishment of baby & care unit

  10. 爱婴医院产科整体护理初探

    Holistic Nursing Care in Obstetric Department of Baby-cherish Hospital

  11. 创建爱婴医院与产科儿科制度改革

    Establishing BFH and reforming of obstetrics and paediatrics system

  12. 爱婴医院院内外影响母乳喂养的多因素分析

    Manifold factors influencing breast-feeding in and out of baby-friendly

  13. 目的分析爱婴医院各科室空气消毒存在问题及寻求解决方式。

    Objective To investigate the problems of air disinfecting and seek the resolving method .

  14. 中国创建爱婴医院活动得到了联合国儿童基金会、世界卫生组织的高度评价。

    These efforts have won for China the high opinion of the UNICEF and WHO .

  15. 爱婴医院实施的早吸吮、母婴同室提高了婴儿的母乳喂养率。

    The carter breast-feeding and the rooming-in for mother and her infant carryed out in the hospital raised breast feeding rate .

  16. 爱婴医院的文化氛围与爱婴医院的建立和发展密切相关。

    The cultural atmosphere in baby friendly hospitals is closely related with the setting up and development of the baby friendly hospital .

  17. 为搞好爱婴医院文化建设与管理,促进母乳喂养,本文对近几年发展起来的爱婴医院文化的构成、功能、特征和今后发展的标准进行了讨论。

    The author discussed the cultual constitute , functions , characteristics and the future development standards in baby friendly hospitals in this paper .

  18. 加强孕产期保健,提倡住院分娩和母乳喂养。苏格兰爱婴医院创建条例对母乳喂养率的影响

    Pregnant and prenatal care should be improved , and hospitalized delivery and breast-feeding encouraged . The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and breast feeding rates in Scotland

  19. 以创建爱婴医院为切入点,全市36家有产科的二级以上医疗保健机构均通过国家级评估,成为爱婴医院,同时创建爱婴医院活动向乡镇发展,为创建爱婴市奠定了坚实的基础;

    In the course of establishing friendly baby city , about 36 level 2 or higher medical health organs in which there was obstetrical department passed the national level evaluation of friendly baby hospital .

  20. 我们在广州市2所爱婴医院追踪调查221例4个月婴儿的母乳喂养情况,结暴发现:产妇出院后母乳喂养率呈逐月下降趋势。

    The breast-feeding situation of 221 cases of 4 mouth infants have been investigated in two baby friendly hospitales of Guangzhou . The results shown that the pure breast-feeding rate was gradually declined after discharge .