
  • 网络KWANZA
  1. 在北宽扎、本戈、马兰热和罗安达等省继续观察到下降趋势。

    The trend to decline continues to be observed in the provinces of Kwanza Norte , Bengo , Malange , and Luanda .

  2. 你想要买到什么圣诞节兼光明节兼宽扎节的礼物呢?

    What are you hoping to get for Christmahanakwanzika ?

  3. 宽扎节既是喜庆的时刻,又是学习的机会。

    Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy .

  4. 而一些非裔美国人则庆祝另一个节日宽扎节。

    And some black Americans observe another holiday , kwanzaa .

  5. 宽扎节从12月26日开始,持续七天。

    It begins December 26 and lasts for seven days .

  6. 愿您的家庭在宽扎文化节人丁兴旺

    May your home be full of family at Kwanzaa

  7. 非裔美国人历史悠久,文化丰富,但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。

    Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African America .

  8. 他等的是圣诞节吗,是宽扎节吗

    Was it Christmas ? Was it Kwanzaa ?

  9. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。

    But Kwanzaa is a young holiday .

  10. 宽扎在斯瓦西里语中是指“最先收获中的果实”。

    Kwanzaa is a KiSwahili word meaning " the first fruits of the harvest . "

  11. 我们也应该挂上圣诞灯,犹太光明节的烛台,以及宽扎节的…

    We should put up some Christmas lights , a menorah for Chanukah , and for Kwanzaa ...

  12. 病例已在威热、罗安达、卡宾达、马兰热和北宽扎省查明。

    Cases have been identified in Uige , Luanda , Cabinda , Malange , and Kuanza Norte provinces .

  13. 选择这样的日期为的是宽扎节在圣诞节后的那一天开始到元旦结束。

    The dates were chosen so that Kwanzaa begins one day after Christmas and ends on New Year 's Day .

  14. 注意传统习惯:事先调查清楚你要寄商务贺卡的人是喜欢过圣诞节,光明节还是宽扎节。

    Be Sensitive to Traditions : Find out whether your business greeting card recipients observe Christmas , Hanukah , or Kwanzaa .

  15. 这样,庆祝宽扎节的人们就可以完全抛开圣诞节的一切商业活动,尽情受节日的欢乐。

    This way , people who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas .

  16. 宽扎节是一个文化节日。期间非裔美国人举行庆典,反思他们承自美国和非洲两个世界的丰富文化遗产。

    Kwanzaa is a cultural festival during which African-Americans celebrate and reflect upon their rich heritage as the products of two worlds .

  17. 卡格博士是如此的嗜好非洲的节特甚至于他用这些写出了宽扎文明节七个章程。

    Dr Karenga liked the characteristics of the African festivals so much that he used them to write the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa .

  18. 该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。

    The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda , Kwanza-Sul , Luanda , Namibe , Benguela and Zaire .

  19. 在宽扎节的最后一天,亲戚朋友欢聚一堂,饱餐一顿,庆祝新年。

    On the last day of Kwanzaa , family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year .

  20. 建此节日的人从非洲使用最广的语言之一斯瓦希里语中选用了表示初收果实的词宽扎。

    The people who created Kwanzaa used the word for " first fruit " in Swahili , one of the largest languages in Africa .

  21. 宽扎节建立在七项原则之上:团结、自主、合作、责任、合作经济、目标、创造性和信仰。

    Kwanzaa is based on seven principles which are unity , self-determination , collective work and responsibility , cooperative economics , purpose , creativity and faith .

  22. 宽扎文化节诞生于1966年,当时,毛拉。卡伦格博士创建了一个新的节日以便美国黑人能够庆祝他们的历史和文化。

    Kwanzaa was born in1966 , when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African-Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture .

  23. 宽扎节每日通常在晚餐之前,亲友齐聚桌旁,会有人点亮蜡烛,从黑色蜡烛开始。

    Each day of Kwanzaa , usually before the evening meal , family and friends gather around the table and someone lights a candle , beginning with the black .

  24. 由于宽扎文化节是一个既娱乐又学习的时间,所以,人们常常每天点着蜡烛讨论宽扎文化节的原则,以此来庆祝这个节日。

    Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy , people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa .

  25. 东非语言斯瓦西里语选作宽扎节的官方语言,是因为它不是部落语言,大部分非洲人都会说。

    The East African language of KiSwahili was chosen as the official language of Kwanzaa because it is a non-tribal language , spoken by a large portion of the African population .

  26. 过年、圣诞节,斋月节、宽扎文明节以及其他的一些节假让我们加倍了解自身,让我们记住我们来自何处,并且还让我们联合分享对付他美的景仰。

    The Spring Festival , Christmas , Ramadan , Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are , remember where we come from , and share our hopes for a happy future .

  27. 在这些病例中,50%发生在罗安达省(病死率1%),25%发生在本格拉省(病死率7%),10%发生在马兰热省(病死率6%)和北宽扎省(病死率5%)。

    Of these cases , 50 % have occurred in Luanda province ( CFR1 % ), 25 % in Benguela province ( CFR7 % ), 10 % in Malanje ( CFR6 % ) and Kuanza Norte ( CFR5 % ) provinces .

  28. 宽扎节1966年由大学教授,美国黑人领袖卡林加博士创立。他相信一个特殊的节日有助于非裔美国人构筑强大的家族,学习他们的历史并建立团结精神。

    Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by Dr. Karenga , a college professor and African-American leader , who believed that a special holiday could help African-Americans meet their goals of building strong families , learning about their history , and creating a sense of unity .