
  • 网络bifidus factor;oligo;Bifidogenic Factor;bifidusfactor, BF
  1. Reissig等人的方法对母乳中双歧因子进行了定性定量测定,并对不同时期母乳中双歧因子含量进行了比较,该法加样回收率为100.40%,RSD1.1%

    The quantity of bifidus factor in human milk during different periods was compared . The rate of recovery in the sample is 100 . 4 % , RSD 1 . 1 % .

  2. 羔羊胃粘膜提取物中双歧因子生物活性检验

    Biological Activity of Bifidus Factor in the Extracts from Animal Gastric Mu-cosa

  3. 利用农副产品研制新型高效的双歧因子

    Research on the Latest Efficient Bifidus Growth Factors by Farm Subproducts

  4. 追究其原因是人工喂养食品中缺乏本菌生长所必需的物质&双歧因子。

    The cause seems to be lack of bifidus factor in artificial feeding .

  5. 双歧因子对双歧杆菌增殖的影响

    Propagation Affects of Bifid Factor ( Weiweile ) to the Growth of Bifidobacterium

  6. 功能性双歧因子钙奶复合冰淇淋的开发研制

    The development of functional ice-cream with calcium and milk

  7. 母乳中双歧因子的研究

    Study on Bifidus Factor in Human Milk

  8. 双歧因子人工蜂粮保健食品及抑瘤作用研究

    Study on the health food containing artificial bee bread and bifidus factor and its inhibiting effect

  9. 添加大豆糖蜜作为双歧因子,在双歧酸奶中的应用具有一定的可行性。

    It is feasible to add soybean molasses as bifidobacterium factors in the application of certain bifidobacterium yogurt .

  10. 本文介绍了多种从猪胃粘蛋白及胡萝卜中提取双歧因子的方法。

    This report introduced the methods of extracting bifidus factor ( BF ) from pig gastric mucin and carrot .

  11. 以甲鱼、鹿鞭、狗鞭、牛鞭为主要原料,枸杞子、人参、鹿茸、蜂蜜以及双歧因子为辅料;经酶解发酵生产得壮酒。

    Vigor liqueur was produced with soft-shelled turtle , deer ′ s penes , dog ′ s penes and pizzle as main essentials coupled with Chinese wolfberry , ginseng , hairy deerhorn , honey and divergent factors as auxilliary materials through enzymolysis and fermentation .

  12. 大豆低聚糖除能提高种子的耐脱水性,还是重要的双歧功能因子之一,具有对人体有益的生理功能,是一种很有发展前景的功能性食品。

    Soy oligos could improve the desiccation-tolerance of soybean seed . The bifidus factor in soy oligosaccharides is beneficial for human physiological function and will be more popular as soy food .

  13. 双歧杆菌生长因子的研究

    The Study of Growth Factors of Bifidus Bacteria

  14. 证明胃粘膜提取物中含有促进双歧杆菌生长因子。

    It showed that extracts from animal gastric mucosa have bifidus factor which promote the growth and propagation of bifidobacteria .

  15. 在其它培养条件完全相同的情况下,以脱脂鲜牛奶为基础培养液,分别添加9种不同的促双歧杆菌生长因子进行比较试验。

    A comparative trial on Bifidobacterium was made that used skimmed milk as a basic substrate by adding different growth-stimulated substances and other cultural conditions were completely in the same .

  16. 结论SPC和SPH都是有效的双歧杆菌促增殖因子,SPH促增殖效果优于SPC。

    Conclusion Both SPC and SPH are the effective proliferative factors for bifidobacteria . SPH is superior to SPC.

  17. 是人体肠道内双歧杆菌的增殖因子,能促进有益菌群在肠道中的繁殖。

    It 's bifidobacteria growth enhancing factor in intestine of human body , which can enhance the growth of intestine bacteria .

  18. 介绍了双歧酸奶与双歧因子酸奶的定义及功能,并对它们存在的问题及解决方法进行了说明。

    The definitions and functions of bifidus yogurt and bifidus promoter yogurt are given , and the problems and solutions to them explained .

  19. 简要总结双歧酸奶和双歧因子酸奶的差异,特别是检测方法的重要性。

    A brief Summary is given of the persity of bifidus yogurt and bifidus promoter yogurt with particular reference to the importance of possible test methods .

  20. 双歧杆菌及寡糖类双歧因子研究

    Researching of Bifidobacterium and Bifidus - Factors

  21. 通过体外严格厌氧培养技术,比较葡萄糖、木糖和定向酶解植物半纤维素制备的低聚木糖三种碳源增殖青春双歧杆菌的效果,检测了该低聚木糖的双歧因子作用。

    In this paper , the effects of three carbon sources , namely , xylose and xylo - oligosaccharides , on the enzymatic selective hydrolysis of plant hemicelluloses , by the anaerobic culture of bifidobacterium adolescentis in vitro , and the abilit to promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria were examined .