
  • 网络economic security;financial security
  1. 传统生活方式提供了经济保障,满足了精神需求。

    Traditional ways of life provided economic security and spiritual fulfilment .

  2. 我们的养老金和长期经济保障要依靠他们。

    Our pensions and long-term economic security depend on them .

  3. 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。

    Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other 's likes , dislikes , habits , schedule , health , personality , moods , job stresses , financial security , family , and situation .

  4. 自我成长、自我实现、尊严取向和人际关系方面与专业承诺呈显著正相关(P0.001),而经济保障和远离工作焦虑与专业留驻意愿呈负相关(P0.05)。

    Analysis of the data showed that the work values of individual growth and development , self-respect orientation and interpersonal relationship were significant positive associated with professional commitment ( P0.001 ); Organizational economy security and avoiding job stress were significant negative associated with the retention willingness ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 适应社会主义市场经济保障教学科研器材供应

    Adaptation socialist market economy , safeguard teaching scientific research material supply

  6. 开发区循环经济保障体系探讨

    Discussion on security system of circular economy in development area

  7. 计划生育对家庭养老的经济保障能力的影响,是通过当时的经济状况而实现的。

    The influence of family planning is based on the economic condition .

  8. 国际社会实现持久和平,共同繁荣任重而道远。互利合作、共同繁荣,是维护和平的经济保障。

    Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace .

  9. 给员工提供经济保障也是保证员工忠诚度的秘诀。

    To provide economic assurance for staff is also vital to keep staff 's loyalty .

  10. 关于农村老年人经济保障问题的思考

    A Reflection on Problem of the Rural Aged Security in China Economic Security for the Rural Aged

  11. 高校教师激励因素主要是经济保障、职业发展和环境因素。

    The main incentive factors to college teachers are economic security , professional development and environmental factors .

  12. 四是采取有效的经济保障措施,建立矿山生态环境恢复治理保证金制度。

    Adopting effective economic guarantee measures , building earnest system for restoring and harnessing of mine ecological environment .

  13. 农村计划生育三结合工作促进养老经济保障研究&以四川省农村计划生育三结合工作调查为例

    Study on Promoting Economic Security for the Aged by " Three Combinations " of Family Planning in Rural

  14. 我们已经习惯了一个拥有高度社会和经济保障的社会,这非常好。

    We have become used to a society with very high protections , and that is very good .

  15. 对女人而言,婚姻不再是获得经济保障和成为父母亲的必经之路。

    Women no longer view matrimony as a necessary station on the road to financial security or parenthood .

  16. 寿险公司是兼具经济保障功能和金融服务功能的重要金融机构。

    Life insurance companies are important financial institutions that own both economic security features and the financial services .

  17. 大量经费的投入,为教育改革提供了有利的经济保障;

    Fourthly , the large amount of investment provided the economic guarantee for the undergoing of the educational reform .

  18. 政府还开始为工人实行老年经济保障措施。

    Moreover , the government began to provide workers with a measure of economic security in their old age .

  19. 养老保险制度是大多数国家老年保障的基本形式,它为老年人退休后的基本生活提供了经济保障。

    Old-age insurance system is the basic form to ensure the living standard of old-age people in most countries .

  20. 保险需求是指在特定的时期内社会组织和个人对保险经济保障的需求量。

    Insurance demand is a specific period of time , social organizations and individuals to economic security of insurance demand .

  21. 那时候,邦辰“很高兴”能获得这个工作机会以及随之而来的经济保障。

    At the time , she was " so happy " for the opportunity and financial security that came with it .

  22. 居民对卫生服务利用的主要障碍是住院服务得不到经济保障。

    The main problem to utilize health services by the local residents is that they cannot afford to get inpatient care .

  23. 简言之,更高的学历对于中低收入的美国人而言是条喜讯,这能提升他们的薪资水平,加强他们的经济保障。

    In short , more education would be great news for middle and lower-income Americans , increasing their pay and economic security .

  24. 这样做不仅为公司节省了你的调迁费用,还向公司证明了你的经济保障能力。

    It would not only save the company money on your relocating costs , but also shows that you are financially secure .

  25. 许多女性承认,由于较高水平的经济保障可以为孩子创造更好的生活,她们认为年长的男性更可靠。

    Many women reported finding the greater financial security of older men reassuring because it represents a better life for their children .

  26. 后者关心的是人身安全和经济保障,对坚持特定价值观的种族或宗教群体持怀疑态度。

    The latter are concerned about personal and economic security , and are suspicious of ethnic or religious groups that assert distinctive values .

  27. 但是由于保险经济保障活动的特殊性,保险公司具有与一般企业所不同的特征。

    But there is a decided difference between an insurance company and a common corporation because of the particularities of economic security in insurance .

  28. 也许是出于担心孩子未来的经济保障,在整个人类文化中父亲主要侧重于为孩子参与社会竞争作好准备。

    Perhaps out of worry for their kids " future financial security , dads across human cultures mostly focus on preparing children to compete within society .

  29. 这些成果构成了经济保障型住宅的设计要点,最后在论文总结中提出了一套可供参考的设计方法。

    These results constitute the type of financial security in residential design elements , and finally concluded in the paper presented a design method for reference .

  30. 而且国内的一些地区也在经济保障、生活照顾、精神文化和健康医疗等方面进行了政策实践与创新,为政策优化提供了可资借鉴的实践案例。

    Moreover , some areas in China is taking a lot of policy practice and creation on economic security , life care , spirit culture and medical care .